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This story doesn't apply to the previous one. But it sort of does... it's the same time but as of Valentine's Day hasn't happened yet. This doesn't take place on Valentine's Day! Okay. Now that that's been sorted on to the story! (Not that anyone reads these anyway)

Also you might want read my little disclaimer at the end!!

Nya's POV:

Apparently whilst we were in the never realm Wu accidentally unleashed the prieminent onto Ninjago and Pixal some how managed to defeat it without water! This did catch my attention and Pixal told me everything. Although I could feel like she was hiding something from me. I didn't question it.

But since Pixal has been battling the prieminent the samurai mech had been damaged and nearly destroyed! It was a miracle that she survived the massive electrical overload but the important thing was that she did. Me, Jay, Pixal and Zane all took to working on the mech whilst the others either told Wu about what happened in the never realm, how we escaped or just played video games.

"Okay so according to the mech scan we're gonna need an entire new right arm program, plus in order to fix the mech we need to override all previous system locks." I said
"I'll deal to the damage that can be fixed I. The cockpit." Pixal volunteered
"Want me to help?" Zane asked
"N-no!! Umm... it's fine Zane." Pixal said rather rushed
"You okay pix?" Jay asked
"Y-yes. I'm fine."

"Well I guess me and Jay will work on building a new arm whilst Nya tries to override the main systems." Zane said
"There are lots of spare parts over there." I said "and the mechs blue prints are on the table."
"Thanks Nya."Jay said

The we all got to work.

Pixal's POV:

I jumped up to the cockpit and I quickly took of the picture of me and Zane there. If he saw that it would probably lead to a very awkward conversation which I was not ready for at the moment.

Once I had removed the photo I simply hid it under the control pad. That way at least Zane or Nya could come up here. I started to work with Nya overriding the systems.

I had just about finished the new programming for the arm Jay and Zane were working on when Nya jumped into the cockpit with a huge smile on her face.

"Hi Nya. You okay?"
"Is it true??" She asked
"Is what true?"
"I was going the video footage and voice recordings for when you were battling the prieminent..." she said. I already knew where this was going....
"And when you were about to use the massive electrical over load you said 'if this doesn't work. Please te-mffm" I covered her mouth before she could finish that sentence.
"SHHH!!" I checked to see if Zane was nearby. Once I had looked around I said "okay so it might be true."
"I knew it!!"
"Just please don't tell anyone! Not any of the boys especially Zane."
"What about Lloyd?"
"Does Lloyd count as anyone?"
"Well yes but he-"
"Then don't tell him!"
"You know you shouldn't bottle your feeling up like this."
"I know! I just.. I- don't know how to tell him!"
"I have a plan."

-Meanwhile with Jay and Zane-

Zane's POV:

Me and Jay we're almost halfway through with the mech arm when Jay and me heard something.

"Psst! Zane!" We heard a whisper
"Lloyd?" Jay whisper shouted back
"What are you doing here?" I whispered
"Zane! I needed to ask/tell you something."
"Well whatever it is can it wait?!?" I asked
"Okay.... I guess I could go shows the others that tape you left in the cave in the never realm. Hey! Mabye I could show Pixa-"
I froze over his mouth before he could say anything else.
"SHHH! You know she's just over here right?!?" I said
"I wanted to talk to you about the tape you left in the cave."
"Tape? What tape?" Jay asked
"Non of your business Jay."
"Basically Zane left a tape in the cave where I found the mech saying how it was the 'last recording' that he would make but thankfully it wasn't."
"So why is it so important that Pixal sees this?" Jay asked
"Because at the end he says-" I froze his mouth again.
"SHUT UP LLOYD!" I shouted whispered

He got rid of the ice no problem.
"He said he loves her."
"Ohhh!" I said as I looked away in embarrassment.
"So why are to telling us this?" Jay asked
"Because I think it's about time Zane faced his deamons and tell Pixal about this!"
"NO WAY." I said "there is no way I'm going to show Pixal the tape."
"No need! I already got it here ready to show."
"I haven't showed anyone the tape! I just told Nya about it and that's it."
"But what if she tells Pixal!?!?" I said in despair
"Well then that solves your problem for you." Jay said
"This is not the time for Jokes." I said stiffly
"I'm sorry Zane." Lloyd said "I bought I was doing you a favour."
" sigh* it's okay Lloyd. You were only trying to help."
"I can make it up to you if you want!"
"No thanks Lloyd. I'll fix it."
"How?" Jay asked "you gonna tell her?"
"I don't think I have much choice do I? But first let's finish this arm."

-After they had finished all their repairs-

Pixal's POV:

I started to set up Nya's little plan. Whilst Zane was cooking for the others I quickly snuck into his room and placed a little tape on his bed. Then I ran out as quite as possible and ran straight to Nyas room.

"I did it." I said

Zane's POV:

I saw Pixal run to Nya's room so I temporarily left the cooking to leave a small recording on Pixal's pillow.

Then I quickly ran back to the kitchen and talked down a walkie talkie

"I did it. Now will you please stop nagging me??"

-Time Skip-

Pixal's POV:

I excused myself quickly from dinner to hide in my room for the rest of the night. Then I noticed a little camera on my pillow with a note saying 'play me -Zane'.

Zane's POV:

After lunch I want to my room to find a tape on my bed with a note from Pixal. I put it into my processor and listened to the recording

I recognised it as the prieminent battle Pixal and Wu told us about. "Why did Pixal want me to here this?" I thought but then I heard it.

Pixal's POV:

I found the button for the recording and I pressed play. I understood it was the final recording that Zane left in that cave in the never realm. So I watched. I was really confused of why Zane was showing me this but then the tape started to close to an end.

"Goodbye to my friends.... and to P.I.X.A.L.... I love you."

Once I heard that part I heard a faint knock on the door. I opened it and just as I expected I saw Zane in the corridor. Without hesitation I threw myself into his arms and held him near to me not wanting to let go. He returned the hug and said four words that I will never forget.

"I love you Pixal."
"I know. I love you too Zane"
"I know."

We moved closer till our noses touched then I grabbed his shirt pulling him into a kiss.

"Our first kiss." I thought
"I'll cherish it forever." Thought Zane.

Hey guys and gals I hoped you liked it. I didn't really like it to begin with but the ending was pretty good if I do say so myself. I will write another Pixane start after I've done Llokita and Kailor. I also want to do a Ninjago X Gavity Falls story and a Christmas one. Plus if you want me too I will write a Ninjago OTP challenge for the gay ships but I will strictly not write any Glacier, techno, stream, green ice or anybody X Zane other than Pixal. It's just what I like. K bye.

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