Chapter 1: Discovery

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Ava Carlson opened the closet that her grandmother had always kept full of toys and games for her and her brother Tanner. Every time they came to visit there was always something new or interesting waiting for them to discover. Ava closed the door back too tired to begin going through the toys. It had been a long day moving furniture around and deciphering what she wanted to use or store in the attic. It had been six months since Grammy Rose had passed but her spirit was alive in every single book and Knick knack in her rambling old Victorian home. Ava was given the house in her grandmother's will and all her worldly possessions. 22 years old and she was suddenly a home owner. Her grandmother had lived in this house her whole life. It was always cozy even though it was enormous. Grammy Rose made it feel homey and you never left feeling unloved. Ava and Tanner had spent every summer here playing in the backyard, climbing the giant oaks, swinging on the old swing or running through the halls. At the age of 14 and poor Tanner the age of 12 their parents had died in a 10 car pile up one icy night. They had no choice but to join Grammy Rose permanently. Their father had a brother but he was a bachelor businessman living in Paris, France. Their mother only had her mother, Rose. No one else was close. There was a rumor of distant cousins here and there but no one who kept in touch. Ava adored her grandmother and her philosophy of life. Everything good in her life had mostly come from Rose Steinmarch. She grieved for so long after the passing of her parents and only made it through because her grandmother was there to pick up the pieces and put them together again. Tanner would stay too when he was back from college, but for now it was just Ava, the dog and the cat. Her grandmother had allowed them to have a German Shepard when Ava was still in high school. Stella was a great companion, now six years old. The old fluffy white cat was a cat that arrived as a small kitten one thanksgiving three years ago. She was barely weened when she showed up on the doorstep and Grammy Rose took her in and named her fudge. Ava had asked why fudge and Grammy Rose said because she likes white fudge. The name was never questioned again and it stuck. Stella and Fudge were the best of friends and always went everywhere Grammy Rose went in the house. At first when she passed it was hard to get the two to leave her room. They both laid on Grammy Rose's big plush throw rug in front of her fireplace in her bedroom for two days. Ava had to coax them out with food. They then cuddled Ava and grieved right alongside her.
Ava pulled on her grandmothers gray cardigan sweater. It smelled of jasmine and lilac. Two things Grammy Rose loved. She buried her nose in the fabric inhaling the scent. Tears stung at the corners of her eyes threatening to flee. "I miss you." Ava whispered aloud. Although tears began to slide down her cheeks the warmth of the old cardigan brought a smile to Ava's face. The sweater was a reminder of warm hugs in a sunny kitchen and comforting cuddles on a Saturday night in front of the television as she and her grandmother watched old movies. Those days had passed and were now very dear memories. In many ways her grandmother was a confidant, a best friend, a mother, an observer, a wise woman and a matriarch. She held their tiny family together. Ava and Tanner were taught morals and values. She did everything in kindness while at the same time being firm.
There was a chill in the house today even with the afternoon autumn sunshine streaming through the old windows. Ava made her way to the kitchen to put on a kettle of water for tea. English breakfast tea was her grandmother's absolute favorite. Ava went about preparing the tea. She pulled one of the many elaborate tea cups from the cabinet. She sat the cup on its matching saucer. There were still some of Grammy Rose's homemade ginger snaps in the cookie jar from the last batch she would ever make. Ava had lovingly baked them from a batch that had been made and placed in the freezer. Another tear betrayed Ava as she bit into the soft cookie. Ava turned the oven off as the kettle released a shrill whistle. She poured her tea and sat down at the kitchen table. Stella and Fudge looked at her expectantly. "Alright you two but just a little." She broke a ginger snap in half, giving them each half a cookie. Even the cat ate some. "Eat up girls. I'm not sure I can make these the way Grammy did. Well you two I suppose I should go back to that closet and at least look through the games and toys. Maybe I can organize it all and put the stuff we won't use in the attic. Tanner or I can pass it all down to our kids if either of us ever has any. I could at least start on it anyway."
Ava brought her tea to the living room where the game closet was. She opened the closet door after bringing over four large empty boxes. She labeled two of the boxes "Toys" and two boxes "Games". She felt her second wind fully take hold as she stepped up on the step ladder to reach the top shelf of the closet. She pulled down building blocks and a jump rope. Plastic farm animals and little trucks were next. Ava had forgotten how many treasures lined the shelves of the closet. There was an old duffel bag full of dress up costumes. There were all the old favorites and many more that she had never heard of. Almost every Friday night was family game night. Her grandmother loved going to garage sales and finding board games that Ava and Tanner had never even seen. Ava got down to the last few things in the closet and spotted the red bag from the last time Grammy Rose had gone game hunting. There was a German version of Candy Land, four decks of beautifully printed cards and a strange looking game titled, Fool's Paradise. Ava placed the cards and candy land in the box. She picked up Fool's Paradise and turned the box over in her hands. Players 1-12. "How bizarre." She exclaimed.
"Welcome all to the game where nothing is as it seems. Let the Master of Illusions be your guide. He will dazzle you with his reality defying feats of fantasy. Can you pass the test? Only time will tell."
Ava giggled as she finished reading the description. The picture on the box showed an upturned black top hat with a sapphire ribbon accompanied by gray leather gloves. She wondered if it was some sort of magician style game or card tricks. Ava pulled on the lid. It lifted up with some suction as if it had never been opened before. Inside the simple cardboard box was lined with silver crushed velvet. An antique looking hourglass and a leather bound book with the same top hat and gloves carved into the leather lay inside. The contents seemed much nicer than the box that contained them. Ava sat the box on the wooden coffee table and picked up the leather bound book. She ran her fingers over the name of the game that was carved above the top hat symbol. The gray leather was as soft as Corinthian leather. The pages were edged in gold and the craftsmanship was nothing short of exquisite. The cardboard lid still had the$1.00 price tag on it from the garage sale it was found at. The book made a cracking sound as though it was being opened for the very first time. The pages were thick. There was no copyright stamp or company name anywhere on the box or in the front of the book. A short excerpt was written after the title page.

