Chapter 16

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Alanna Eivers has always been an alluring woman – a head turner.

Her looks were only the tip of the iceberg. Her mystery was really what drew me in. She was a brick wall with a neon yellow warning sign. And I respect that.

If not for her eyes.

She was a woman of few words. But her eyes spoke a thousand – compelling yet almost always subdued.

I never spoke of this to my friends though. I wasn't certain they'd understand. Even in my own head it sounded ridiculous. But last night I knew these notions to be accurate.

Each time I pushed her, I saw a storm within her, visible through her orbs. I could tell she guarded her emotions heavily and just like I told her, I wanted her to let go, even only once. I knew I managed to disarm her a few times. But as rewarding as it was to watch her caught off guard, it wasn't an easy feat.

Because I was playing with fire.

I don't even know how I was able to come out unscathed last night. But I did suffer for it – fucking hell, I can't remember a time I've been hard almost all night.

She was so sex.

Sexy! I meant sexy dammit!

I couldn't even recall much of the concert. When I think of it, all I could see is her perky bum swaying in that tiny skirt of hers, right in front of me. But when the first notes of 'Fix you' played, I was broken out from my trance. A lot of songs come to mind when I think of her. But at that moment, as my heart hammered in my chest an epiphany struck me, I knew I needed to sing it to her.

I wanted to.

And then the dance. I'm actually surprised she didn't hear the pounding in my ribcage. It was such sweet torture to have her so near me, her scent assaulting my senses. And damn how I wanted to slip my hand inside her skirt.

I wonder if she was wet.

I groaned. Beneath the sheets, I felt my shaft awakening once again.

I couldn't comprehend how I managed to stand my guard those moments her supple lips brushed mine. Each stroke a straight shot of electricity to my groin. I want her yes, and I want her to want me too.

There's no mistaking that she does. She wasn't an easy one to read, that's for sure. But I'm a man and not an innocent one, I could easily recognize the heat behind her calculated greys when she looks at me

I just hope it will be enough drive for her to leave Brian. I don't know him well enough, but I've a feeling he's one of the main reasons she seems very reserved.

An image of her standing in her living room arose, she was smiling and laughing so carefree. I've never seen her that way before and I was the one who caused that. Maybe that was a sign that we could be good together.

The tip of my ears warmed. Dammit, I'm acting like a twelve year old.

After Slide finished playing on my phone, I closed Spotify and set my alarm. Could she have figured out the meaning behind my post?

Excitement coursed my veins.

It was just a few days ago that I told Lauren I was just having a bit of fun. Back then I already doubted that was true. I sighed looking up at the ceiling.

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