Chapter 4: Witches

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A/n: Drop them peaches poo!💟💕🍑🌸


Your POV

The game of manhunt had finished five minutes ago, Counselor Elma was taking role to make sure everyone was still here.

"Um, does anyone know where Shouta Yoei is?" She asked.

Everyone looked at each other then turned back and shook their  heads. Now that she mentioned it, i haven't seen Shouta in a while. Holly was comforting Mitsuki, who was about ready to run in the forest and find Shouta. "I knew i shouldn't have left her, i need to find her." Mitsuki said pacing the ground. "No Mitsuki, Counselor Elma will find her soon." Haru monotonely said. "No, i need to find her!" Mitsuki replied brushing his hair back, sweating nervously. He looked so scared. Holly pat his back in a soothing way, but it was no good. "I-... I have to!" Mitsuki panted, pushing Holly, before running off, into the woods.

"STOP!!" Holly yelled chasing after him with Haru not far behind her.

'OMG, where'd they go? Are they gonna be ok? Someone needs to make sure they're gonna be ok?' i hesitanted. 'FUCK IT!' I ran into the woods after them with Tsu behind me, in fear them being hurt or lost, leaving Akane and Akiko.

I had ran for a while and was kind of confused about where to go. I could find any trace of them.

"SHOUTAAAA!" i yelled, only to receive no answer.

Tsu sniffed around the ground for a moment then suddenly began barking. "What is it girl?" i asked running to their side. They began barking more then ran. I ran after them, suddenly hearing voices in a distance.

I followed the voices until i found them all.

Shouta was having an ENTIRE panic attack in Mitsuki's arms, crying, screaming, and shaking. Holly was comforting Shouta while Haru stood there emotionless besides them... And there stood... Ayasumi!

"WHAT THE HELL!?" i shouted running over to Shouta, letting out a pained cry. Everybody stood behind Ayasumi, who pointed her wooded "wand" thingy at these strangers, one of who looked familiar. She was the one Tsu had a fought, named Ash. Tsu ran over to Ayasumi's side and began barking loudly. "AYASUMI, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!"

"Len for the last time, we're a coven, not a cult." Ayasumi sighed a bit annoyed, ignoring me. The person named Len, hits a blunt and evily grins. "Awwwe, why can't we cut off her arms, legs, and head then stuff them with corn?" Len smirked. I gasped, shocked. "... Len, Mikahla, Ash... Stop," Ayasumi commanded sternly. "You wouldn't like me to tell the coven leaders, would you now?" she grinned. The one named Mikahla looked suprised then defeated before she grabbed Len's shoulder. "Let's ditch these basters." she said in a low voice. Len hit the blunt once more before throwing it on the ground and stepping on it. "... See ya soon." they turned and dissolved into the forest, leaving us baffled!...

I was shocked! My mouth hung so low, a fly could have flew in! This to much to take in, my mind couldn't function! I was flabbergasted!

Angel slowly turned to us and spoke, "They are the witches..."  everyone began yelling insults  demanding answers, but Baby ignored them. She walked over to Shouta, who was still having a panic attack, and held her arm up. "You might wanna put ice on that." she said bluntly. Shouta had a pentagram carved into her skin, blood dripping down. "What the fuck, Ayasumi. Why did they do that?! Those bitches hurt my wife!" Mitsuki yelled. Ayasumi didn't look phased, "Len, Mikahla, and Ash like to do crazy stuff like that, best if you avoid them." she responded. 'That's all you can say!?' i mentally screamed. "Tsu bite! Tsu bite!" Tsu chanted. "No." Haru hit their head. "No biting." i agreed. "It's best if you don't tell anyone." Angel said. "She had no right to do that." Haru clenched his fist. Ayasumi gently smiled at his sympathy for his friend."...I know, Haru... I know."

*A while lata*

"Stay." Akiko said disappearing into her cabin. After everything died down, we told Akiko and Akane everything, they both went COO COO and said they'd track the enemies down and lit their camp to flames. 'Real mature guys!'... We, Me, Holly, and Tsu, and Shouta had decided to patch up Shouta's wound, using the first aid kit Akiko had. We while we waited for her to return, we began chatting and suddenly started hearing arguing.

"Belittled big belly bitch!"

"Hoe i'll fuck you up! You not my moma!"


"And you don't tell me what to do!"

"Hoe, shut up. My phone battery last longer than your relationships!"

"Skank, i don't sugar coat shit! I'm not willy wonka!"

We walked in and there stood Akiko and a familiar red head going at it. 'Drama fiiiilled!' the red head saw us, rolled her eyes and climbed to the top of the bunk, ghousting us. "Always got your stink'n head up my ass." Akiko whispered to herself, rubbing her dimples. Holly sat Shouta on Akiko's bunk, earlier we had to fight Mitsuki off Shouta because he wasn't allowed to be in a girls cabin. Tsu sat her head on my lap after i sat down, and I patted her head as i watched Akiko patch Shouta up.

"We need to tell our counselors." Holly said. I sighed in frustration, "We c-can't, well n-not yet atleast." Shouta muttered out. "We'll have to soon." Akiko said pouring a liquid on Shouta wound causing her to wince and whimper in pain. "What the hell happened, Shouta? Did Ayasumi do this?" i asked. 'Could have Ayasumi betrayed us?!'i thought. "Shouta said those strangers carved this in her arms with a knife." Holly explained. 'Well it wasn't Ayasumi, so i guess we could trust her.' i thought. "Fucked up." i sighed. "We need to find their camp owners and sue their asses." Akiko rolled her eyes. We all nodded in agreement, before going into an awkward silence. 'Their camp has to be in the woods. It's where they went, Ayasumi said the camp site wasn't far. Maybe-'

"... I know where the camp is..." we all look up at the familiar girl's bunk.

Our attention focused on her. She faced us, visibly annoyed, and said, "I've been their before." Tsu gasped, "Witchies!?" they beamed. "How do you know?" i asked confused. "I've been there before dumbass! I just said that!" she rolled her eyes. "Where is it?" i asked. "It's in the woods." the female said in an uninterested tone. "WHERE in the wood?" i said a bit annoyed. She raised an eyebrow, "Why?" she groaned. It was obvious this girl wasn't going to get up the information that easily. "PPPLLEEEAAAASSE!" i begged. "We just wanna know, we just want answers to everything! Do they actually do real magic? Are they really witches?" Holly asked. The red head just shrugged, knowing, but not telling us. "We'll find it." Akiko whispered to me.

"Um,... W-what is your n-name?" Shouta studdered.

The reddy went quiet, "...Tsunami, but you can call me Red." she scoffed. "You're named from a global weather thingy." Holly teased and giggle. Red scrunched up her nose and threw up the middle finger. "I wasn't speaking to you blue bitch." she spat. Holly looked offended. Tsunami grabbed a nintendo like thingy and began playing. "We'll find it." i whisper-shouted to myself. 'I hope so.'

💟💕🍑🌸A/n: I want cake... I'm sad... Short chappy... 💟💕🍑🌸

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