Halloween OVA

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Halloween OVA

This is just an extra chapter for your entertainment. This does not continue the story at all and is just really random with a cheerful mood. Remember, this doesn't actually happen in the story and is just for your entertainment, like I said.

Oh, and Happy Late Halloween!

Shiori's P.O.V

It was late at night and Azuki decided that I should go to a haunted house with her. I learned that anything could be possible in this world so I was quite scared...

I clinged onto Azuki's arm, "A-Aren't we supposed to meeting up with Usui?"

She giggled, "You miss your boyfriend already?"

I blushed at the word 'boyfriend.' I never had a boyfriend before so i'm really new to this stuff...

And isn't he a vampire? He should be immune to anything scary that happens in that.. god forbid place.

"I don't miss him..I just want a guy around," I said. Worst liar ever.

"Mhhmm..And he's running late, so we have to go in without him."

That's also a lie. I could tell by her wide smile. She just wants to hear me squeal and scream for her entertainment... She's evil, I swear.

Something tap my shoulder. I screamed and jumped so high that I almost fell.

"Boo," was all she said. Katsumi.

"Well, hi to you too.." I glared at her.

Azuki burst out laughing, "Y-You should've..seen..the look on your face!" 

I clenched my fists, "Shut up already! Let's go in there! I'll show you.."

"Gotta admit, Shiori..It was pretty cute."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

I stomped to the enterance door.I'll show them.

There were stairs. I gulped and stepped on one. It creaked. Every single one creaked but the last one was the loudest.

"Shiori," another voice said. This time, deeper.

I squealed, "No! I'm sorry, please don't kill me!"

I shut my eyes tight. nonono..I'm gonna die..

"It's me silly," he came infront of me. Usui.

I could hear laughter behind me. Not again..

Pouting I said, "I was only joking of course."

Usui patted my head, "sure, it was cute by the way."

I blushed. Ergh..

"Let's go in!" Azuki exclaimed cheerfuly.


We went in and it was really dark. Everyone took out their flashlight. All eyes were on me, "Well? Aren't you going to take out your flashlight?" asked Katsumi.

I looked in my shoulder bag for a flashlight. Nowhere, "I-I don't have one.."

Usui chuckled and held me close by my waist, "Then stay with me."

I blushed and sighed, "I guess I have no choice." But on the inside..I was really excited.

There were lots of noises. Somehow, Katsumi and Azuki got split from us. So, it's only us two. Not that i'm complaining...

The house was pretty big. There was lots of old furniture and creaking doors. Even the floors creaked. I could hear drops of water from somewhere and there was really creepy painting of people. I swear their eyes moved.

"Just stay close by, everything will be fine. Lets have some fun," Usui whispered.


Suddenly, I heard a loud scream. Was that Katsumi?

"Katsumi! We need to go find her!" 

"Let's go," Usui gestured for me to follow him.

We looked around for Katsumi and found her nowhere. Then, from the way we came from we heard another scream. Azuki? They got split? This isn't good..

"Wh-What do we do?!"

I looked behind me and Usui wasn't there...

Huh?! Where did he go?

"U-Usui?" I whisper-yelled.

I feel like i'm gonna cry. Why would he leave me?

I screamed the loudest I could. 

A hand covered my mouth and i felt a body press against my back. Someone is holding me.. who..? I mumbled and squirmed around.

They wont let me go! This isn't Usui...who..?

I'm a Marsu! I'm being too weak. Even if it's Usui, Marsu's can beat vampires. If it's anyone else, Marsu's can beat humans. But, what if it's someone else? I can't see their hand in the dark...

KURO MIKA?? PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP... COME! How do I call her out again? KURO MIKAAA???? Yep..I'm doing this wrong.

I squirmed around more. "Let me go!" I said. But it sounded more like, "Mmeh me moee!"

I'm scared...I want Azuki. 

Suddenly, the lights came on. Everything was clear now and the person let me go.

I turned around. It was Katsumi..?!


She was hysterically laughing. "So not funny.."

I heard more laughs around me and I looked. Azuki..Usui..KITAMURA? E-EHH...KURO MIKA?!


They were out of breath from laughing so much, "You were sooo scared Shiori!" Kuro laughed.

"You were clinging onto Usui like it was your life!" Kitamura grinned.

Usui was still laughing and when he kind-of stopped he said, "I-I'm  sorry..I had to give in..It seemed too funny.."

"I'm sorry Shiori, we had to! You have the funniest reactions!" Azuki laughed.

I glared at them, "You guys did all of this just to see my reaction?"

They all nodded.

I clenched my fists, "IDIOTS!"

"SEE? IT'S SO CUTE AND FUNNY!" Katsumi giggled.

I blushed and stomped away from them. I'll so get them back!

Suddenly, a weird clown popped out of nowhere.

I shrieked.

I heard laughter behind me.


"You're so cute, Shiori," Usui smiled.


I couldn't help but blush. ERGH. WHATEVER. I'LL  GET THEM BACK BIGTIME! >:C

Happy Late Halloween again! I hope you guys liked this ova. :3 Bai bai~~  That was kind of a cliffhanger, wasn't it? o-o I guess I'll continue next halloween! MWAHAHA. LOL JK. She doesn't actually get them back..yaknow... cuz she's shiori. :3



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