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91 6 26


"I survived with sixty-nine times nothing, Frank was ranting. Do you know the rumor that certain cakes never expire? continued the dwarf, taking a sip of his blood-filled glass. I can tell you this is bullshit! I almost joined the black parade from food poisoning more than once, I even had to eat a piece of my skin, once... What a shame-
- I can't imagine...
- Yes you can. You're not very big brain, uh?
- Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh... Andy quoted Destroya because he was such an emo shit.
- Stop moaning, that shit is weird, Frank said, giving him a deign look. "

Well that was rude.

"It is a fashion statement? asked the bearded man.
- No, it's a fucking deathwish. So. Do or die, that perfectly summarized my situation. If I had to practice self canibalism, it's because otherwise we will join the black parade. we have adapted. At every obstacle we encountered. We even had to suck dick for cocaine - even when we leave the city. Because we were thick brains.
- We ~?
- Will you please shut the fuck up? I'm trying to rant about my emo life and you keep interrupting me, said the tattooed kiddo roughly.
- You're really a goner ...
- Well. Wouldn't you have alcohol to mix it with blood? I really want to get drunk, so!"

Andy nodded silently, heading for the kitchen and the kitchen sink, followed by the dwarf who only wanted his sweet revenge on life.

As he drank his glass of whiskey-blood in one go, Andy stared at him with a sorry expression. Why would he believe everything Frank was talking about? after all, he had harassed Andy on his MySpace account, when they were young and doomed.

Revenge Frank surprised his brother watching him as if he were just a poor, insane dwarf. He felt like a misunderstood genius. Too bad if his brother thought he was crazy; crazy = genius!

"Haha.. you think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone?
- Well- it's just that-
- It was a rhetorical question. What exactly do you not understand?
- Well, why didn't you take a new leap in the past? You're not that big brain after all!
- You think I haven't thought about it? time travel is a poker game! the dwarf exclaimed hatefully. I wentz into an ass without finding the exit!"

Frank had the best metaphors, sure. When he was about to leave (not the city), his former sex-brother held him back. (save yourself I'll hold them back huehuehue)

"Wait you peasant! I haven't seen you in a long time and I don't want to lose you again. I'm no good without you ~ "

Franklin's black emo heart seemed to have been touched by Andy's quote as it touched gerard's prostate.

"Just sleep. So long and goodnight. "

Two peasants named Jamia and Awsten entered a gay motel, suitcase in hand, confidently. They were both dressed in a pastel pink parade jacket.

"Reservation to the names of Jaja and Awaw. " (their names I'm fuckin screaming)

The manager, Mrs Jackson, watched them for a short time, before handing them a pass to offer them one room for that night.

"These are the two emos. Room 669.
- Holy smokes..."

As complaints emerged from Jamia's cherry red lips, Mrs. Jackson explained to them, annoyed, that there was only one room reserved, then tossed their package on the counter. She was nasty.

The two Anti-Emos agents enter the room 669 as Ryan is gonna be entered by Brendon.

"It smells like dick here, Awsten complained.
- I rather think it smells like lemon, contradicts Jamia while taking out a gun strangely resembling that of the Killjoys from the box intended for them.
- Or like teen spirit."

The boy with the bluish hair like oceans put the suitcase in the shape of a sky-blue penis in a ventilation pipe which he had just opened.

"It's not the protocol, asshole.
- I!don't! care! about their protocol.
- Why do you want to play the anarchist? we're here and we're queer to obey them, eradicate emos, not to rebel!
- They say I'm an anarchist ~
- Oh, shut the fuck up. Thanks pete. "

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