Chapter 30- Life as we know it

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"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I drew!" A little girl with long platinum hair yelled.

"What is it sweety?" A woman asked with the same colored hair, as the young girl. Then suddenly someone came up behind the two, and picked up the little girl. Then spun her in the air.

"There you are Elsie!" A man said with a grin on his face.

"Jack, be careful with her. She's only three." She scolded him.

"Calm down Elsa, let the kid have some fun." He replied, then put her down.

"Mommy I drew a picture of us." Little Elsie said, then she pulled out a picture. "See this is you mommy, this is daddy, this is me, and that's Jackson." She said smiling.

"Sweety, last time I checked. My hair doesn't look like a porcupine's back." Jack said, Elsa gasped in suprise and hit him on his arm.

"Don't say that! I love your picture Elsie, we'll put it on the refigerator." Then she grabbed her picture and walked into the kichen, and hung it on the refigerator. "There, now everyone can see your beautiful picture Elsie." Elsie sent her mom a smile, then skipped back into her room.

"Hey mom, when are my friends getting here?" A boy asked.

"In just a moment Jackson, go to your room and wait. I'll call you here, when they're here." Elsa told him, and he nodded his head and walked back into his room.

"We're burning that picture." Jack suggested.

"No way your touching my daughters picture, just because of your hair." Elsa said. Then a white dog came barking into the room, and she picked him up.

"Your so cute, you know that Olaf?" Elsa said.

"But, but it's-."

"No but's, it's her picture." She said cutting him off, then continued playing with the dog. While Jack sulked in the corner.

>>Somwhere in a park..........

"Mira! Where are ye dears?!" A sertain red head yelled. "Oh what would've happened to me daughter and son?" She said exaggerating, then behind her she heard giggling.

"Mum! I'm right here!" A girl said with brown hair said, comming from behind the tree. The mother walked closer to her three year old daughter, and bent down to her level.

"Now Mira, tell your mum where your brother and father are. So I can beat the wee hell out of em', for leaving me with the dishes." She said, Mira smilied then grabbed her hand and led her deeper off the park trail.

"There hiding over there mum." Mira whispered. The mother walked over there carefully, not trying to draw any attention then she looked behind the tree to see him.

"Hiccup Haddoke! And Herbert! Stand up now." She yelled raiging. At that point, both of the boys stood up.

"Chill out Merida, we just went for some father and son time." Hiccup said.

"You wont be gettin' out this Hiccup, and you to Herbert! Mira was the only one who helped me with the dishes, and now both of ye are gonna pay." Merrida said. Then she grabbed the boys my their back collars, and started dragging them back to the apartment.

>>Somewhere in the woods............

"Goldie! Blondie! Get down here this instant!" A man was yelling. Up above high on a tree was his wife and kid swinging on a branch with their long hair.

"But daddy, I wanna swing!" The little girl complained.

"Yah Flynn, have a little fun! Come up here and join us!" The woman suggested.

"Punzie, you know I don't have long hair. How am I gonna get up there?" He asked.

"Pascal? Do you think Flynn should some up here?" Punzie said asking her green pet camelian. He looked down at the begging Flynn, then looked back at Punzie and shook it's head.

"You got to be kidding me! Pascal, I thought we were friends." Flynn said, pretending to be hurt.

"The great Pascel has spoken! Be gone peasant!" Goldie said to her father.

"What am I going to do with them?" Flynn asked himself aloud.

>>Somewhere in a hospital..........

"What do you wanna name him Anna?" A man asked her.

"Let's see, there are like sooo many names to choose from. I wonder which I'll pick. Maybe Vincent, no Carlos, no Arther! No," The woman said, then she gasped. "How about we name him, Kristoffer." She said.

"That's prefect, I'm just glad you finally picked a name for him." He took the baby out of her arms, and held it in his.

"You two just look so adorable together, Kristoff." Anna said.

"Well thank you Anna, I try." Kristoff said joking, making Anna laugh. "So when's Elsa's birthday?" He asked her.

"It's comming up in a few days, she's turning twenty-six." Anna awnsered.

"Wow, I just can't believe we're twenty-three." He said astonished.

"Don't say that number! That makes me feel old!" She scolded him.

"Thats not old, thirty is old."

"Okay, maybe your right."

A/N: So gies, did you like this chapter? I skipped a few years tho, because this book is almost finished. So the kids are:

Elsie and Jackson- Elsa and Jack's kids

Mira and Herbert- Merida and Hiccup's kids

Goldie- Punzie and Flynn's kid

And new born Kristoffer- Anna and Kristoff's kid

I'm once again sad that another one of my books is comming to an end, but there's nothing I can do about it. All books do eventually have to come to an end. And it's been such a bumpy road, and I couldn't even have done it without all your gies support in this book! Thank you gies!

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