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140 9 80

The light (behind your eyes) came on suddenly as Andy had just entered his apartment, revealing Frank sitting on a black armchair, holding a bedside lamp.

- Whore ! You made me one of those fears! Andy whimpered, closing the door behind him.

- You should think about closing this goddamn door.

- I live on the second floor...

- Rapists can climb, hoisted Frank, adjusting his red tie.

Andy looked up at the casual punk look.

- You're so fuhkin crazy.

The super-emo sat nervously at the end of the chair which was quite far from his brother. He did not like proximity. He didn't like people in general, to be honest: he was such a repressed emo.

- All the best people are crazy.

Andy noticed the blood stain on Frank's shirt collar, ignoring him.

- Is that ... Is it blood? Do you have blood infections?

- How did you see it? Frank wondered, raising his eyebrows as perfect as him This shirt is as black as my soul.

- I see things that no one else sees.

A slight silence settled.

- Er... What are you doing here? Andy asked him, sinking nervously into his seat.

- I decided that you could be the only one I could trust. Finally, I'm not so sure, Frank hesitated like an alien while scratching his non-existent beard.

- Trust me.

- Lie to me?

- Wait- that's the other gay- i mean- guy... Er... stammered Andy, dazed.

Frank stared at his brother for a moment.

- Well, it's embarrassing... Um, could you give me a magic kiss on my toe? Like that, I'm going to be healed, Frank asked childishly. I bleed a lot...

- Hm... okay...

The dwarf removed his really emo black converse, where he had scribbled "I'll stop wearing black when they'll make a darker color", followed by a cloud of exclamation marks, and skulls that were emos as fuck.

When he took off his smelly black sock, Andy leaned in with slight disgust to kiss his own brother's foot. It was strange, but he was going to survive this - he had already put his mouth on him in other places (actually, the author wiggled eyebrows and giggled like a six-year-old when she wrote that).

- When I jumped back in time, I found myself in the future. The Future Violent. It was like a 'back to the future' remake. (He sighed, spreading his legs without any shame.) You know what I found, dude?

Woah. I just got dudezoned. Andy nodded negatively, continuing to drop butterfly kisses on Frank's black varnished toe.

- Nothing at all, lol. This is how the world disappears. The End. Of the fucking World is in eight days, hooman. And IDKhow to stop it. Wish we could turn back time... dropped like a bomb the super emo. Okay, do you have some eyeliner?

*war flashbacks, when Frank was a young boy (no, his father didn't take him into the city to see a marching band)*

"Destroya" resounded in low volume in the dining room of the Hargreeves, the latter seated at the table and having the meal. Fetus Brendon stamped on Fetus Ryan, giving him cheesy nods, and Fetus Tyler "discreetly" pulled his "magic pills" out of his boxers as black as his clothes. Fetus Mikey was holding his fork, and his unicorn tale book on the other hand, his poker face still covering his square face. The primadonna girl, Young Marina, stood aside, blissfully attending dinner. Suddenly, Fetus Frank brutally slammed his head against the table, bellowing:

- JARED HARGREEVES BROKE MY (he threw his head again on the black wood) HEART!

All his siblings, as well as Daddy Jaja and Mommy Mama, turned abruptly towards him, stunned.

- What the fuck is going on? Fetus Tyler exclaimed with panic!, who had almost choked on one of his pills.

- What do you want, kiddo? asked the Emo King taking a bite of his red and black hamburger (yes, even their food is emo!)

- Yo, asshole. I want to travel back in time. I can do it !

- Haha, I think the fuck not, Jared giggled, taking a sip from his blood-filled glass.

- Blood, blood, gallons on the stuff ... humming Fetus Tyler while looking for another pill hidden in his pants.

Fetus Frank jumped up, as furious, saddened and misunderstood as the MCRmy when MCR broke up (bitches they're back).

- Emo Five, you're not fuckin' ready. It's just not possible.

- Oh, I'm there baby! If MCR is back, then I can do it, hoe!

Dada Jaja sighed loudly; nothing could change Fetus Frank's mind, he knew it.

- Okay, get the fuck out. I have a hamburger to finish.

Fetus Andy - who was scratching his beard (yes, despite his thirteen years, Andy's beard had already grown!) - stared at his brother with an air of 'don't do that, you American idiot'.

Sadly, Frank was an American idiot.

He came home sixty nine years after being stuck in a scary future, more scary than an emo saying 'rawr! XD *nuzzles u* '...

A post apocalyptic world, filled with pastel flames, little hearts and unicorns, where no emo would want to live... (except me)

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