Part 13 - Blessing in Disguise

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Part 13 - Blessing in Disguise

Rose’s POV

        After fainting in the doctor’s office, Beth drove me back home to my apartment and stayed with me for a while. We stayed silent for a long time, just letting everything sink in. I don’t remember when I started crying, but Beth stayed there the whole time, rocking me in her arms.

        All I could think of was: a baby. I was having a baby. Not just any baby, Steven’s baby. I placed my hands on my still flat tummy and couldn’t believe it. The doctor had showed me the test results, but the medical terms and numbers written on the piece of paper were gibberish to me  I was given a “new mommy” package with brochures, informational packets, and a prescription for pre-natal vitamins. She told me that I would have to come in at least once a month for a check-up and in two months I’d be able to get my first sonogram. I was almost five weeks along she said. As soon as I heard that, memories of that night in the woods came flooding back.  

        I thought about everything under the moon during my silent period. Beth made dinner, but I didn’t feel like eating. She huffed under her breath.

        “Listen here missy,” she said, wagging a finger at me. “This is my future niece or nephew we’re talking about. You are eating for two now, and I think you should reconsider the not eating bit.”

        She lifted a piece of chicken to my mouth, but before she could feed me, I grabbed it from her hand. “I’m not a one-year old you know,” I said, taking a bite of the fried deliciousness.  

        “Then stop acting like it,” she replied nonchalantly.   

That stopped me in my tracks. “What?” I asked.

        “You’ve been in a state ever since you came back. I know you miss him, but that’s in the past now Rose. He obviously didn’t feel the same way, so you really need to move on now. I’m sorry that I pushed you before to do it, but at the time I thought it was best for you. If I would’ve known this would happen, I never would’ve supported it.” She took a seat next to me on the couch. “I’m sorry Rose. I hope you can forgive me, but now you’ve got another life to live for. You were blessed with a gift Rosie, and you’ve got to take care of yourself, if not for you, then for this little one.” She placed a hand on my belly. “Please Rose.”

        I put my fork down on the table and turned to put my arms around her. “You’re right Beth. I’m sorry I’ve been so selfish lately. But, you’re right, I need to grow up and get over it. He’s not coming, and I’m tired of waiting.”

        She smiled. “I’m proud of you Rose. And don’t worry about anything, Justin and I will be with you all the time, helping you through this.” She started jumping up and down. “I’m going to be an aunt!”

        She started dancing around the living area to some unknown song in her head. I laughed at her, then settled down to eat the rest of my food. I thought about all the changes I’d have to make for this baby. We’d have to change my studio into another bedroom, and rearrange the living room. But with just the two of us, I think we’d manage. Luckily, I didn’t have to worry about work, since I could work from home, and Beth would always be there for me too. I smiled at the sudden joy and also at Beth’s dance moves. Maybe this baby was a blessing in disguise like Beth had said. It’s what I needed to get over the past and look to the future. But for now, I was just going to try and get through the next eight months.


Beth’s POV

        “I’m so excited Justin!” I said for the thousandth time. He just rolled his eyes at me and continued to do his exercises. Rose had given me permission to tell him with the stipulation that this would be kept a secret. She didn’t want anyone finding out yet, and I could understand why. Around here, an unmarried woman usually didn’t go out and get herself preggers, but I knew Rose could handle anything.  

        “It’s not even your kid and you’re acting like this,” Justin puffed out between steps. “If you’re acting like this now, I can’t wait to see what you’ll do when we start having our own kids.”

        “I love it when you say that,” I said. “Our kids.” I walked over to help him onto his hospital bed. He was making such great progress and I was so proud of him. At this rate, the doctor’s said he’d be walking normally within the next two months, but he was determined to prove them wrong. I was betting on him.

        He smiled and made a move to kiss me. I leaned forward, lightly touching my lips to his. I would never get over the sparks that I felt whenever we were together. I was so lucky to have him all to myself. The road that held out future may be rocky, but as long as we’re together, then nothing else matters.

        “Well, I look at it this way,” he said after pulling away. “If they have your amazingly generous heart and, of course, my dashing good looks and impeccable charm, then we’re all set.”

        I started laughing. “Your ‘dashing good looks and impeccable charm’ huh?” He gave me a brilliant smile and motioned for me to come near. He shifted over in the bed so I could sit next to him and he tucked me into his shoulder.  

        “Baby, all I care about is the fact that they’ll be ours. After that, looks and charm don’t matter. You are the only thing that matters to me, and with you by my side, I can’t say there’s a luckier man out there.”

        I snuggled deeper into his chest, just taking in the scent of him. He was such a comfort to be around. “Why are you so good to me?” I whispered.

        He snaked his arms around me as we just sat there. “Because I love you so much,” he answered, kissing the top of my head.  

        We sat there for a little bit before Justin got up to practice again. I sat and watched him push himself through step after step, each time making more and more progress. I loved him so much that it hurt sometimes, and I just wished that Rose could feel the same. Part of me wanted to go and kick Steven where the sun don’t shine, but the more sensible part of me knew that Rose wouldn’t want that. I guess I should just stay out of it, and let the cards fall as they do. You can only lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to drink. Damn you Steven.

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