Chapter 14

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Theo's POV

I didn't know what to do. How would I be able to find Jamie. She could be anywhere in the world at this point. My legs gave way underneath me, and I fell to the floor in shock. Then k did something I hadn't done in a long time. I cried.

Jamie's POV, four hours previous.

I walked to the bow of the ship. I had just taught the captain basic assassins moves. They were moves that were basically baby steps but were so difficult for the captain that I gave up after attempting to teach him for six hours. I looked fine on the outside, but on the inside, I was still filled with the crippling pain of missing Theo.

Then I had an idea. I grabbed a pencil and piece of paper, an empty beer bottle from last night's whisky battle, and one of the special technologies I still had left over from the brotherhood. Once coordinates were entered , the object would travel to that destination. "Jamie! Where are you? We need to carry on!" I heard Ashton yell. I had to be quick. If I wasn't, he'd find out I was talking to the rest of the world, accuse of desertion, and gave me shot. I stuffed it all into my clothes and ran back to Ashton, with glee on my face.

Two hours later.

To avoid any more questions, I ran straight to my room and began to write my letter. It was all wobbly because of the boat going up and down nonstop, but it was decent.

Dear Theo,
You may have been wondering where I have been, and knowing you, you may have found out. If not, i will tell you. I left for Havana and the boat I was on got hijacked by pirates. Don't worry, I'm fine, but I struck a deal with the pirates to keep me safe, and sound, I am a pirate now, and miss you lots, but I had no choice. Please don't be angry with me, just know that I will always have a special place in my heart for you.

I finished off the letter which was covered in tears and then stuffed it on the bottle and stuffed in the device too. I walked briskly up to the deck and stood against the railings. I kissed the bottle and threw it as far as I could. It sailed off into the horizon while I stood and watched it, my last ever contact with Theo.

Theo's POV

I got stopped in the middle of my crying by a clinking noise right next to me. I looked at my foot, where KT heir MD and here was a bottle there, with an Assassins tracker and a crumpled up note. I quickly uncorked it and grabbed the letter before reading it. My heart filled with a weird mixture of happiness, pride, anger, reassurance  sadness. Jamie was in Havana as a pirate! I couldn't tell the Master Assassin, he'd send for Jamie to be killed. I had to keep this to myself. I ran back to the castle. I would sneak out again tomorrow and start to make my way to Jamie. I would leave too if I couldn't see Jamie again.

Jamie's POV

After I finished looking at the bottle, I heard a bell clang loudly and saw everyone running o deck. "What's the bell for?" I asked a passing pirate. "New ship to steal form, Missy" he replied. The captain walked in front of us and explained the basic stuff to us. "Feel free to grab a weapon of your voice and take what you can! Let's go!" Ashton bellowed at the top of his lungs. All the pirates ran to grab a big gin, but I just quickly ran to my room and grabbed my hidden blade. I looked at myself in the mirror. Is this who I was now? A pirate who'll stop at nothing to get the jewels he wants. But a pirates life isn't too bad. It didn't mean I was a bad person. I told myself this aloud and then pulled my hood over my eyes, before running put to join the others in plundering.

The deck of the ship we were on was one a lot like the one I came on. There were terrified people, NAD some trying to be be brace. I ran at one of them, flicking my blade out just in case. "Give me all your valuables NOW" I yelled at this man. "I won't, now move away from me" he retaliated. "Gonna play like that?' I said , showing him my blade' why don't we try again. Give me all your valuables NOW!" He shook his head. I quickly stabbed him hard in the stomach, robbed the dead body and ran away. What had I just done? I'd just killed an innocent person! I was a monster! I was changing so much from the assassin I was. I felt like a coldblooded killer.

Hey everyone! So, what will happen next? Let me know what you think will happen, or what you think of the story, or if you want a small part. Just message me. Also tell me about Adriano and whether he should have his own story or not by the 25th (refer to previous update for more information) and I'll see you later!

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