Chapter Eight

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Lance's PoV:

I left the restroom with several questions. The first and most important question was, why the fuck did Allura or Coran or Hunk never tell me that there were smaller hand sanitizers? The second and almost as important question was, why did nobody tell Pidge how to change her IV? They taught her how to do her feeding tube and all, but not her IV? If she had been alone, I shuddered at the thought of Pidge trying to do her IV, if she had been alone she could have really hurt herself.

I check my watch, 4 AM, the only places that would be open were things like gas stations and McDonald's. Not only did we lack any reason to go to these places, we both wanted to spend this day doing the things we wanted to do and savoring every moment. We walked around the city silently for about 20 minutes, until we unconsciously ended up at the small park near the center. It was filled with beautiful flowers and trees and the best thing was that we were alone, nobody else to dim the beauty. "Yanno, every single time I've been here with my family or friends there was barely any room to walk. It really made this place less sacred." Pidge said quietly. I looked at her quizzically. "You don't know the legend? Supposedly there was this massive space war or something, it lasted almost 10,000 years. Then, these five warriors showed up and basically saved everyone. This park is where those warriors started the beginning of the end of the war."

"How come nobody talks about this?" I asked.

"Well, most don't know what happened, it was a real big government secret. And if someone does know what happened, they'll think it was in Texas or something from the pictures, what they showed was this desert wasteland, but it was taken years ago and grass grows." She smiled wistfully, like she was remembering what happened. "It also happened, like, 70 years ago."

"How did you find out about it? Did you just Pidge your way into the Garrison's database?" She smirked and rolled her eyes, as if saying Yes, of course I hacked my way into a highly secure website.

"Yeah, just type Garrison backwards into the search bar, the username and password are username and password in Pig Latin. I was surprised at how easy it was." She said.

"Wow, I never thought pigeons could be smart."

I deserved that slap, I won't deny it. We kept walking through the park, hand in hand, watching the sun slowly rise.

-Time/Scene Skip: At the Museum (also still Lance's PoV)-

There was security everywhere. Outside the building and at every door, and each one eyed us closely as we sauntered around. Especially at the security checkpoint in front. They had to take us to a different room off to the side so each and every one of our machines and bags could be checked. We even had to call Allura so she could vouch for us. Even so, when they were inspecting Pidge's medicine line, she nearly passed out from the lack of the drugs. Thankfully, Allura managed to sweet talk the officer and they let us in, where Pidge nearly passed out again from her excitement. And I'll admit, so did I. The place was beautiful, even if it was swarming with screaming school groups. I looked around and found Pidge across the crowded atrium looking up at the massive IGF-Atlas. Compared to its size, she looked smaller than a grain of rice. I walked up to her, leaning against the railing, "This was one of the first exhibits they put in here, but when it was over, the ship was so big the transportation crew couldn't get it out, so they just left it here." I read from the information table in front of me.

"What they didn't say was that it was the key to winning that war that I told you about as well." Replied Pidge, quietly, as if she didn't want anybody but me to hear, as if she was telling me a secret.

"Damn." I whistled, "Ready to go to another exhibit? All this galactic war stuff is giving me goosebumps." She nodded and we walked out of the atrium.

We ended up buying tickets to the next planetarium show in 20 minutes.

-In The Planetarium Space-

"Welcome," soothed a female voice, "to the Galaxy Garrison's daily planetarium exhibit: Lost to the Stars!" Then, in a quieter, faster voice, "Please note that the images may be filled with vomit-inducing goodness! Enjoy!" Interesting.

Then the room exploded with the stars.

Pidge's PoV:

I understand what the lady said when she mentioned the vomit-inducing goodness. The screens around us were so high definition and fast moving I began to feel nauseous, even though I couldn't throw up. The room was just so goddamn beautiful though. I glanced over to Lance, I could practically see the wonder dancing in his eyes. He had mentioned wanted to go to space a few weeks ago but it was such an off hand comment I didn't think he was serious. This proved me wrong.

The voice from before continued to talk about the stars that were flashing across the screen as well as life beyond what we knew about on Earth, I knew most of this but it still fascinated me. Several seconds later the stars began to slow down and eventually stopped, showing a blue and green planet, similar looking to Earth. "This is the furthest point that the Galaxy Garrison has explored, although we plan to travel farther, this is our stopping point for now, the planet on the screen now is known to us as Arus, it's very similar to Earth and has almost the exact same life-giving properties." My jaw fell open, this is the same planet from the stories, but does that mean that they are lying about the exploration part? The soldiers from the stories traveled trillions of lightyears away from this point, so why aren't they telling us the truth? The lady then spoke again, "You may now walk around the room for further examination of Arus, or you may also leave. The bathrooms are right outside the doors to your left." As we stood up, nearly half of the audience ran out the doors, their faces a sickly green.

Lance laughed and grabbed his bag, "Come on, we've already seen this stuff. I want to go see some more of town anyway." I nodded and we left the room, weaving our way through the crowds of children and parents. Miraculously finding ourselves outside the building.

Hey! Sorry for the short chapter! I just wanted to get this one out for you guys after the lack of posting. I'm also thinking (I kind of said this last chapter) about doing a small Q/A? Maybe?(IF I KNOW YOU PERSONALLY DO NOT ASK ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE) I dunno, comment your questions and I'll answer them (if there even is any) in the next chapter along with the continuation of the fic.

Also, have any of y'all (IF I KNOW YOU PERSONALLY DO NOT ANSWER THIS EITHER) watch BNHA?  If you do, what's your favorite character? Why?

K bi!


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