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Only for special peopleFeminism
Seems like the most hated and most loved word today
Must be fun to be in such a position of power
At the very least it makes people feel things
Every single post, picture, or poem
Which possess her
(Also do note my intentional use of the pronoun her, this doesn't mean that the word feminism has a gender)
Automatically is a subject of intense scrutiny
The male gaze has got a new definition now, one could say
(Since men apparently don't gaze as much as they did before and we have better movies along side the 'you know which')
Yeah, fair enough
It's a new concept, and the word preaching equality, itself seems to have chosen a side
(By side I mean the word is derived from the word 'feminine')
The grammar nazi coming to every word's rescue don't address her decent
(Decent being the fact that meaning of words change according to the context in which they are used, but if the word is popular the word itself is not changed for convinience)
People supporting change can't seem to digest the fact that ideologies can also change with changing time
Isn't this what we want people to be
And when an ideology moulds according to the progress the world is making you want to dethrone it saying it doesn't stick to its previous agenda
Is a reason to hate the one thing you can't find so you hate the fact that it doesn't give you one
(Yes, does sound like a damsel in distress
Yes, I'm aware
Yes, it is for poetic effect)Memes and sarcasm are our generations thing
Aren't they?
(Rhetorical question; the answer lies within the question; yes they are our 'thing')
And we promote them loud and proud
Oh but feminism doesn't know sarcasm
How could she? She is old and overused
(Note the sarcasm; I don't think it is old or overused)
Remember the other day you asked her the umpteenth time wether she feels men are equal to women and she said no
(The word here has been personified to represent a person supporting the ideology; feminism as and because it is an ideology won't change its answer, nay, it doesn't 'answer')
She was lying this whole time when she said yes
She is so on propaganda to sabbotage all men and turn this world into a matriarchyBut my girl, feminism, is not that stupid you see
She wouldn't climb a throne which could possibly lead to her defeat
She cut through resistance and soon shine in all her glory
Good will always prevail in every story
(Also end note: The world is not binary and feminism doesn't have a gender and it not about men being equal to women but every human deserving equal rights)
(Just FYI)
Necessary Weeding
PoesíaThere are times when you don't address your emotions for a long time for the fear of being judged by others and sometimes by your own self. This collection of poems is me addressing them