Chapter 3

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Ring. Ring. My phone suddenly went off. I mindlessly grab it from underneath my pillow. I press the green button without looking at the caller ID.

"Joe's whorehouse. We do strange things for a little change." I mumbled into the phone. I'm still trying to wake up. Half of me regrets picking up the phone and the other half really regrets it when I realize who called me.

"Oouu, I got a crisp twenty in my wallet. What can I get for that?" Maxson playfully questions.

Maxson King. An asshole with an ego the size of Texas. Star football player, smart as hell, sarcastic but funny, and sexy as hell. Caught up? Good.

For some reason King will not leave me alone. You'd think that he'd get the hint with me ignoring him all the time. But noooo. This boy is persistent. When Mrs. Dan, bless her heart, sent me to fetch King I almost told her no right away. I'd rather have detention than to give him an opportunity to talk to me. Hell, I already had detention because of his pea brain friend. Speaking of which, if that's how Dean picked up girls I'm surprised his nose isn't broken all the time. But back to Maxson, I just didn't want to be his friend and he won't accept that. I know I sound stuck up but that's far from the case. I don't only not want to be his friend. I don't want to be anyone's. I just want to get through high school and move on with my life. No attachments once so ever. The closer you get to people the easier it is to get hurt. And I have enough pain in my life to deal with.

"Why are you calling me at," I pulled the phone away from my ear looking at the time, "ten o'clock in the morning. Why the hell are you calling me, on a Saturday, at ten o'clock in the morning?"I repeated annoyed.

"Awe babe, you sound mad at me. Hold up ima bout to FaceTime you. That way you can see how much you wound me babe,"  I quickly answer his FaceTime call so he can get a good look at my glare. We stare at another for a minute before he finally says something, "Ahh, I see. Maybe I should just text you." He concluded. He lightly bit his lip, while running a free hand through his curly hair.

Here's the thing about King. He's like the living,walking, breathing personification of sex. His lips are full and pink, kissable if you will. His hair long, curly and black as ink. He usually keeps it in a loose bun but today his thick curls fell to his shoulders. His grayish-blue eyes stood out incredibly against his long black eyelashes. His smile is perfect and gives off a boyish charm due to his dimples. His voice deep and low. And don't get me started on his body. He was definitely muscular but not 'steroids are the new wave' muscular. He's like Michael B Jordan type muscular, when he played in Black Panther. Maybe a little leaner. See. He's dangerous in multiple ways and he knows it. But thankfully his ego is a turn off for me. And that's a good thing. My life is hell enough without involving a love interest into it.

"What do you want King?" I questioned clearly annoyed. To say I'm not a morning person is an understatement. It's bad enough I have to wake up at seven o'clock in the morning for school. My weekends were mine. Waking up before twelve on the weekends was forbidden in my book. I knew I shouldn't have given him my number.

"I wanted to take you to breakfast. My treat." I perked up at the sound of that. Food is life. Life is food. I know I don't look like it but I can eat.

"You should have lead with that first." I muttered. To that he raises an eyebrow. A small smirk played at his lips.

"I didn't even get a good morning. Instead I was greeted with a promise of strange things for a little change," He eyes gleamed at the mention of my odd greeting, "That reminds me. I still got this twenty."

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