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Name: Shouta Yoei

Nicknames: Shouta

Age: 18

Gender: Girl

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'4

Personality: Shy, Gentle, Anxious, Sincere, Sensitive, Bashful, Caring, Quiet, Helpful, Nice, Creative, Smart, Clingy, Emotional, Insecure, Jumpy, Sweet, Thoughtful, Well-mannered

Note: One of Y/n's new cabin mates and that one extremely shy, emotional person/sort of a 'little'.

•Needs a lot of emotional support and reassurance.
•Cries easily.
•Shouta has communication problems; studdering or repeating words, and walking problems; tripping and stumbling.
•She has panic disorder and anxiety.
•Shouta is very clingy to her boyfriend, due to anxiety and not possessiveness.
•Shouta has a fear of being touched without warning/permission.
•Mostly on mute.
•Shouta has PTSD, due to abuse from her cheating, acholic step-father. She will likely have episodes triggered by bullying, stress, being embarrassed, being touched, being scared, or memories of her step-father. Episodes will persist of screaming, crying, shaking, heavy breathing, nausea, mumbling, dizziness, hyperventilating, and/or fatigue.
•Hates running/sports, being watched, being yelled at, being in crowded spaces.
•Shouta has DPD.
•Shouta is soon to get married to her boyfriend.
•She can play the piano.
•Shouta loves animals, flowers, stuffies, sweets, cuddles, kisses, strawberry milk, drawing anime!
• Lack of self-awareness.
• Daydreams alot and loses grip of reality.
• Sort of a 'little One'; Thinks she always being annoying, scared to call/text first, scared of being away from her boyfriend, wants to ask questions, but scared, wants cuddles/kisses, but doesn't want to be needy, doesn't like cursing, sleeps with a stuffy.
• Hates taking pictures.

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