Potential Unleashed

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I AM BACK. So, if you guys were wanting Kakavege, it would possibly start here. And this is kinda a filler chapter, but it will have one major event coming up soon in this chapter or later. Just read the damned thing.

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or Super. I own nothing but the plot.
Goku's body did not handle well after what just happened. After they reformed back from water into their normal state, MUI immediately switched out to Goku, who was still kind of shaken up from what and how Vegeta spoke to him.

"MUI? What did you do?" Goku asked, his body still aching from the stunt MUI did.

I forgot this was still your body, and not mine because that was the simplest method of teleportation without anyone figuring out your ki. Its called vapor travel. You basically turn into water vapor and travel as fast as you can, though you can vary your speed." MUI explained.

"Ow! But why did you have to do it? My body completely hurts!" Goku whined, and silently unfused MUI out. MUI summoned a piece of paper and told him to touch it. When Goku did, at first, nothing happened, but the paper was split into 6 segments. The paper became wet, turned to ashes, turned to pebbles, glowed white and dark, and was finally blown away by the wind.

"Gott sei Dank können Sie alle 6 Elemente tun. Obwohl Sie nun Zugriff auf alle 6 Elemente haben, bedeutet dies nicht, dass Sie gut sind. Sie müssen also Ihre Kräfte ständig trainieren und trainieren. Betrachten Sie es als einen eigenen Zweig der Mächte.(Thank god you are able to do all 6 elements. Now even though you have access to all 6 elements, it does not mean you are good, so you have to constantly train your powers as well as training. Think of it as a separate branch to powers.)" MUI explained.

Goku listened but was confused as hell. "What?" He said blankly and made MUI facepalm.

He shook his head and sighed. "God fucking dammit Goku. You know what fine, I'll explain everything to you as we train." MUI said, finally giving up on his innocence. They both made a stance and started training.

Vegeta and the Z fighters, on the other hand, was looking for Goku and the 'invisible enemy', but it was basically impossible, even with Whis' help. Vegeta thought Kakarot. You are an absolute idiot. But no matter what, I must find you, and get you back in top shape. He honestly felt sorry for Goku, after getting a good fight, and yet still getting scolded by the person he calls a wife. What the hell?! Why am I thinking of this, and why the hell am I getting soft towards him?! Never mind, it will go away soon if I start training again.

Vegeta and the Z fighters continued looking for Goku, but it was futile, as his ki was completely masked out, so masked out that even a trace of ki couldn't be felt anywhere. They all gave up for now, and Vegeta continued training, hoping for those raw emotions will go away and not overcome him.

Goku felt much happier and free when he started training with MUI and all his forms. After a long day of sparring, Goku sure had improved, and with the help of his forms, he mastered his current transformations, and they gave him tips on what to do and what not to do in that form. But when they were done, the sun had already set, so MUI and all Goku's forms went to the treehouse and slept.
--------------A week later-------------
Within a week, many things had happened. Goku became slightly stronger, after gaining full mastery and control over his first 10 forms, he moved on to Omni Super Saiyan but was unable to transform however he tried. MUI was almost helpless as he didn't know what would trigger his emotion. But one thing is for sure, he sure got a long way to go.

Emotionally, he was still recovering from Chichi's divorce and Vegeta's actions toward him. Thanks to his forms, he got updated on the people whom he put on his top priority, which was: Vegeta, Goten, and Gohan. During his training, his thoughts would wander from how to do a technique to 'I wonder what Vegeta is doing' or 'I hope Vegeta's alright'. He came to terms with himself that he loves Vegeta, whether he likes it or not, and would do anything to protect him and his sons.

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