First date-(ColexSeliel)

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I'm sorry if parts of this story are inaccurate. I read a few fan fic for this but I'm struggling to see a theme so if this isn't accurate then that is why. This is the ship I know least about and I only first found it while looking for Pixane soooo.....


Cole's POV:

It had been a few years since me and Selial had talked. I thought I could ask her to go to Chen's noodle house tonight so I texted her and she agreed! I promised myself that I would confess to her tonight so I got a pink rose and held it in my shaking hands.

When she finally arrived I signaled over to her and she saw me and smiled.

"Well, well, well phantom ninja. We meet again." I said jokingly
"Good to see you too earth ninja." She said back "thank you for inviting me here today."
"It's fine. Truthfully I wanted to see you." I said before realising what I had actually said. "Uhh Uhh I mean... umm...." I said trying to erase what I had already said
"What?" Selial asked a little confused now
"Umm.... CAKE."
"Ooo I'd love some!" I said and that made her laugh
"Well let's just eat first then we can eat cake." She said whilst laughing

We talked for a long time and I was constantly trying to find the right moment it say what I was gonna say. But before I knew it, it was too late. I was dropping her off at her house and I flew alway without saying anything.

Selial's POV:

I closed my house door and ran up to my bedroom to lean against my door and scold myself for not telling Cole. I heard a *ping!* and checked my phone to check the group chat.

Nya: hey Selial! What happened? Cole just came back and he seems pretty down. Did you not tell him? Or did he not feel the same way?
Selial: I didn't tell him.
Pixal: why not?
Selial: I couldn't find the right moment
Nya: you should text him then
Selial:okay. I'll do that then.

-Meanwhile in the boys chat-

Kai: hey Cole!
Cole: hey Kai..
Jay: why the long face buddy?
Zane: did you tell her?
Cole: of course I did! ....Not...
Kai: y not!?!
Zane: *why* not Kai.
Zane: but what happened?
Cole: I just couldn't find the right moment
Kai: you always say it at the end of the date
Cole: well it's too late now and I cant just ask her to go on another date with me tomorrow!
Zane: text her.
Cole: what?
Zane: text her.
Cole: Yea... I heard you the first time. I meant like... what should I text her?

By this point Cole's Phone *pings!* and he sees a new message from Selial.

Cole: hang on she just texted me.
Jay: o.0
Kai: don't say anything stupid!
Zane: and make sure to say it
Jay: he obviously gonna say it!
Jay: right?
Kai: jeez cool down

Selial: hey Cole
Cole: hey Selial
Selial: thanks for taking me to the noodle place tonight
Cole: anytime!
Cole: actually I wanted to ask you something about that...
Selial: ?
Cole: well you see....
Cole: I was wondering if you would want to meet me again at the park. Just for a short time. I'll tell you what I need to in person.
Selial: oh... okay.

-Time Skip-

Selial's POV:

I was at the park and I was waiting for Cole. I was checking my phone and saw that Pixal and Nya's boyfriends had asked them out for a date and I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of them. As I was checking my phone I saw Cole.

"Cole!" I said hugging him
"Hey Selial." He said. He seemed down.
"You okay Cole? You aren't as cheery as you usually are.."
"Yes I'm fine... I guess."
"You guess?"
"Look. Selial. I need to tell you something... back when we first met I didn't really notice you. I did feel something I did eod me but it was so small that I easily overlooked it. Mostly because back then... I was letting the crazy 'perfect match' machine get in my way. I thought Nya was my perfect match but now I see that I was wrong. So wrong! The truth is Selial.... I love you. I've had these feelings for a while now and I hope you would return my feelings." He said. Then under his breath I heard him saying "god I sound like Zane."

I had to run his sentence through my head again to make sure I heard it right and sure enough he had said exactly what I wanted to hear.

I just took his hand and passionately kissed him when he least expected it. He didn't break the kiss and instead melted into it. When we did have to break the kiss he handed me a pink rose.

"Happy Valentine's Day my love." He said and I kissed him on the cheek.

Hey guys and gals I hope you like this part of ninjago One Shots (Coliel addition!) I probably won't writ another Coleil story because I honestly struggle coming up with original story's for ships that don't sail in my head. That why I write Pixane so much!!! Stay tuned for:

•Ninjago as Disney movies
•Ninjago x FNAF
•Ninjago x Gravity Falls part something (I can't remember where I'm up to in that.)
•Ninjago texting
•Ninjago truth or dare


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