Getting Ready

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Alright so since I last posted we are now at 231 reads and I think that that is crazy. So thank you all very much and shout out to everyone that is voting for my stories because I think that that is also amazing. FYI while writing this all I could think of was the getting ready song from High School Musical. Enjoy. :)


Spideyboi: Got the details reply to get them

Guyinthechair: Here and on time sir. LOL!

Spideyboi: Never say that again..

Guyinthechair: Sorry...

Spideyboi: Anyway we have four ideas and I'm going to let MJ chose between the four

Guyinthechair: Alright what are they?

Spideyboi: Musuem, movie, chill and read books, or investigate an unsolved murder

Guyinthechair: Ya know I thought this was going normal until the last two

Guyinthechair: But I mean they sound completely like something MJ would love so that's good

Spideyboi: Well that's good, but now I'm going to bed. Night.

Guyinthechair: Night.

After texting Ned Peter still wasn't tired enough to sleep based on all the adrenaline he had from remembering the day so he went out patrolling. He didn't expect to be long just a few stops before going back to his house and sleeping. Well that's at least what he thought. Instead he was out until 2AM and only came in because Karen informed Tony and Tony yelled at him and said if his suit wasn't home in 5 minutes he would take it away again. That was one way to make him go home.


The next morning he woke up on time, but was not feeling it. He was so tired and definitely was regretting going out for so long last night. He quickly got ready and grabbed the breakfast May had made him and started his walk to school.

His entire walk he was thinking through how he was going to present the ideas to MJ and hoping she chose one of the two that he had planned out.

He finally got to school and went straight to his locker where he met Ned every morning, "Hey Ned." Peter said in a really monotone voice. "Hey, you alright?" Ned asked, "Yeah just stayed out to late last night, couldn't sleep." Peter responded as he finally got his locker open. "Hey losers, good morning." MJ said walking up behind them, "Good morning MJ." Peter almost yelled in the middle of the hallway.

"So I have four ideas that you can choose from that I came up with last night." Peter stated to MJ who just looked at him and waited for him to continue. "Alright so we can either go to a movie, a museum, have a reading session, or investigate an unsolved murder." Peter finished and waited for the response from MJ. "I say we go to a museum then go back to your place and look at unsolved murders." MJ stated with no hint of being unsure in her voice.

Peter started slightly panicking because he didn't want to take her back to the apartment, he wasn't embarrassed, it just wasn't clean enough for company in two days. He couldn't take her to Stark Towers either because that wouldn't work out to well. He'll just ask Tony later today he decided. "Deal." Peter said and left MJ with a smile before walking to class.


When Peter got to the tower that night he asked Tony what to do. "Mr. Stark?" "Yeah kid?" "So MJ decided that we would go to a museum than head back to my place and look at unsolved murders, but I can't clean the apartment in that short of an amount of time. So now I don't know what to do." Peter told Tony without taking a breathe. "Alright kid, text her and ask her if it's okay if you guys come over here and hang in your room here, because I'm guessing she knows your secret if she's this special to you." Tony said with a stern look in his eyes. Peter couldn't keep a secret for the life of him and MJ definitely knew his secret. Peter took out his phone and texted MJ.

Peter: Hey, so my apartment kind of can't be used on Friday, but Mr. Stark said that we could come hang in my room at the tower if it's okay with you.

MJ: yeah that's cool with me. what time are we going on Friday?"

Peter: I'll pick you up at 6 and we can go to the museum for an hour and a half and spend the rest of the time at the tower?

MJ: alright that's cool with me, now get to bed loser.

Peter: Good night MJ.

"Alright Mr. Stark she said that everything was cool with come to the tower. Thank you so much I really appreciate it." Peter said smiling up at his mentor. "Of course kid, but I will be watching on security so don't try anything." Tony said jokingly. "Mr. Stark!!!" Peter yelled.


The next two days Peter and MJ would take glances at each other only to find the other one staring right back at them. They would then turn away and blush trying to hide it, but failing miserably.


It was finally the night of the date and Peter was a nervous wreck. He couldn't stop shaking and was just playing with his shirt in the car. Happy was going to drop him off and then him and MJ were going to walk to the museum and get a ride to the tower after. 

Tony dressed the kid in some nice pants and a nice shirt, of course Peter had put a science pun t-shirt underneath it because he claimed it was what made him cool. Tony just let him because the girl obviously saw something in the shirts or she would have already said something based on how Peter describes her. After getting Peter ready he sent him to the car that Happy was waiting in and said goodbye. 

"You got it kid, alright?" Tony said through his phone. He was currently at meeting that Pepper wouldn't let him miss. "Thank Mr. Stark, I have to go we are pulling up thank you for everything." Peter said before waving and hanging up. 

He said goodbye to Happy and that he would text them when they were done at the museum. He got out of the car slowly trying to calm his nerves and straightened out his shirt after he was all the way out of the car. He shut the door and walked up to the door, hesitating before knocking. In just a few seconds MJ had opened the door and greeted him. 

"Wow.." He whispered, "you look great." "Thanks loser you too."


Alright so that was really fun to write and I'm super excited to do the next part tomorrow. Also halfway through writing this I accidentally published it so I just deleted that one and copied and pasted it here. Anyway thanks for reading and send some suggestions if you would like. :)

Word Count: 1101

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