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The Next Day

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The Next Day


I'm working in the storage unit today so I am
 going to be late. Here's money for snacks. Be
good and go to Mr. Hanlon's place if anything
happens. Love, Lonnie.

Ormi got dressed for the day putting on a blue and white striped hoodie and jean shorts, with a small necklace.

She took the money and grabbed her skateboard and left the home just after leaving. She was riding her skateboard and saw Mike Hanlon.

"Hey love bug!" She yelled while stopping her skateboard. He turned to her and smiled. "Ormi! Hey!" He shouted back and ran to her. "Where you goin?" He asked. "Don't know. Anywhere, Everywhere or No where." She shrugged. He hugged her. 

"You okay?" She asked and hugged him back. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just was kinda scared yesterday." He pulled from the hug.

 "Why?" She asked. "I uh saw- I mean my grandfather told me that you running from something or someone." 

"Oh, Bowers well... I got in some trouble with him that's all." Ormi relaxed and sighed. Mike kissed her hand.

"Please don't get hurt by him. He'll kill you." He stated. "Trust me. I would've been dead by now." She joked. "Not funny! I don't want you dead! You're my best friend, my only friend, for now. I don't want you to get hurt." He frowned.

 She kissed his hand back and grinned. "I won't. I promise."

"Promise." He said in a questioning tone. "Yeah, I promise," Ormi said smiling and wrapping her pinky around his. 

"Well, I have to go. Bye, I love yo- Be good." Mike said. She smiled and kissed his cheek. "You be good and I love you too you love bug," Ormi responded and put down her skateboard. They waved once again as she skated away. 

She saw Bill and his friends going to the barrens so she followed them. While sneaking and hiding she heard voices. "That's poison ivy, that's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy." Stan pointed at each plant. "Where? Where's poison ivy?" She heard Eddie squeal. 

She snickered a little. "Nowhere. Not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley." Richie groaned. 

Ormi came out of the bushes and stood behind Stanley. "Boo!" She pushed Stan lightly as he screamed like a little girl. Eddie, Bill, and Richie jumped a little and turned. 

"Fuck you, Ormi." Stan said with his voice cracking. She giggled, putting her arm around him and everyone kept walking. 

"Richie, you sure that wasn't poison ivy? I'm getting itchy." Eddie complained. "Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?"Richie asked.

 "Yeah, sometimes." Eddie responded. "Well, you probably have crabs." Richie cracked. Ormi snickered as Richie and Eddie argued. 

"Richie's the trashmouth, I'm the Jew, Eddie's the germaphobe, and Bill's the-" Stan was explaining but Ormi interrupted. "Stutterer." Stan agreed. 

Richie threw something at Eddie. "Richie leave Eddie alone." She said giggling a bit and coming in the sewer with Richie and Bill. "So what's with the rainbow on your skateboard, Sweets?" Richie asked. 

"Oh uh, decoration." She rubbed the back of her neck. Richie smirked and nodded. "Gu-Guy's look." Bill said catching everyone's attention. He held a shoe. 

"Shit don't tell me that's-" Stan said with his voice cracking but Bill cut him off. "G-Georgie wore galoshes." Bill said. "Who's is it?" Ormi and Eddie asked at the same time. "It's Betty Ripsom's," Richie said. "Oh shit." Ormi mumbled.  

Ormi went out of the sewer and sat on her skateboard to think then there was a loud splash. She looked and saw a kid who looked pretty beat up. "Holy shit." She mumbled, jumping up. 

"What the fuck happened to you?" Richie inquired. Ormi went to help him up. "Come on guys!" She motioned for them to come with her. 

Bill helped the kid on his bike. "Hey kid, you'll be okay." She reassured him. He smiled at her weakly and softly. Bill started to ride away. Ormi hopped on the back of Richie's bike with her skateboard in her hands. Both Eddie and Richie started catching up to Bill. Eddie was babbling on about something but Ormi didn't care to listen.

 A screech echoed in the woods while the kids biked out. They all got to an ally and stopped. 

"W-We'll go get the stuff. R-Richie you and Ormi stay here." Bill said and Him, Eddie, and Stan ran off. "Glad I got to meet you before you died," Richie blurted to the kid. "Richie, please leave him alone." Ormi murmured. 

Ormi squatted down in front of the kid. "Hey kid, I'm sorry about him." Ormi apologized. "Oh, it's okay. I'm Ben by the way." He said. "Ben. That's a pretty cool name don't you think Richie?" Ormi said eyeballing Richie. "Yeah, way cool." Richie agreed quickly.

"I'm Ormi and those guys who went in the pharmacy are Eddie, Bill, and Stanley but you can call him Stan." She introduced. "Oh and the dumbass here is Richie." She pointed to him, earning a chuckle out of Ben. 

"So I see and 'H' carved in your stomach let me guess. Henry?" She said gesturing to his stomach. He sighed. "Yeah," Ben murmured. "I'll get him for you!"

 "There's four of them? You gonna give them all blowjobs?" Richie laughed. "I will stomp on you." Ormi threatened playfully. "I mean he's right kinda. There are four of them. They could kill you." Ben said.  "I'd be dead if they could." She said. 

Bill, Stan, and Eddie came back so Ormi got up and moved out the way. Bill was walking away and Ormi turned to see Beverly and him talking. 

"She probably doesn't even like girls." Ormi thought while sitting on her skateboard. "Are you okay that looks like it hurts," Beverly asked Ben while walking over. Ormi moved her eyes up to Beverly. 

"Oh yeah I just...fell," Ben replied to Beverly with his face heating up. "Yeah, right into Henry Bowers." Richie exclaimed. "Shut it R-R-Richie,"

 "Why?! It's the truth." Richie defended. "Really Richie." Ormi muttered.

 "You sure you got the right things to fix you up," Beverly winked at Ben. "You know w-we'll take care of him. Thanks." Bill said. Beverly turned to Ormi and smiled.

 "Hey wonder woman," Beverly said waving to Ormi. "Hey."  

"Maybe I'll see you all around." She said. "Yeah we were thinking about going to the Qu-qu-quarry tomorrow if you w-w-wanna come." Bill stammered ner. Ormi saw Ben look down. "Poor Kid." Ormi thought. "Good to know, thanks." Beverly smiled, walking away.

 "Nice thing bringing up Bowers in front of her." 

Ormi turned her head to him. "Yeah dude you heard what she did." Eddie muttered. "What'd she do?" Ben asked. "More like who'd she do. From what I hear the list is longer than my wang." Richie gossiped, grabbing his crotch. "Sure, Richie." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah Rich, that's not saying much at all." Stan cracked. 

"J-Just r-rumors." Bill defended. "He's got a point, Only rumors." Ormi nodded.

 "Anyway Bill had her back in the third grade. They kissed in the school play the reviews said you cant fake that sort of passion."

"Guys, I'll be heading home. See you all tomorrow. Well, that is if I'm invited to the quarry." Ormi said standing up.  "Of course you are, sweetheart. Meet us there by 1!" Richie blew a kiss to her. She pretended to catch it and blew one back jokingly. 

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