Chapter 6: Paradise Found

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Rose woke with a start. She sat up and looked about the room. It was clearly late afternoon. Allison's bed was still empty. There was no sign of her having been in the room since the officers had ripped her from Rose's grasp. She got out of bed and dressed quickly. She went to the door and opened it. Mary Hazel, one of the younger nuns was passing near by. "Ma'am where is Allison? Is she alright?" The nun told her to talk with Sister Mary Katherine. Rose immediately ran down the hall toward the offices of the convent. She found Mary Katherine easily. "Ah, Rose you are dressed. Get your shoes. I am taking you to the hospital to see the baby. If you promise to control yourself you may see Allison." The nun had a grim and strict expression on her face. Rose ran and did as she was told. They left for the hospital. She felt on the edge of her seat the whole way. It was the longest car ride she had ever been on in her life. Mary Katherine allowed her to visit Allison's room first.  She informed her that she had one hour. She was instructed to meet her in the cafeteria when she was finished. Rose walked briskly toward Allison's room feeling that the hallway was entirely too long of a walk from the nurse's station. She paused outside of room number 324. She knocked gently. Without waiting for an answer she burst into the room to see a saddening sight. Allison lay in the bed looking small and defeated. The brilliant light that normally was in her eyes seemed faded. Bruises riddled her face and arms. She had her left arm in a cast. Most likely it was the result of the final kick from Mary Esther. Rose's beautiful and vibrant Allison lay broken and lost in the hospital bed before her. Allison's eyes were closed. Rose approached slowly. Allison's eyelids fluttered. "I smelled your lavender and honey scent before you ever walked through the door." Allison turned her head to the side and winced as she put her bruised and swollen temple on the pillow so she could see Rose's face. Rose rushed forward kissing Allison's lips softly. She held her face in her hands. Tears stung at the corners of her eyes threatening to run down Allison's cheeks. Rose lingered hovering over Allison's lips, their breath mingling as they momentarily breathed as one. "I love you Allison, please don't ever leave me again." Rose whispered. "What a silly thought. Why would I ever leave the love of my life? Hey no more tears. I get to come back home tomorrow." The two young women hugged. Rose sat in the chair beside the bed. The two talked about everything but the reason why they were sitting together in a hospital room. The hour passed far too quickly for Rose's taste. She left after a long and wanting kiss. She rushed to the cafeteria where she found Mary Katherine waiting patiently. She walked Rose to the nursery where the daughter she had yet to glimpse lay sleeping in her crib. "She will be ready to either go home with you or taken to the orphanage in two weeks. You need to make a decision soon so arrangements can be made. This wee on almost lost her life but she is a fighter indeed." Rose stared at the baby afraid to turn away. She was the most beautiful thing she had ever had the privilege of viewing. "I will be bringing her home in two weeks. She is my daughter. No matter where she came from, I am meant to be her mother." The nun stared at Rose for a moment a small smile forming on her lips. "You will be moved into one of the two bedroom houses at the back of the convent's property for the next year. We are also going to have to either make Allison leave or give her the chance to become a nun herself. You two seem to be very close friends. She is welcome to stay in your home if she chooses a different path. It is a decision that all the sisters have come to. She will be eighteen soon enough and she must find her won way." Rose looked toward the nun standing beside her. She was shocked that they would just send her on her way because she would be turning eighteen soon. Rose already knew what Allison's answer would be. She gazed at Emily Maria Steinmarch through the glass. The baby opened her eyes. They were big and blue like a summer sky. She looked like Rose. Wisps of blonde hair stood on end at the top of Emily's head. The nurses let Rose hold her baby for the first time. She smelled sweet. Rose cried tears of joy as she stared into the purest eyes she had ever seen. She sat and rocked her baby for over an hour. Finally the nun came and took her back home to the convent. Rose spent the rest of the evening cleaning the room and packing all of her belongings. She was given a key to the small house at the back of the property. She went to it and spent hours cleaning everything inside. She washed the linens and hung them out to dry. She swept, dusted, mopped, and wiped everything in sight. She then moved all her belongings over to the house. She even drug the heavy steamer trunk of Allison's. She asked permission to just go ahead and move her things so she could prepare for the baby coming home. She knew the living arrangements would only be temporary. She worked all night prepping and fell asleep in the early morning hours around five. 

The salt air filled Rose's nostrils. She lay still with her eyes closed listening to the sound of a distant gull's cry. The rocking of the boat was steady. The wood creaked loudly as the waves pushed it across the sea.  Rose opened her eyes and nearly fell off the edge of the bed she was laying on when she saw Allison standing near her. The dream faded away as reality roused her from that distant world. "Hi. Mary Katherine explained my choices. I see you already knew my answer since my things are here." The two embraced each other tightly. Rose explained that the two girls had to help with chores around the convent and gardening in the gardens during the week while they are living in the small bungalow. Rose made them some earl grey tea and the two sat on the back porch relaxing before heading to Mary Elizabeth's vegetable garden. Mary Elizabeth grew every possible vegetable imaginable throughout the year. It was time to harvest the squash and other various vegetables that needed pulled from their nearly overgrown vines. Allison would eventually need to go and look for a job to save money for when she left the convent. There was a coolness in the air as the two sat talking in the morning hours. They watched the sun rise fully, the colors of the sky coming to life. At first it seemed as though the day was on fire. Darkness was set ablaze with neon pink and orange before fading to a golden hue. The sun rose, a bright yellow ball of light. The two sat laughing and talking for almost two hours. Allison winced before they went to get ready for gardening. "Are you doing alright? You look pale." Rose reached a hand out to steady Allison as she rose from the porch chair, seeming slightly unsteady on her feet. She briefly closed her eyes and nodded a yes to Rose. "I am still recovering from a nasty beating, love. Don't worry I will be just fine." She flashed a brilliant smile toward Rose. Allison went into the small bathroom in the house and splashed her face with cool water. Everything felt strange. She could see tiny dots at the edge of her vision. She felt the world tilting around her as if someone were forcing the floor to turn sideways beneath her feet. She gripped the porcelain counter with her fingers. She felt cold and warm all at once. The bile rose up in her throat then and nausea hit her hard. She knelt in front of the toilet releasing all the contents of her stomach, which was not much considering the fact that she had only consumed toast and tea. The world felt as though it were fading at its edges. She felt hot and cold all at once. Her vision blurred to the point of darkness. She fell to the floor and lost consciousness. 

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