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June 1989

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June 1989


Ormi thought to herself while skating to school. 

Once she got to school she noticed Henry Bowers and his gang staring at her except for  Victor. She looked straight and got off her skateboard trying to walk away but Henry pulled her arm. 

"Yes, Henry?" Ormi's voice spoke with annoyance already. "Lose the attitude, Curly." He said groaning. "What do you want?"

"A little birdy told me that you had a problem with us," Patrick stated, coming closer towards her. "Yeah, so what?" She shrugged. 

"What's the problem? Are you mad that we all have parents and you don't?" Henry teased. "I'd rather have no parents than shitty ones." She said and flicked him off. Henry chuckled under his breath as she walked off. While he was irritated, he did want to get her back.

For the rest of the day, Ormi got glares from Henry and his gang. 

She was now at her last class whom she had Beverly Marsh in. The two never talked to each other but always shot small and friendly glances at each other. During the last minutes of class, Ormi was stuck staring at Beverly. 

 The bell rang making Ormi snap out of her thoughts and pack up. Everyone flooded out of her classroom leaving just her and her teacher. "Have a good summer Mrs." Ormi waved. 

She never remembered her teacher's name but she has happy to have them nonetheless. "You have a good summer yourself Ormi." 

Ormi walked out of the classroom and walked down the hallway. Ormi heard yelling from the bathroom so she went in there. Greta and her friends looked at Ormi. 

"What do you want Ormi?" Greta asked rolling her eyes. "Well, I was going to you know, maybe wash my hands off before going to go give your boyfriend a handjob since he says you can't do it right, but I guess this is more important, hm?" Ormi folded her arms.

"How fucking dare you?" 

"I could do much worse. Try me." Ormi walked closer to Greta, staring her down. "What are you gonna do? You are just as bad as that slut-" Ormi cracked her knuckles and punched the girl.

"Did you just fucking punch me?" She screamed as her nose dripped. "I think you need a tissue for the obvious blood." Ormi took a napkin from her pocket and gave it to her. 

Greta and her friend group rushed out of the bathroom as Ormi turned on the sink. 

"Shit," Ormi groaned holding her hand under the sink water. "Are they gone?" Beverly asked. "Yeah, they're gone,"  Ormi said while drying her hands off. Beverly came out of the bathroom stall. Ormi turned around and froze a little. 

"Ormi? You okay?" She asked. Ormi quickly nodded. "Y-Yeah, you're just really pretty, up close." Ormi rubbed the back of her neck as her face warmed up. 

Beverly blushed a little. "Thank you, you are really pretty also." She said smiling a little. "Well, we should get going. Bye Ormi." Beverly said smiling and gave Ormi a hug.

 "Thanks for saving me," Beverly whispered in her ear. Ormi smiled as Beverly Marsh walked away. 

Ormi went to the trashcans outside the school. She dumped everything out of my bookbag and when she looked out and she saw Bill Denbrough and his friends who she didn't know the names of.  

"Hello, Bill... and friends." She greeted, smiling softly. "The boy with glasses is cute. What's his name?" She pondered to herself. 

"Hey Or-Ormi," Bill said. "Hey, sweet cheeks." The boy with dark messy hair and big glasses had a smug smirk on his face.  "Richie." Another boy with curly hair hit his arm. 

"Uh Ormi meet Richie, St-Stanley, and Eddie," Bill introduced and pointed to them. Ormi waved and grinned. 

Ormi turned around to see Henry, Patrick, Victor, and Belch walking out of the school. 

"Well nice meeting you guys I um I have to go. Bye Bill." Ormi said and waved. They waved and watched her run over to the bowers gang. 

"What's she doing?" Bill mumbled. "Is she friends with Henry?" Eddie asked. Bill shook his head.

 Ormi stopped in front of Henry. "What do you want?" Henry said squatting down to her. Ormi turned to see the utterly confused boys watch her. She turned back to Henry who was in her face. 

"Uh, I wanted to apologize, for what I said earlier. I didn't mean to say that and I hope you can forgive me." She spoke hesitantly. He smirked and chuckled.

 "Forgive you? Do you think I could EVER forgive a person like you? You could make it up to me but until then no, I don't forgive you." He spat out. She looked at him then at the others, giving them a signal to hurry up.

 "Well fuck you then," Ormi said and spat at him. "You little shit!" He yelled. She started running. 

The boys started to chase the girl, but she was long gone and they lost her. 

Ormi stopped running once she got near the Hanlon's farm. "Hey, Ormi!" Leroy Hanlon yelled at the girl and waved. "Hi, Mr. Hanlon!" She yelled back still out of breath. Leroy went back to doing his work.

 Ormi finally got home.

 "I'm back!" She yelled closing the door. 

OUR LITTLE SECRET, beverly marshWhere stories live. Discover now