Chapter 3

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"Hey kid, get up!" Theo whisper-yelled into my ear while shaking me. "I looked sleepily at my watch. "Its midnight Theo, go away!" I mumbled back. "I want to show you something, I think you're the only person who'd appreciate it though. Just throw this over your PJs" Theo replied, chucking me a old Assassins hoodie of his. I quickly put it on and began to follow Theo out of the castle.

"Do you think you can climb the wall?" Theo asked. I looked at the wall. There were several little grooves I could see I the wall. "To the top?" I asked "To the top" Theo answered. I didn't wait after he said that. I began bolting up the wall of the castle, all the way to the spire at the top. Theo was hot on my heels. "The room we're on top of is ours, which is lucky. I just want you to look to your left. The river, with the moonlight bouncing off it. It just looks so beautiful. I come up here most nights, for about an hour, and just sit and look and think about being an assassin. You have to be careful though. One wrong move and you'll set of the Templar alarms!" Theo said to me. I looked back down at the courtyard. It looked so nice, but suddenly, there was a moving blotch there. "Theo, someone's patrolling the courtyard! Move so we aren't seen!" I whispered so that I wasn't heard. "We can only go down and leave the castle, but we'd have to sleep rough" theo whispered back. "I've spent most of my life sleeping rough. I know a place we can stay" I replied. "OK. On the count of three, we jump down. Ready?" I nodded at Theo. "3,2,1, Jump!". I leaped off the wall, and somersaulted in the air into a hay cart. Theo landed in a large grass patch. "Are you OK?" I aked Theo. He nodded at me, and I started to lead the way to the park where I'd been sleeping that had my stuff in.

We walked through the town, back onto the path that I'd first met Theo on. The body was gone but you could still see the brownish-red mark where the pool of blood was. We walked through the town, so much more peacful now it was night-time. We arrived at the park, but the gates were shut. We made sure no-one was around, and hoisted ourselves up and over into the green park. I started to break out into a run to my tree. The tree was in an such a large leafed area it rarely rained on me. I climbed into my make-shift tree-house that I adapted from one already up there. It was fairly high up and had enough room for four adults to sleep. "We'll have to head back early in the morning, there's a time in the morning when food is bought into the castle, if we sneak onto the truck taking in the food, we can make it in without anyone knowing" Theo told me. "Its blooming freezing!" I said back. "Here, I had a feeling this might happen so I bought blankets" It was at this moment that I realised that Theo was wearing a backpack. "Its happened before, and its good to be prepared" Theo said. I propped my school bag under my head and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with the birds, and so did Theo. He looked at his watch. we've got the time to catch the truck. We'll get this stuff in the bad and go" Theo told me. We did exactly that and then climbed down the tree and started running towards the castle. We made it before the truck, because we saw it coming down the lane. "We have to time this exactly right. too early, we get caught by the Master Assassin and the food deliverer. Too late, and we'll be locked out and won't be able to get in, because I don't have access to be out" Theo said quietly. "No pressure then" I said. "Just wait until I say, then run and grab the back of the van and pull yourself in. When we're in the yard, I'll tell you when to let go" if anyone sees us, I'll say you couldn't sleep so I took you for a walk in the grounds" Theo continued. We waited patiently while the truck drew closer. It got to the gate and my heart started beating a million miles and hours, seemingly faster and faster every second until Theo said "Go!". I ran as fast as humanly possible onto the back of the truck and then pulled myself in again. " Theo put his finger to his lip to keep me quiet. " He pointed towards the exit and we jumped out the truck, and ran inside. We had done it! We walked into our room and closed the door. "We did it!" I semi-yelled. We crawled back into our beds for ten more minutes of sleep before the bell went off to wake up.

I was going to start physical training after breakfast. It was a parkour lesson that was going to take place out of grounds, so I needed a hoodie, which I was going to get off the tailor after breakfast. We walked down to the hall, me wearing a plain white jumper and Theo wearing his Assassins hoodie. We sat in some chair before the Master Assassin walked in. All assassins stood up, so I copied "we have to bow to him every morning, as a sign of respect and to show that we would not challenge him" Theo said. The Master Assassin said "Lottiamo come fraternità, insieme" and we all bowed. Our food was served to us and I turned to Theo and asked "What did the Master Assassin say". He didn't hear me, he was talking to another assassin. "He said 'We fight as a brotherhood, together'" said the woman sat next to me. "We haven't met yet. What's your name?" I asked "Ling, and you are Jamie?" She answered. I nodded, and we began talking until breakfast was over and I had to go and get my hoodie. I ran down to the tailors cellar, but I didn't talk to the tailor, becuase she freaked me out last time. I ran up to my room to dump my other hoodie and stood infront of the mirror to put my hoodie on. It was white, except from a small point on the hood that covered my eyes to everyone else, but I could still see. I felt like I looked like a true assassin.

I ran out to the court yard and the instructor started to walk us down the path I had ran down at about 5 that morning. We were on the lane where I met Theo and we got to the blood mark when the instructor stopped us. "Jamie, could you come here?" The instructor said. I reluctantly stepped forward and stood by the instructor. "Yesterday, this young girl got followed down to this path from her school by a Templar, we presume. Another assassin shot him through the head and saved this one, and got her to come into the order on this spot. Isn't that weird?" The instructor said. It wasn't loud enough for anyone else to hear us talk about Templars, but I started getting the familiar feeling that someone was following me again. It must have been fake "Right, Jamie, can you go down to that fountain, quick as you like. I started running down to the fountain and heard a yell of "Attack!" I turned around, and the assassins were gone. I was surrounded with men in black suits that has a red cross badge. They were Templars, and I was defenceless.


What's going to happen? You'll have to wait until Monday to find out, I'm afraid! If you do want a part in this story or you want to tell me what you think, feel free to comment or message me, I'm fine with it!

Part 9 of 'Adopted By My Saviours!' Will be up on Sunday! See ya then!!

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