[🌼] ᶤᶰ ʷʰᶤᶜʰ ʸᵒᵘ'ˡˡ ʰᵃᵗᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵃᵘᵗʰᵒʳ ᵃᵏᵃ ᵐᵉ

547 22 486

trigger warning : g-note !

The heels of Ryan's stilettos were noisily staged in Jared's office. The memories came back horribly, as once upon a time, Marina, their robot mother, led him and him siblings in this famous room; they just wanted to tell him good night before diving into the world of sleep. Jared had simply rejected them, claiming he was busy, without even giving them a single glance.

It was then that Ryan discovered the junkie that served him as a brother below the desk, searching only Geesus knows what.

- Ty? What are you doing?

Tyler considers Ryan before exclaiming:

- Ryan? It's you? Woah! Come give me a hug, young pornstar!

Totally smashed, Tyler leaned over to hug his brother, failing to fall on him.

- It's soooooo long! You're gonna sign me an autograph, huh? You're so known in the porn world, wow!

- Uh... Are you coming out of rehab?

Tyler recovers right away, trying to hide his bracelet under the handle of his pink boa.

- No no no! I do not do that stuff anymore, of course... I'm six hundred and sixty six percent clean. Drugs are so bad!

- Dude, the jetset life is gonna kill you.

- I'm okay! I promise.

This time it was Ryan's turn to study his brother's features. His pale face, his red caramel eyes and a large amount of eye-cover, his greasy hair dressed in his eternal red cap. Black T-shirt that showed his pink piercing, skinny jeans a little too tight. Ryan sighed. Indeed, Tyler had not changed.

Falling back against the chair and his feet on the desk, he put himself at ease; he's just talking about Jared, deeply bored of the other.

- Do you remember when we were young, our father took us to town to see a-

- Get out of this chair, interrupted Mister Forehead abruptly.

Tyler opened his eyes wide at the sight of his brother.

- Fuck, Brendon! You have become as big as your forehead! Tyler laughs stupidly, getting up from the seat at the week from. Well, I will not bother you any longer, I'll leave. You can talk to each other.

With that, Tyler fucking winked at them and get out of the room. Slamming the door behind him, he was smiling like crazy, he managed to steal some objects from his adoptive father...

Meanwhile, Brendon tried to make conversation to his lost love.

- Haha, Ty is still the same. He didn't changed.

- That's true. Did you see that idiot Pete?

- Yes, laughs Mr. Forehead. He's so emo. He's still abusing eyeliner, which I've seen.

Both men are smiling for no reason.

- Listen, Ryan... I think you're beautiful. I saw all your movies - well, uh, yeah. (i stgee dont make an asotm reference)

Ryan's eyes shone for a moment. He felt so fucking gay right now, he was emanating some big gay energy.

- Thank you... he replied shyly.

- And... Your husband with long legs, uhhh, Dallon, and Melanie? How are they? Brendon risked, looking away.

- Dallon asked for a divorce a few months ago... He had custody of Melanie. I thought about kidnapping her, but...

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