"Be it pleasure or be it pain, remember dear heart 'tis but a game."

                              -Necros, Master of Illusions

Ava wrinkled her nose in confusion. "What an odd thing to print in the game guide." She turned the page to find the rules.

The Rules of the Game:
Rule 1: There is only one master.
Rule 2: You will only receive one wish.
Rule 3: You May take the place of a friend, but the game ends and your wish is forfeit.
Rule 4: You must complete all challenges before the allotted time given, is up.
Rule 5: The master is always right.

Ava turned the page. She felt the confusion seeping in as she read on. The game seemed old and strange. On the next page a beautifully beguiling man was drawn. He smiled on the page as though he were staring right at her. He was dressed in a fanciful manner. He wore a crooked smile and a top hat. Ava felt a chill run down her spine. She read the page and felt unnerved at what it said.
Welcome Ava, dear little lamb. So you have decided to play with me after all these months. I welcome you to heaven and hell and all that's in between. I am your savior or your most terrible of fears. Defeat the challenges placed before you and I shall grant you one wish of your choosing.

Ava dropped the book back into the box and closed the lid. She reached a shaky hand toward the lid of the box. The grandfather clock in the dining room chimed loudly causing her to jump. "How in the world could my name possibly be in that book. It makes no sense." Ava looked around in fear. She wished her brother would jump out and yell surprise. The house instead was very still. She felt as though she was not alone, almost like she was being watched. She rubbed her arms feeling chilled by the coolness in the room. Stella and Fudge had left the room at some point and were no longer nearby. Ava finished putting away everything and sealed the boxes loosely. She left Fool's paradise on the coffee table. Ava spent the rest of the evening until ten taking boxes to the attic. She was waiting to put the games away since she wanted to turn one of the extra rooms into a game room. Ava wanted to create a room that would reflect the memories of all the wonderful times her brother and her had shared with their beloved grandmother. She was thinking of using a sunny corner room across the hall from her grandmother's sewing and crafting room. She wanted to frame some vintage posters of old games and hang them between the shelves in the room. She also had found an old table that was round in the attic that would be perfect for gaming at. Her brother would love it for when he played tabletop RPG's  with his friends. She planned on placing all of her brother's RPG books and dice on the shelves in the room as well. Ava sighed. She felt exhausted. The stress and reality of it all settled in her mind. She missed Grammy Rose so much. What she wouldn't give to curl up next to her on the couch to watch an old movie. Ava closed the windows and locked them. She double checked the doors and turned to go up the stairs. Ava arrived at her room on the third floor. She took a long hot bath and then crawled in to bed in her favorite fuzzy pajamas. Ava petted Fudge as she curled up on her left side. Stella jumped up on the right. She gave Stella's ears a long scratch. As Ava rolled to lay on her right side, Fudge crept in between Ava and Stella cuddling them both. The room fell silent except for Fudge's purr of contentment. Ava drifted to sleep easily with the soft plush mattress beneath her and the warmth radiating from the animals. Dreams came and went but underneath it all was the sense of trepidation from before.

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