Chapter 39-Leaving pt.2

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OMG guys I'm so sorry this is a small chapter but school is killing me. I've spent almost 5h on school homework tonight. Anywayys I'm really tired so this is a short chapter before I go to bed. It's very unlikely that I will upload tomorrow as I'm going to the Bieber concert but I will try my best to upload. K? Okay um...yeah don't forget this isn't the end of LILO or HALIRY I promise!!! Xx 

Anyway enjoy this short chapter.



I woke up to a soft voice whispering in my left ear. "Wake up baby girl. We have to leave for the airport in 10." I groaned and flipped over onto the other side of the bed. "Eli." The voice which I recognized as Kai's said. "I'm up okay!" I said sitting up."okay i will leave you to get dressed and clean up." I groaned and walked into the bathroom.


I entered the girls home after I finally left Ashely's house. I had texted zayn to see where they were as i had spent the night with ashely. I looked around to see Liam pacing across the living room floor, Niall and Harry with their head in their hands, Taylor and Layla obviously bickering about something and Zayn was just chilling. He had his feet up on the table and he was just casually watching tv.  

"Hey lads and girls. What's wrong?" I asked. "EVERYTHING!" Liam declared running his fingers through his hair. "Guys what happened?" I asked cautiously. "I've just lost my fucking sister again!" Liam yelled. Lost? She didn't die did she? "Liam what do you mean 'lost'?" I asked. "She's moving to America with he boyfriend." The word boyfriend disgusted me especially when I wasn't her boyfriend. It was that kid we met at America. What was his name? Kaylen? Kiden? No! Kaiden it was Kaiden who she was dating. "We need to stop her! Where is she going to in America?" I asked. "Why do you care so much bro?" Zayn asked me. "Uh well shes um...I do actually care!" I stuttered. "The thing is is that we can't remember where she was going. We think it la or New York." Liam said. He sounded really stressed. "L.A. That's where her boyfriends from. When did she say she's leaving?" I asked. "I texted her and she said today but not to text her as she will be changing her number as she's in America." Harry said. "Let's search up times." Liam said grabbing his laptop. We have to change her mind.


'Flight 363 to Los Angeles is now boarding. That's Flight 363 to Los Angeles now boarding' the voice said. I took a deep breath. Oh how I hope I've made the right choice.


We missed her. She's gone. I've lost my little sister again.



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Thanks for reading love u all.

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