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 They opened the door to Mike and Beverly. Mike, Beverly, and Ormi stared at each other. 

"Hi, guys." Lonnie broke the silence. "Hey." Both Mike and Beverly responded swiftly and walked into the house. The three walked into Ormi's room quietly and laid down in Ormi's bed. 

Mike was to the left of Ormi while Beverly was to the right. Still in silence but the silence wasn't uncomfortable, it wasn't enjoyable either but it was needed.  Beverly looked at Mike then Ormi. Mike looked at Ormi and Ormi was looking at the ceiling. 

"I'm sorry." Mike hummed quietly. Ormi looked at him and nodded. Beverly and Mike hugged her but Mike made sure to be careful of her arm.  

"So, you were pretty upset earlier huh?" 

 "Kinda, mostly because my arm was leaking out like hell but I really didn't like the way that lady talked to you, all of them also." Ormi resolved. 

"You're amazing Ormi, remember that. Me and Mike love you so much... but I love you more than Mike." Beverly said kissing Ormi's forehead. Beverly and Mike got up. "We have to go now but we'll talk tomorrow," 

Ormi nodded and Beverly kissed her goodbye and good night. Once Mike and Beverly left. Ormi took a shower and washed her hair. Her bandage got wet so she was going to have to wrap up another one. 

Once she got out the shower and got her PJ's and bandage on she decided to just eat cereal.

Ormi stayed up thinking until she fell asleep.

~Ormi's POV; Her Dream~

I was in an all-white room. It was dim lit though so I couldn't see that well. I turned around and saw a figure that looked a lot like Richie. "Rich?" I yelled out. The figure turned around to reveal a Richie-like zombie. 

"That's new." I squinted. It started groaning and walking toward's me slowly. I started walking backward but then realized that the walls were caving in. "What. The. Fuck." I attempted to keep far away from the zombie look alike. 

It switched forms multiple times from Mike, Bill, Bev, Ben, Richie, Eddie, Stan, Lonnie and even Victor. I stood on the wall as it kept caving in then it stopped.  I looked down to see the clown's arms around me. 

I took a deep breath and turned around to see the clown smiling with big blue eyes. "You're beautiful, do you know that? You're also mines. Did you know that too?" The clown giggled. I jerked out of his arms and turned to him. 

"What do you want! From me? Is it me? Or them?" I hollered at Pennywise. "Maybe you, maybee herr, orrrr herr, orrr even himmm orrrr himmm?" The clown pointed behind me. I turned around to see Lonnie, Beverly and Stanley, and Eddie. 

"I thought you wanted ALL people I cared for?" I yelled out at the clown. To the left and right sides of me there were big fans blowing, strong enough to push me. 

"Oh and I picked only 3, but I could take Stanley, orrr Eddie, oor Ben or Bill and a special new guest, Mikeeee." The clown said. "Don't you fucking touch any of them again!" I yelled. 

"They left because they didn't want youuu." It said and started laughing out. "You are amazing Ormi." The clown continued laughing then rushed at me. 

I moved to the right, the clown was laying there. "Youu fell into my trap." It said over and over again. It got up again and lunged at me this time grabbing me as my head got closer the the big spinning fan behind me. 

"You fell into my trap." The clown yelled laughing and pushing my head towards the fan even more. This was it. "You'reee amazing Orms. Bye Bye."

~Ormi's Dream Over~

OUR LITTLE SECRET, beverly marshWhere stories live. Discover now