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 Ormi and Mike woke up at same time. 

"Happy birthday love bug." Ormi said. "What?" 

"It's the third of July. The parade is happening today and tomorrow, and it's your birthday today." Ormi explained. "Oh yeah it is!" Mike jumped up out of the bed. 

Beverly groaned. "Good afternoon cuties." Beverly grinned. "Good morning beautiful." 

"Morning Bev."

 Ormi and Beverly told Mike everything so he's the only one who knows the secret. "I'm gonna take a shower." Mike said getting his clothes out of his bag. 

"Okay Michelle Hanlon." Ormi joked. "Don't call me that." Mike whined and walked out the door. 

Beverly started snoring again making Ormi laugh. Ormi sat on Beverly's back. "GET OFF!" Beverly groaned and threw Ormi back on the bed. Ormi laughed. "Wake uppp." Ormi hummed and kissed Beverly's cheek. "But I don't want too." Beverly playfully cried. 

"Get up now."

 "Or what?" Beverly responded cockily. Ormi started tickling Beverly. "Okay, Okay stop." Beverly laughed out. "Nope, not until you get up." Ormi continued to tickle her. "Okay, Okay, I'll get up just stop." Ormi stopped and Beverly started tickling her. 

"This is pay back." 

"NO!" Ormi squealed as tears came out from her laughing to much. Beverly stopped and got out of the bed.

 "Mike is taking years." Beverly said. "He's a beauty queen he needs to be flawless." Ormi said. "He's already flawless." Beverly groaned as she got her clothes. 

"Fuck, do you have any bras that I can use?" Beverly asked. "Uh, I think." Ormi said getting up and searching for one. "Found one!" Ormi said and threw it in the air.

 It landed on Mike. Mike screamed. "WHAT IS THIS?!" He yelled and threw it on the bed. "Oh." He said as Ormi and Beverly laughed at him. 

"I'll be taking that, along with a shower." Beverly said snatching the bra from the bed and prancing out. 

"That's a keeper right there." Mike chuckled. "Yeah, I know she is." Ormi said looking for the outfit Mike always said he loved. "FOUND IT!" Ormi squealed and taking a hanger with a pastel-colored outfit out of her closet.

"Your going to wear my favorite outfit?" Mike asked smiling. "Of course. It's your birthday I want to make sure it's the best." Ormi said smiling. 

Beverly came in the room. "I'm finished. Go take a shower Orms." Beverly said. "I'm going. You look beautiful by the way." Ormi said walking out of the room. 

She ran and got in the shower. 

"You and Ormi. You've know eachother for a while. Is there anything I should know?" Beverly questioned Mike. He turned around. "Well, she can get very violent when she's angry. If someone so helps to look at anyone she loves the wrong way she'll beat the crap out of them if she's in a mood." Mike explained. 

OUR LITTLE SECRET, beverly marshWhere stories live. Discover now