Wrong place-(jayXnya)

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This story takes place in season one!and when Jay and Zane have unlocked their true potential.

I don't really ship anything other than Pixane so sorry if the other story's I make are crap but it's just not my mindset. Enjoy!!

Jay's POV:

I had been waiting outside the local restaurant for about ten minutes now and was starting to worry.

I had asked Nya on a date to go to a really nice new restaurant that had opened for Valentine's Day and she was late!

The reservations were only going to last seven more minutes so she needed to hurry up.

Nya's POV:

I had been standing outside the local café for around ten minutes now and was worrying where the hell Jay was. "He's never late" I told myself.

I decided to call Jay since the reservation was nearly expired.

"Hey Jay! Where are you? I've been waiting for quite a while now and your not usually late."
"Nya? I've been standing outside the local restaurant for ten minutes now and I still can't see you."
"Local restaurant?? I'm at the local Café!"
"I thought I asked you to meet me at the new place"
"The café just opened a week ago. When you said the new place I thought you meant here."
"The restaurant is holding its opening ceremony tonight and we were invited. That's why I asked you here for Valentine's Day."
"Send me your location. I'll get there as fast as possible"
"I mean if you wanted to eat at the Café then I could come over to you"
"But if you wanted to eat at the new restaurant then it would make more sense to go there."
"Nah. I don't really like fancy stuff. I just thought you would enjoy it here."

There was a moment of silence

"Jay? You still there?"
"I just got my money back for the reservation that was made"
"But I just got to the restaurant"
"Oh wait I see you!" *hangs up

I walked over to Jay

"So what you wanna do now?" I asked
"Valentines day isn't just sharing a mean with your valentine. You could watch a movie with them or you could go home, enjoy your friends cooking and we all watch a Disney film as a group"
"I like the sound of that"

We took Jays storm glider back to the bounty and we saw Zane and in the kitchen wearing his pink flowery apron that he uses whenever he's cooking.

"Hey Zane." Jay greeted "what's cookin?"
"Well Kai told us that you two had called off the date and were going to spend this Valentine's Day with us at home with a movie. Then Col said I should make food since you guys hadn't had any."
"That's so thoughtful of you guys." I said
"Where are the others?"
"In the living room playing video games. They said they would put the movie on when you got back."

Jay's POV:

We walked through to the living room and saw Kai and Cole lying on the floor playing fist to face three.

"Hey Jay! Grab a controller and help me kick Kai's butt will ya?"
"I'm good thanks. You two finish what you started."
"So sis. What happened on your date?"
"We both went to the wrong place and cancelled our reservations to we could spend time here with you three."

Zane then walked in the room carrying Pizzas.

"Wow Zane they smell amazing!" I said
"I still think I would have made some good Valentine's Day treats." Cole complained
"Cole even you have to admit that the food you make is completely inedible."
"Okay so we may have thrown up a bit after eating they chocolate cake of mine but it's still good food!"
"Sure thing Cole.. you tell yourself that." Kai said
"So what movie did you two end up picking?" Zane asked the others

Kai looked at Cole. Cole looked at Kai.

"We forgot to pick one."
"We can randomly pick one out now if you like?"
"Fine... just make it quick."

Kai and Cole went over to the DVD rack In search of a good Disney movie whilst we told Zane about the mix up.

"That sounds highly frustrating" the nindroid said.
"Zane. Can't you ever speak normally?" I asked

"WE GOT ONE!!" The others yelled
"What did you pick?" Nya asked
"One of the funniest Disney films of all time..."
"Which is?" I was getting impatient
"The emperor's new groove!!" They said together
"Don't think I've seen that one" Nya said
"Oh it's really good!! It's about a-"
"Cole! Spoilers!!" I said whilst covering his mouth

The film started to play when Nya asked the others
"Hey how come you three don't have a valentine?"
"Cole refused to leave the bounty because he's afraid of girls!" Kai teased.
"That's not the reason!! I do have a valentine!"
"Really? Who?" Zane asked

Then unsurprisingly Cole whipped out a chocolate cake that he got from Tesco.

"Seems like she has a sweet personality!!" I joked
"Very funny Jay." Cole said with no enthusiasm

"What about you Kai? You must have asked someone to be your valentine."
"I don't know any girls who I like more than friends."
"That's surprising." I said "usually you hit on any girl you see is around the same age as you."
"Yea but I don't like to break hearts."
"Uhhh huuu." Nya said unconvinced

"And what about you Zane? Why don't you have a valentine?" I asked
"Do you really think a nindroid would ever find love?"
"I don't know! You might!"
"I highly doubt that."
"Boys! Can we just watch the film?"


The team all sat together and laughed at the animated Llama on the screen. The Jay snuggled a little closer to Nya and as Kai was about to sit in between them Zane put his hand on his shoulder as if saying to him to stop. Kai grumpily sat back down and the group watched Disney until night fell. With Nya testing on Jays lap.

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