Chapter 7: The Master Plays the Game

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Ava stretched and sat her grandmother's diary aside on the end table near her chair. She noticed a gray feather at her feet on the floor in front of her chair. She thought for a moment and looked  to the place where she kept a few of Fudge's toys. There were several toys that had feathers, but none that were gray. She felt truly perplexed. Ava decided to check the house top and bottom for a bird that might have gotten in when the windows were open the day before. As she climbed the stairs the scent of sea salt air stung her nose. A small bit of sand lay on the second floor landing as she turned to go up the next flight of stairs. Startled she backed up against the wall looking up then down the stairs. Where had it come from. There was no sand in the garden that the animals could have possibly tracked in. They were too far from any beach for it to have just simply been tracked in on someone's shoes. The sound of a gull rang out as though it was all around her. The creaking of wood like that of a ship at sea could be heard as though it were rocking beneath her very feet. "Ava." A man's voice whispered softly in the distance from above her up the stairs. She felt shaky inside. "Ava." She felt drawn to the voice and its silken sultry tone. She was as much afraid as she was intrigued. One step, then two. Two became three, then four. Before Ava knew it she had reached the third floor. He stepped from the shadows with a smile like that of a wolf ready to devour the sheep. He tipped his silver top hat in a friendly yet sinister way. Ava jumped and dropped her grandmother's diary. It slid to the floor as she realized she had been asleep and the terror she felt on the stairs had been nothing more than another haunting dream of a stranger that seemed to be tormenting her in her sleep. She had yet to truly see his full face. The sight of that devilish grin left her feeling shivers up and down her spine. Something always left her feeling as though she were a fly caught in his web, ready to be eaten alive. Ava felt like something was going to happen and soon. She didn't know what it was, but something was looming. She knew then that it was time to get out of the house and see her best friend. Maybe dancing or a movie would get her mind off of the past and the mysterious gentleman with a predatory grin. 

An hour later and Charlotte was standing in front of Ava's mirror trying on a skirt she had brought with her. Charlotte was gorgeous. She had long black hair and olive green eyes. Her skin was pale. She was tall and slim with an infectious laugh that brought warmth to the quiet room. "Ava I am so glad you called. We haven't gone out in ages." She turned in order to check the rear of the skirt and just how it hung on her figure in the mirror. "What do you think? Should I wear the black mini or the purple mini? I think the black mini is better for dancing and hugs my curves more appropriately." She smiled waiting to know Ava's opinion. Ava returned her earnest smile. "I really like the black one. Wear the purple top with it. The knee high black suede boots are pretty but it covers your great legs. Here try these black heels." Ava handed her friend the shoes she brought. Going out had a process. First they chose the jaw dropping outfits that would draw the attention they wanted but not too much attention. Going out dancing was meant to have fun not draw in all the jerks that wanted to grind up against them on the dance floor. Although they would eventually have to fend off a few people that were there for different reasons. Ava and Charlotte were never the type to go out just for the hook up. Friend dates were meant for them to release stress and forget their troubles for a little while. Charlotte decided on the black heels. She put on a pair of dangly earrings that matched appropriately. "Oh I almost forgot it is masquerade night at the club. The person with the best masquerade mask wins a small prize." Charlotte ran to her bag and produced two beautifully crafted masquerade masks. One was a silver and teal masterpiece that sparkled in the light. There was glitter, feathers, and sequins covering the mask in a tasteful array. Charlotte put on her mask that was streaked in purple and black. Ava placed hers on her face feeling as though the two girls were not alone. She had that strange feeling if being watched again. The mask matched the short teal dancing dress she wore. She pulled on her strappy silver shoes. She then went to call the Uber to take them to the club they loved to dance at downtown. 

Ava and Charlotte watched as the Prius pulled up to take them to the club. Ava turned and looked over her shoulder to see an impossible movement of shadow in the third floor hallway window. She did a double take and realized it was just the cat sitting in the windowsill. "Hey girl let's go break some hearts." Charlotte said with a flash of mischief in her pretty olive eyes. They climbed in the back seat and told the driver where to take them. Lightning flashed in the far distance. The air outside had felt electric and Ava had a sensation of excitement. She felt like something was going to happen, something mysterious. The driver made small talk and said his goodbye as he dropped them at the club. The girls adjusted their masks when they stepped out of the Prius. They joined the line outside of the club. They could hear the thumping coming from inside each time the bouncer opened the door to let a new patron in. They watched as a group of teenagers tried to scam their way in. Charlotte and Ava shared a small smile understanding the allure the club held for local high schoolers. The Midnight Lounge held allure for many. It was a great place for drinks and dancing. "Ladies, nice masks." The bouncer winked at them, unhooking the velvet rope and allowing them entrance into the Midnight Lounge. They thanked the sandy blonde bouncer. They walked down the long hallway that led to the dancefloor. The two women immediately hit the floor just as an Adam lambert song came on. The music was thumping and filling Ava's ears with a sweet nocturnal rhapsody. She danced with Charlotte as friends do when clubbing together. They were joined by a few young men. They all danced in a tiny crowd. Ava let the music move her body. She shed her recent stress with the sweat that lined her skin as they picked up rhythm while moving to the song. One young man slid closer to Ava and slipped his arm around her waist pulling her close to him. She smiled at him unable to discern his full face with the mask he was wearing. A slow 80s hit came on by The Police. A man on the second floor balcony watched Ava closely and he caught her eye. He wore a silver cloak and top hat. His mask was a beautifully crafted black and white mask that kept her intrigued. "Every Breath You Take" played appropriately in the background. He began heading toward the stairs. He walked like he was walking on air. His cloak flowed with him like liquid silver. His eyes watched her every move. "Pardon me." He said as he approached. He slid in eloquently and took over for the young man that she had been dancing with. He slid his hands in the right places and twirled her away from the young man with a confused look on his face. "I am so glad you decided to come this evening, Ava." His smile was so familiar. She somehow knew this man. His eyes were such a beautiful striking blue. His hair was as black as midnight itself. Ava's heartbeat fluttered as she remembered a recent dream. "Are you enjoying the masquerade party. I was afraid that you might not attend, but I am so delighted that you did." His voice was low like a sultry purr of a vicious untamed beast. He looked at her lips longingly as if he planned on claiming them for his own. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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