Chapter 7

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The fusion aimed towards a wall of rock and kicked,leaving a crater in it as she was launched in the air. The gem then landed on the surface,almost tripping over in the process. " I a fusion?" The fusion asked itself staring at it's clothes and playing with it's hair. "T-this is crazy..!!but it's exciting..what should my name be?" The gem pondered before hearing voices in the distance "Pearrll,Tanzanite!!!where could they be..". Steven. The fusion immediately ran in the direction of the voice. Amethyst and Garnet immediately readied their weapons as they saw the fusion.

"W-woah,woah!!g-guys,I-I—" "who are you?!" "Amethyst,at ease. I recognize that voice." Garnet held her hand in dismissal,Amethyst putting her weapon away. "Pearl?" Garnet asked,looking up at the fusion. "Y-yeah,that was me!y-you won't believe it,we fused!!" "I can see that." "But..I don't know what to call myself.." "well one of you is a klutz and the other's name ends with a 'ite' about Kunzite?" Amethyst chimed in. The gem gasped in delight. "I love it!!thank you thank you thank you Amethyst!!" The gem cheerfully hugged the smaller gem.

"You should've seen me!!It was soo cool!!Pearl and Tanzanite were falling,and then they hugged,and then I was born into the world!!" The gem spoke excitedly,stars in her eyes with each word. The fusion couldn't stop smiling and laughing as it unfused,Pearl and you falling on the ground,still laughing together.

You smiled and looked towards pearl, "so that's fusion?" You asked,happily smiling, "I-I never knew fusion could be such a nice feeling!" You smiled,hugging her. She hugged you back,a warm smile across her face,but then,that smile quickly faded and she pulled away slowly,as if the feeling of fusing with you made her feel wrong for enjoying it. "Pearl,that was so much fun!i'm glad that my first time fusing got to be with you" you complimented,a happy tone in your voice. Pearl just quietly laughed and smiled,except she seemed...upset? "That was so much fun,right Pearl?" No response. "Um..P..Pearl..?a-are you okay..?" You asked,worried you did something wrong,worried that she didn't enjoy fusing with you. She looked up and gave a small smile to reassure you she was fine. You gave her a confused look as you got up and held out a hand, "need a hand?" You asked with a smile. She looked up and was hesitant at first but took your hand,getting up.

"We should form Kunzite more often!being her was so much fun!" " we shouldn't" Pearl disagreed a upset tone in her voice. "H..huh..?w-why not..?I-I mean,I thought you were having fun,too..?" You asked,a hurt tone in your voice. "Tanzanite,I just..I felt like it was wrong of me to fuse with you. Maybe you can't fuse with me,but why does it matter?you can fuse with another gem" "Pearl,I thought you were having fun like I was!I just..I just want you to be happy..but,if it doesn't make you happy,then that's all you had to say..I can't just 'fuse with another gem' took me forever to feel comfortable with and understanding helped me feel good and comfortable with it,I can't believe you're treating it like it could be done just as easily with any other gem..!!I won't fuse with you if you don't want to,I just..I just can't believe you would say that like it's no big deal..I thought,at least you would understand why that hurts so much.." "Tanzanite,I..I didn't mean it like that..I shouldn't have said it that way.." you looked up at her and smiled,hugging her.

"Uhh,yo Garnet,what was that about?" Amethyst asked. "Tanzanite could never fuse before because she didn't understand it,therefore making her uncomfortable with it. That fusion that we saw earlier was there because Pearl was the first gem she felt comfortable fusing with. Whatever happened when they were in danger,it's clear that Pearl's behavior helped her understand it better" Garnet answered,smiling. You all made your way back to the beach house.

(Later that day..)
You hummed a little melody as you sat near the water,the night sky ever so beautiful and bright. You couldn't quite understand why Pearl got so upset,but you were glad you two managed to work it out. Maybe when Pearl was comfortable enough she would talk to you about it. You set your fingers in the water,wondering what it would've been like if you and Lapis successfully fused instead of failing when you first met her. You definitely missed her,but you couldn't do anything to see her again.

Perhaps maybe she would return to Earth and you could see her again. Or..maybe you wouldn't. You really hoped your first guess was right. Trying not to think about it too much,you went back inside and went to sleep..

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