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Here's a story inspired by my family situation right now, other than mine isn't ending happy. Also thank you so much for 100 reads, like that's so crazy to me. I love you all with all my heart and have had so much fun writing so far. Also if you have any suggestions let me know! Enjoy! :)


Peter didn't exactly have a family. Sure he had Aunt May and he loved her, but it wasn't the same as what everyone else had. They would constantly talk about their families coming over, hanging out with their cousins, all their aunts and uncles, and just how awesome or horrible it was to have them around. He didn't have that, and it made him sad sometimes, but he couldn't do much about it.

It was these thoughts that had kept Peter up tonight. He hated thinking about it, but sometimes he just had to. He missed his parents and he missed Uncle Ben, they were everything to him. Aunt May was working late tonight as well so he didn't have her to comfort him. He just sat there with his thoughts. 

He eventually got lonely all alone with his thoughts so he pulled out his mask to talk to Karen. "Hi Peter, how are you today?" She asked as soon as the mask was on. "I've been better, just wanted someone to talk to." Peter responded to her. "Well I am here" She said almost sounding life like. 

So there Peter laid for almost two hours, just sitting there talking to Karen about everything that was going through his head. She listened and responded when he asked questions and that made him feel better about everything else going on. Eventually he got tired and wished Karen a goodnight before taking his mask off and going to sleep. What he didn't know was that Karen recorded the entire conversation and sent it over to Tony as part of the "Lonely Protocol".


Tony was just sitting in his lab tinkering on his suit at 2 AM when he got an email from Peter's suit. He was afraid he was hurt so he immediately got up and told FRIDAY to pull it up on his hologram. When he opened it and saw that Peter was okay he dismissed his suit that he had called immediately when he got the message. He sat down and opened the video that was sent. 

"Ya know Karen, it's just hard sometimes when you don't have a family and everyone around you does." Peter started out through the video. Tony just sat and stared at the screen for the whole two hours that it played. He felt bad for the kid, he had been through so much at such a young age and was still such an amazing person. It was four in the morning when the video ended so he went upstairs and laid in bed to just get a few hours of sleep.

Well, Tony didn't sleep that night. He just stayed up and thought about everything that Peter had said in his video. He knew he had to do something he just didn't know what. Then it hit him, "FRI, call in the Avengers, tell them it's about baby spider." He said to his AI, "Oh and don't forget to say that he's fine." he added before the entire team showed up at Peter's school that day. 


Peter was sitting in class trying to stay awake from staying up really late the night before, when he got a text from Mr.Stark.

Tony: Hey kid do you want to come to the lab today?

Peter: Yeah that'd be great, let me ask May.

 Peter was about to text his aunt when Mr.Stark texted back again.

Tony: Already cleared it with her, you're good to go.

Peter: Awesome see you after school.

And with that Peter knew it was going to be a good day for him.


"Alright Peter will be here any minute, is everyone ready?" Tony yelled out around the common room.

"Ready!" Everyone else yelled out from their spots.

Just as they finished yelling FRIDAY notified Tony that Peter was on his way up. They immediately quieted down and got prepared. The elevator doors opened and Peter walked out to all of the Avengers sitting quietly in the common room. "Hey what are you guys doing here?" Peter asked as he looked at all of them. "Well, Peter, Karen informed me of the talk that you and her had last night and I wanted to show you that you do have a family," Tony took a deep breath and continued, "we may not be like every other ordinary family, but we love just the same, maybe more." He finished off and looked at Peter. 

Peter had tears in his eyes and he looked up at his family. "I love you guys so much and it means so much to me to have you, but Karen is a traitor and I will never forgive her." He said with sarcasm at the end. He quickly got up and ran to hug every member of his family even if most of them refused to hug him back.

"So since all of you are here, want to have a game night?" Peter said with hope present in his eyes. "How about a movie night instead?" Tony said looking at the kid for an answer. "I mean I guess I'd be okay with that..." He said as he looked away and trailed off, a smile present on his face.

For the next 20 minutes it was a battle of who was going to sit next to Peter. Let's just say that all of them wanted to, but only a few were able to. To help them decide they put names in a hat and had Tony draw out of the hat, because of course Tony was sitting next to his kid. 

The final seating arrangement was Tony on Peter's left, Clint on his right, Sam in front of him, and Steve sitting behind him. Before the movie even started Natasha had managed to scare Clint into letting her sit on Peter's right and he moved over to the couch next to Scott. 

They decided to watch Star Wars since it was Peter's day and they wanted to show him how much he means to them. By the time the first movie was over half of them were asleep and the other half were holding on by a thread. Peter was one of the ones asleep as Tony was brushing his hand through his curls so that he could sleep peacefully, as well as Natasha rubbing his back. He was happy and knew he had a family.

The next morning Peter made sure to thank everyone, including Karen, and told them that he thought of them as a family as well. He couldn't wait to see what new adventures with his family would be like.


Alright I hope you guys enjoyed that, I genuinely had a lot of fun writing this. I appreciate all the support you give me so much so yeah. :)

Word Count: 1104

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