The Court

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~ The Royal Family ~

AEGON TARGARYEN, Sixth of His Name, King of the Andals, Roars and First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, secretly raised by his uncle Eddard Stark, named Jon Snow before the revelation of his origin. Known as Winterfell Bastard, Lord Snow, the White Wolf, King of the North, now Aegon VI, still called Jon by his inner circle. Married to Daenerys Targaryen, his aunt, Queen and Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms with him.

A forty-year-old man, serious, austere and honorable, with the appearance of the Starks. His dragon, Rhaegal, was killed in the war against the Others. He flies on Drogon when needed.

DAENERYS TARGARYEN, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, Roars and First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, Khaleesi of the Great Sea of Grass, called the Stormborn, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons and Breaker of Chains. She sits on an obsidian throne beside her husband and governs with equal power the Seven Kingdoms. At thirty-nine, her Valyrian beauty still impresses those who see her. Flies constantly on Drogon.

RHAEGAR TARGARYEN, Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, about to officially become Dragonstone Prince. A youngster of seventeen, charismatic and disconcerting Valyrian beauty, with his platinum hair and vivid violet eyes. Always walks accompanied by Blackfire, his sinister black giant wolf. Fly in Stormfire, a young and agile copper-colored dragon. Lyanna's Twin Brother.

LYANNA TARGARYEN, Princess of the Seven Kingdoms, about to officially become Princess of Summerhall. A smart and young girl of seventeen-year-old, with long wavy black hair, like her father's, and with eyes predominantly gray, bursting with Valyrian lilac. She owns a giant wolf with white hair and violet eyes. She flies in Khaleeth, a beautiful olive-scale dragon. Rhaegar Targaryen's twin sister.

~ The Little Council of Aegon VI and Daenerys I ~

TYRION LANNISTER - Hand of the King, Lord Protector of the Western Lands. Married to Elena Westerling. Jaime Lannister and Diana Lannister's father.

SAMWELL TARLY - Master of the Coin, Meadowland Protector. Married to Gilly Tarly. Father of Sam, Jon, Dickon and Aemon Tarly.



SHIP MASTER - Davos Seaworth, already aged; his son Jonas, in preparation for taking his place.

MASTER OF WHISPERS - Arya Stark, Lady of Storm's End, married to Gendry Baratheon. Mother of Nymeria and Visenya.

MASTER OF LAWS - Daemon Celtigar

~ Protective Lords of the Territories and their families ~


Sansa Stark and Brandon Karstark. Children: Eddard Stark (9 years), Robb Stark (8 years), Brandon Stark (6 years), Rickon Stark (4 years), pregnant with their fifth son or daugther.


Harrold Arryn and Gena Royce. Children: Jason Arryn (19) and Arianna Arryn (20).


Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey. Children: Arthur Tully (18 years).


Gendry Baratheon and Arya Stark. Daughters: Nymeria (7 years), Visenya (6 years)


Tyrion Lannister and Elena Westerling. Children: Diana Lannister (16 years) and Jaime Lannister (12 years)


Samwell Tarly and Gilly Tarly. Children: Sam, Jon, Dickon, Aemon.


Khal Haggo and his Khaleesi Mirra

~ The youth of the Court ~

SAM TARLY - 22 years old, best friend of Prince Rhaegar. Called Little Sam.

JON TARLY - 18, young buck and disinterested in anything but women, parties and drinks.

DICKON TARLY - 17 years, King's squire, enchanted by cavalry.

AEMON TARLY - 16 years old, a shy young man given to reading.

JAIME LANNISTER - 12 years old, squire and shadow of Prince Rhaegar.

SARAH MANDERLY - 16 years old, Princess Lyanna's maid.

JANE ROSBY - 18 years old, Princess Lyanna's maid. Her closest friend.

MELISSA REDWYNE - 17 years old, Princess Lyanna's maid

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