Chapter 16: Between

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Mist swirled when I tried to get closer to the laughing child and the woods disappeared. In its place stood buildings.

A village.

A small child slowly walked down the beaten road, a stick clutched in his hand dragging behind him.


The child turned his head, it was mini Merlin!

Except he was older, a few years maybe. His face was scrunched up as he looked towards the voice.

"Get over here boy!" A man yelled at the mini Merlin. He had grey hair and his wrinkled face was scrunched in displeasure; a walking staff was clutched in his bony hand.

I looked again at the mini-Merlin.

He was frantically shaking his head. His dark hair whipped in front of his face and his fist was clenched around the stick that seemed so much smaller compared to the large staff of the man.

The man's face twisted and he took a step forward, my shout of warning got caught in my throat as the mini-Merlin was already twisting, running.

Must began to swirl but not before I saw what happened next.

As the mans staff swung out and hit the child's legs, knocking him down.

I heard mini-Merlin cry out as he hit the ground and the last thing I saw was the mans disgusted expression as he loomed over him.

As his foot raised.

A woman screamed and the mist swept it all away.


The castle was quiet.

The King and knights were all on edge ever since "the Incident" as they had taken to calling it.

Gwaine had ridden out 2 days ago and hadn't yet come back.

Everyone knew he was trying to find Merlin.

The kitchen staff bustled around but the air was different, somber. There were those like Sophie the cook who were happy to condemn the cheery servant. Most, however, thought very differently about Merlin.

Merlin is my best friend. He's been with me through everything. He was there when my father was killed, when Morgana left, whenever Arthur was being a complete arse.

I'll admit, the magic was a surprise. I knew of the dangers and I would be the first to admit that I was hesitant of it.

But I wasn't "hesitant" of Merlin.

Merlin was the type of person who always had a cheery word for those feeling down and was always willing to help out even when he was bone-tired and exhausted.

I wish he'd told me, and yes, I was mad. I was angry that he didn't trust me.

And I was scared.

Morgana left, did Merlin decide to leave too?


That's ridiculous. Even the thought was abhorrent. I've been talking to Gaius and while he wasn't able to tell me everything he was able to tell me enough.

Arthur was a complete Prat.

He was no longer the man I fell in love with.

It's only been a week and he's already colder, harsher.

And don't even get me started on Elyan.

That insufferable brother of mine has got it in is head that he was protecting me from Merlin.


I wave to the kitchen staff as I grab the food set aside for the Court Physician. The walls all blurred together as I walked the familiar path to Gaius' chambers. Now that Merlin was gone he had no one to help him.

Not many people realize this but Merlin was-is Gaius' apprentice.

Merlin and I would always stay up late into night, just talking. People forget how intelligent he really is. His wit and knowledge always astound me every time we talk.

Then he'd go and say something completely ridiculous and strange and ruin it.

But then again, maybe that was a defense, to keep people from realizing, from getting too close.

The wooden door brushed various plants hanging from the ceiling as I opened the door to the empty chambers.

Oh Merlin.

What are we going to do without you?

Authors Note: A new chapter! What? I want to begin by apologizing for the long wait and I wanted to assure you that I am going to try really hard to get updates done a lot more and with shorter waiting periods. This chapter is more of a filler and we will learn more about what's going on in Camelot in the next chapter. Thank you for all the reviews and likes!!! It really means a lot that you all like my story. If any of you also read my other stories I finally have plans to begin updating those again as well. Until next time (Which I promise wont be too long)! :~)

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