Authors note

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So I have some great life updates, some medium updates and some not so good at all updates.

Last Friday my boyfriend and I got engaged! It's been legit crazy since. We've been doing a lot of family stuff, already did the first of a couple engagement parties (it's a cultural thing, we're only a little crazy lol) and have been busy with a lot of other family stuff!

Medium updates; I have a TON of school work to do which I have been very much neglecting since getting engaged because honestly can you blame me?? I've just been ignoring real life and spending all my time with my fiancé. Irresponsible but he is in town now, and he usually is in school out of town and I don't usually get to see him everyday.

Now the not good updates; a few weeks ago one of my family members died very suddenly. It was tough, we're still getting through it. Having something to be really happy about definitely helps.

So I wanted to first of all share my exciting news, but also be super transparent about what's happening in my life and why I've been so behind on updates. It sort of tearing me up inside because I love writing and hearing from you all every week but right now it's just really hard to focus and get stuff written. I sort of went through the stores of my backed up chapters to get stuff out to you guys after my cousin passed away but I don't really have much written now and it'll probably be a little while before I can get back to it.

Am I disappearing? Not a chance. You'll probably see me commenting on your guys stories and I'll try to get more written when I can. I also have a plan for where Starting Over is going and I wouldn't be able to leave it unfinished. So I'll be back! Pinkie promise!

All the freaking love,
Kat ❤️

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