Flower wolf-(LloydxAkita)

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Lloyd's POV:

I had offered Akita to visit any time she liked. Since we still had Asphera's staff we could send her back when she wanted to and it was finally time for her first visit.

I had just finished setting up her room when were saw I giant purple light outside and Akita stopped through.

"Lloyd!" She screamed
"Akita!" I said as I embraced her in a warm hug. "I thought you would never come!"
"It's all I could think about all month. I could never forget you!"
"Same here."
"Akita!" The others said together as that all came in for a group hug.
"It's good to see you again girl!" Nya said as she squeezed her.
"How's Crag?" Cole asked
"He's fine! He helps the formlings and the villagers by going up the mountains collecting resources for potions and food."
"Hi. You must be Akita." Pixal said
"Yes. Who are you?"
"I'm Pixal. And this is sensi Wu."

Under her breath I could here Akita saying:

...Student of master Wu....
......Pixal I love you....

Since I had never really talked much about Wu or Pixal she was going off of Zane's recording in that cave we found.

"Thank you for having me here." She said
"No problem." Kai said
"Hey Lloyd! Why don't you take Akita to her room?" Jay suggested
"Okay." I said. I think he was trying to embarrass me like he used to Zane but it won't work! Tomorrow I was going to take Akita to the jewel in Heroshies labyrinth. But first I took Akita to her room and left her to get herself sorted out.

-Time Skip to dinner-

Akita's POV:

I went to the kitchen where the others were sat and I found a seat next to Lloyd. A few minutes later Zane came through with the food.

Although Zane did freeze my whole village and many others, I couldn't hold it against him. The issue had been dealt with and no one was hurt. Although I could still see that Zane was feeling guilt for what he did and apologised to me again when I arrived.

There was a lot of food I front of us and I did t know what to eat. I'm usually used to berry's and meat but this looked to fancy to eat. That didn't stop Jay or Cole from getting a bit of everything onto their plates.

Lloyd could see I was having trouble choosing he told me to close my eyes and hand him my plate so I obeyed. After a minute he told me to open my mouth then he put something small on my tongue. Then he told me to open my eyes and chew.

I didn't know what it was but it tasted good! He put a few more on my plate and I ate them really quickly.

"Okay. Now try this." He said as he put a slice of something on my plate.
"What's this?" I asked poking it
"It's Pie. Try some!" So I broke a bit off the slice and put it in my mouth. It tasted even better than the pigs in blankets I had tried.

Then Lloyd took my plate again and put a little something of everything onto it. I scoffed it down without hesitation.

"MMMM!!! Why does everything here taste so GOOD!!"
"Two reasons. First: Zane made it. Second: Cole didn't make it." Jay said before the whole table burst out laughing except for Cole.

"I'm sure Akita would like my cooking." Cole said
"I don't see why I can't try some of it." I said
"Well then how about tomorrow Cole Cooke's one little thing for Akita?" Jay suggested
"YES!!" Cole said in triumph
"Only after Zane has cooked though". Kai warned
"Whatever." Cole said

-Time Skip-

Akita's POV:

I was awoken this morning by Lloyd.

"Psst. Akita?"
"Lloyd?" I said sleepily
"Come with me." He said
"It's a little early isn't it?" I asked
"Just come."

I knew I didn't have a choice. I got out of bed and followed Lloyd outside.

"Where are we going?"
"You'll see." He said as he started to use his powers.

I was really confused when suddenly out of nowhere there was a giant green dragon in front of me.

"Don't scream!" Lloyd said quickly.
"I'm an elemental master. I can do practically anything." He said as he held out his hand.

I anxiously took his hand and we flew up into the clouds.

Lloyd's POV:

Akita was holding onto me tightly so she wouldn't fall off. I tried to tell her I was going slowly but she refused to let go.

We eventually arrived a Heroshies labyrinth. I help Akita down and we walked through the dense forest.

After an hour of walking I eventually found the jewel in the labyrinth that my father had showed me. It was just a beautiful as it was before. Only this time we wouldn't be interrupted by the overlord's nindroids.

"Okay you can open your eyes now." I said. I watched as Akita slowly open her eyes and her face filled with awe for the sight she saw in front of her.

"Oh Lloyd..." she said
"Do you like it?" I asked
"I...I love it!!!" She screamed "how did you find it?"
"My farther took me here once. He said that only one person has ever escaped its clutches."
"Then how do you suppose we get out?" She asked starting to get concerned
"What's the rush?" I said calmly "it's.. nice. Being here with you."

Then for the rest of the day we played around the river, relaxed in a tree or ran around the surrounding woods. I was glad Akita was having fun but I felt a longing inside of me to ask her something. I knew I had to be patient so I joked around with her all day then we climbed a nearby tree and lay down on the higher leaves as we watched the stars light up the ever dark sky. I began starting a conversation.

"So how was it?" I asked
"It was wonderful." She replied not taking her eyes off the sky
"Well... I actually brought you here to ask you something..."
"Oh really? What?" She asked curiously
"Well I know that we would never really see eachother but.." I breathed to steady my nerves. "Would you go out with me?" I asked.

She took a while to respond which worried me. "I-I'm sorry." I said "forget I said anything."
"I don't understand." She finally said "we are already outside."

I breathed a sigh of relief for she had simply misunderstood me.

"N-no. I mean like... be my girlfriend."
"Well in that case I don't see why not."
"Of course! Honestly I was hoping you would ask me." She said as she hugged me. I hugged her back.

"I love you!" I whispered into her ear
"I love you too!" She whispered back as she gave me a peck on the cheek. This time I wanted more so I turned her to face me and moved my head closer to hers. She did the same and we eventually met each others kiss.

We eventually had to break the kiss but we never let each other go. We settled down in the leaves and just before I fell asleep I took one last look at my little flower wolf.

Yea I know. Crappy ending. But hey! I think I might be the first (or one of them) to finish a Llokita fan fic so SUE ME!

Anyways... thanks for reading and go onto my profile to see:

•lots and lots of Pixane fanfic
•a few more ships along with Pixane
•a list of upcoming story's that you should definitely check out when they r released.

Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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