Chapter 4

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"Morning guys!" Greeted Steven, heading downstairs to make pancakes and bacon.

It was a generally pretty bright and peaceful morning. You were quietly watching everyone go about their day, curious about all the things you saw around you. "You want any, Tanzanite?" Steven asked, looking in your direction.
"What is it..?" You asked, walking up and looking at it curiously. "Just some pancakes."
"are they dangerous?"
"What? Haha, no! They're just really good food that we like. Here, I'll make you a plate, too." He offered, finishing serving all the plates and handing them out to everyone.

You looked at the soft golden pancake nervously and poked it before taking a bite out of it, your eyes lighting up in amazement. "Woah..!"
"You like it?"
"I-it's amazing!" You responded, quickly digging into the rest of the meal. "Steven, What kind of magic did you use to make such an amazing thing?!" "Haha, it's not magic. You just mix all the ingredients and spill it onto the pan until it takes shape." he answered, setting his plate in the kitchen sink.

The rest of your day was quite an experience. You got to explore Beach City and see all of the amazing things you never knew about before. Arcades, public events, and then there was that weird Ronaldo guy. It was so bright and lively in this lovely city!

"Hey! Tanzanite!" Called out a familiar voice. Before you knew it, Peridot was in front of you.
"Oh, hey, Peridot."
"Hey," she responded, a bright smile plastered across her face, "you good after yesterday?" She asked.
"Yeah, i'm okay now." You responded with a small smile, Peridot returning the smile. "That's good. Hey, I was gonna ask if you wanted to come over to my barn and meet Pumpkin, mine and Lapis's pet?" "Yeah, that sounds great!" You agreed with a cheerful smile.

You and Peridot made your way to the barn. "Lapis isn't here right now, so it's just us." she explained, opening the door as she was immediately tackled to the ground by Pumpkin, laughing happily as the small animal gave her puppy kisses. "Ah, haha! Pumpkin!" She continued laughing, grabbing the pumpkin-dog and sitting up, setting it in her lap. You knelt down to their height and smiled at the two. "Aww, it's so cute!" You complimented, letting Pumpkin sniff you. After confirming you were safe, Pumpkin let you pet her, a happy expression across her face.

"So, Tanzanite. How have you been liking it here?" "It's been.. Really fun, to be honest. Everyone is just so bright and lively!"
"That's good. How has it been with the Crystal Gems?" "Really nice. They're super welcoming, and Steven showed me this amazing thing..'pancakes'! How did no one on Homeworld think of such a perfect dish?!" "Haha,Steven makes great pancakes." She agreed, chuckling.

"Hey, Peri. Oh, hey, Tanzanite!" greeted Lapis as she returned to the barn, a warm smile.
"Hey Lapis!" Waved Peridot as she came over and joined you two, Pumpkin crawling into her lap as she pet her. Then, she got up and went up to watch TV.

"Hey, you seem to blush a lot around Lapis. Did you catch feelings?" Peridot asked, making you blush in confusion. "H-Huh..? Wh-what do you mean?"
"You know! Love!"
"I don't.. Huh..? Wh.. What is that..?"
"You mean to tell me you don't know what love is?" She asked, you shaking your head no in response. "Okay, how about any emotions at all?"
"No, i'm sorry.."
"no, no, it's okay! we can help you understand emotions and what they are!" She offered. "You can?" "Yeah! Like, for example, um, happiness. Um.. How do I explain this.. Okay, let's say when Pumpkin tackled me as we walked in here. She was happy to see me. That's a example of happiness."

"so.. How do I know if I'm feeling it?"
"Well, let's say when your face does this," she made a smile, "that can help you know." "I.. Don't get it.." "oh, well, um, don't worry. I'm sure you'll understand it soon!" She encouraged with a confident smile.

"Hey, maybe you could try talking with Lapis more. She's been talking about how nice you seem. You two should try and be friends." Peridot encouraged.
"A-are you sure?" You asked, nervously fidgeting with your fingers.
"Positive!" She responded, shoving you inside the barn, giving a thumbs up. You looked around, and were soon met face to face with the blue gem. Caught off guard, you jumped back a little, making her giggle at your reaction, causing you to blush as you quickly became flustered.

Lapis x fem!reader "To understand Emotions"Where stories live. Discover now