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Okay. Some of you hate this part, but you're going to have to read this in order to understand the shortened version because I'm pretty lazy as well when it comes to typing the forms name. You'll get used to it. I'll also list out the powers for both of them, and

Super Saiyan 1 (SS) , Super Saiyan 2 (SS2), Super Saiyan 3 (SS3), Super Saiyan 4 (SS4) , Super Saiyan God (SSG) , Super Saiyan Blue 1 (SSB), Blue 2 (SSB2), Blue 3 (SSB3), Blue 4 (SSB4), Super Saiyan Blue Evolution 1 (SSBE) , Blue Evolution 2 (SSBE2), Blue Evolution 3 (SSBE3) , Blue Evolution 4 (SSBE4) , Mastered Ultra Instinct (MUI

Omni Super Saiyan 1 (Omni), Omni Super Saiyan 2 (Omni 2), Omni Super Saiyan 3 (Omni 3) , Omni Super Saiyan 4 (Omni 4), Royal Omni Super Saiyan 1 (Royal Omni), Royal Omni Super Saiyan 2 (Royal Omni 2) , Royal Omni Super Saiyan 3 (Royal Omni 3), Royal Omni Super Saiyan 4 (Royal Omni 4), Super Saiyan Mint 1 (SSM), Super Saiyan Mint 2 (SSM2), Super Saiyan Mint 3 (SSM3), Super Saiyan Mint 4 (SSM4), Legendary Super Saiyan (LSS) , Super Saiyan Silver 1 (SSS), Super Saiyan Silver 2 (SSS2), Super Saiyan Silver 3 (SSS3), Super Saiyan Silver 4 (SSS4), Super Saiyan Indigo 1 (SSI), Super Saiyan Indigo 2 (SSI2), Super Saiyan Indigo 3 (SSI3), Super Saiyan Indigo 4 (SSI4), Incomplete Infinite Instinct (III), Half Complete Infinite Instinct (HCII) and Complete Infinite Instinct (CII)

For the Soul Boost technique, it amplifies reaction time and speed and multiplies it with the form's current power even with multipliers. Though the downside of this is that it can only be applied with the first form of each group. 

Soul Boost Super Saiyan (SBSS), Soul Boost God (SBG), Soul Boost Blue (SBB), Soul Boost Blue Evolution (SBBE), Soul Boost Omni (SBO) , Soul Boost Royal Omni (SBRO) , Soul Boost Mint (SBM), Soul Boost Legendary Super Saiyan (SBLSS), Soul Boost Silver (SBS), Soul Boost Indigo (SBI) , and Soul Boost Infinite Instinct (SBII).

That's all. The ones in bold is the shortened version of what I'm going to call them.

Peace and see ya in the next chapter!

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