Chapter Fourteen: Disneyland Spiral

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November 30th, 2018

<Courtney's POV>

Since thanksgiving, things had been picking up a bit. Although the parent company that Ian had mentioned had fallen through, there were a few investors on the horizon. Honestly after hearing what sort of things that company had been suggesting, I was really grateful that it hadn't worked out. The business types just didn't understand what Smosh was. They looked at it as a silly kids' channel that they could market with stupid gags, and that just isn't what we are. Even with this setback though, the cast and I were trying to remain positive.

On a brighter side, we had finally gotten together for a writers meeting at Ian's to come up with new sketch ideas. All of us had thrown around a few that I personally thought were pretty good and started writing them out. I had also planned out when we would be shooting videos for mine and Olivia's channels with her and Shayne. Even though things were up in the air, I had almost adjusted to this new normal and it sort of felt like we had a little more control now. It still was nerve racking to not know what was going to happen to us, but I was getting better with it.

Even with settling into the way things were, I was still in great need of a pick me up, so when Shayne mentioned going to Disneyland a couple days ago when me met up at Ian's for a writing session, I jumped on the idea. I was almost dancing around my studio apartment while I got ready, blasting music and singing while I pulled on my jeans and T-shirt.

It was a good group of us going. My bois Shayne and Damien would be there, along with a couple of crew members from our DEFY days; Taylor, Rachel, and Brandon. Brandon had been helping us film our new sketches but it had been a while since I had seen the other two, and I was excited to hang out with them.

"We're outside."

The text from Shayne pinged my phone, and I quickly pulled on my shoes, checked that everything was ok in my apartment, and headed down to meet up with him and Damien. The two of them offered me a lift to the amusement park and the plan was to meet our other friends there. Shayne's Honda was pulled up in front of my apartment building entrance and I could see the two boys clearly through the newly cleaned windows. I thought about how I hadn't taken my car for a wash in way too long. If only I had my life that together. I made a mental note to do it tomorrow.

The best friends seemed to be having a very animated discussion and didn't see me approaching. Damien's window was opened a crack and I heard Shayne say something like "Will you just drop it?" as I grabbed the handle to the back door and pulled it open.

"Hey! I'm here, let's get rolling to Disney!" I exclaimed, sliding into the backseat with a grin. The boys seemed startled at my sudden appearance but they quickly recovered.

"Took you long enough," Shayne joked, turning slightly in his seat, to shoot me a grin.

"Hey!" I laughed, "I came down as soon as you texted. The elevator just took a long time."

"Sure it did."

"Ok kids. Settle down." Damien put in with a smile. "Good to see you Court."

"And you Damimen," I replied with a nod. "Alright, let's get this going!"

"Ok, ok. Calm yourself Courtney." Shayne grumbled, but I knew it was more good-natured than he let on.

"Riding with my bois!" I yelled from the back seat as Shayne pulled out of my apartment parking lot. He groaned at my over-enthusiasm but Damien just chucked from beside him.

"Looks like someone's excited for Disneyland."

"Always." I grinned, leaning forward in my seat.

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