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The Next Morning

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The Next Morning


They started laughing. "You look horrible." Beverly giggled. "So do you." Ormi laughed out. "We need to get dressed." Ormi said and Beverly nodded. Ormi got ready first putting on a large red sweater and overalls.

Beverly got ready herself. Al Marsh wasn't home luckily. Beverly and Ormi sat on the stairs and smoked some. "You think they'll come?" Ormi asked. "I hope so."  They heard Richie being loud and obnoxious. 

They looked at each other and jumped up. They ran down the stairs and threw their cigarettes out. The girls got down the stairs before the boys came. Once the boys came Richie smirked at Ormi.

 "You made it. We need to show you guys something." Beverly panted softly. "More than what we saw at the quarry?" Richie asked. "Pervert." Ormi muttered and rolled her eyes.  "Shut up just shut up Richie." Eddie ridiculed. 

"My dad will kill me if he found out I had boys in the apartment." Beverly predicted. "Wuh-We'll leave a look out." Bill suggested. "I'll be look out." Ormi volunteered. "R-Richie you stay with Ormi." 

 "What if her dad comes back?" Richie shouted, throwing his hands in the air. 

"Do what YOU always do. START TALKING!" Stan answered, running up the stairs. "It is a gift." Richie said, sitting on his bike seat. "Nah, it's more of a loss for us though." Ormi joked, chuckling and getting her skateboard. "Says the lesbian." Richie mumbled making Ormi stop what she was doing and look at him. 


"Come on, I know your gay. You don't hide it very well. You like Beverly it's obvious." Richie said. Ormi rolled her eyes and sat on her skateboard. "How is it obvious Rich?" Ormi asked. 

"You two both blush every time you're around each other, you both are always holding hands and you literally have a rainbow painted on your skateboard and me and you both know what that means." He responded. Ormi stood up.

 "Those are some valid reasons yes, but what about you. I mean it's obvious you have a crush on Eddie. Don't you?" Ormi interrogated getting closer to him. He adjusted his glasses. 

"What? No! I'm not gay." Richie lied. "Hmmm are you sure Richard Tozier?" Ormi interrogated him. "Yes. I'm sure." Richie adjusted his glasses again. "Maybe I like you, or Beverly, or Stan, or maybe even little Eddie," Ormi taunted, with a smirk on her face. "Fuck! Fine! I may like Eddie but that doesn't have anything to do with you and Beverly." He gave in. She backed up.

"You know you're being a real bitch right?" Richie scoffed. "I'm only fucking with you."  Ormi said playfully and smiled. She went to sit back down on her skateboard. 

"I like both." Ormi revealed softly. "So do you like Beverly?" Richie asked. Ormi smiled and nodded softly. Eddie and Stan were coming back downstairs. "Hey boys," Ormi said. "Hey, Orms." Stan greeted making Ormi chuckle. "Hi, Ormi." Eddie waved. 

"So, you guys saw it?" Ormi asked. Stan and Eddie nodded. "Saw what?" Richie asked. "There was a lot of uh blood in Beverly's bathroom. It came out of her sink."

"It sounds ridiculous but it's true. I witnessed it."  

The others came down the stairs and got their bikes. Once everyone was ready Ormi rode her skateboard and everyone else walked their bikes. "You know I love being the personal doorman along with Ormi! I mean could you idiots have taken any longer!" Richie yelled riding in circles around everyone. 

"Shut up Richie." Eddie ridiculed. "Yeah! Shut up Richie." Stan backed up. Ormi laughed. "Oh okay trash the trashmouth I get it! I wasn't the one scrubbing the floor and imagining that her sink went Eddie's moms vagina on Halloween." Richie defended. Ormi gagged. 

"That's fucking nasty Rich." 

"Th-They didn't imagine it." Bill said. They all stopped and looked at him. "I ss-saw something t-too." He continued. "You saw blood too?" Stan asked. "No blood, I saw G-G-Georgie," 

 "It seem so real I mean it seemed like him but there was this-" 

 "The clown." Eddie added everyone turned their heads to him. "Yeah I saw him too."  

They looked at Ben and he nodded then they looked at Stan and he also nodded. "I mean, I've only seen this weird shit in Beverly's bathroom but I haven't fully seen IT." Ormi told them.

"Wait can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why me and Orms aren't seeing this shit." Richie said out. "Rich, I'm a virgin so are you. Shut the hell up." Ormi huffed. 

They all heard yelling. "It's Belch Huggings car, we should get out of here." 

 "Wait isn't that the home school kids bike?" Bill asked. "Yeah...damn! It's Mike." Ormi yelled. "We need to help him come on." Ormi motioned them to come with her. They all got off their bikes and ran. 

They saw Victor, Belch and Henry towering over Mike. Ormi threw a rock at Henry. "MIKE!" Ormi yelled. Henry got up and Mike stumbled over to Ormi. "You losers are trying to hard." 

. "They'll do you. If you asked nicely like I did." Henry licked his lips, grabbing his crotch. "First of all Henry you did NOTHING with neither of us and second of all-" Ormi was saying but Ben yelled and threw a rock at Henry's head. 

Beverly threw a rock also. "ROCK WAR!" Richie yelled before he got hit in the face. They all kept throwing rocks and Mike joined in also. Ormi hit Henry in his head again making him fall. Victor and Belch ran away leaving Henry alone. 

Eddie, Stan, Bev, Bill, and Ben left. "Mike are you okay?" Ormi asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. We need to go." Mike  pulled Ormi away. "Go blow your dad you mullet-wearing asshole!" Ormi heard Richie yell. Ormi hugged Mike. 

"I'm going to kill him later. Just so you know." She whispered to Mike. "Please don't try. He'll hurt you."  Mike whispered. "I'll be fine." Ormi whispered back and wrapped her arms over his shoulder. "Oh and the girl, Beverly. She's my girlfr- the girl I like." Ormi pointed.

Beverly turned around and smiled at Ormi. "Awww I'm going to have a sister in law!" Mike squealed. "Shhh." Ormi hushed. They started walking and talking.  

"Thanks guys but you shouldn't have done that he'll be after you guys too now." Mike warned. "Oh no no Bowers he's always after us." Eddie replied. "Th-That's what we all have in common," 

"Yeah Homeschool, Welcome to the losers club." Beverly came up behind Ormi and slightly grabbed her butt then slid her hand in Ormi's. 

"Hey, Bev." Ormi waved. "Hi. So I take it you and homeschool kid know each other." Beverly raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, he's my best friend. Thank you for helping him." Ormi appreciated. "Anytime Orms." Beverly lightly kissed Ormi on her cheek.

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