The Date

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Hey guys, so sorry I didn't post on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. I had a slightly hectic schedule, but I'm going to try and post everyday this week except Saturday and Sunday. I'm either going to use those as break days to brainstorm, or writing days to get ahead for the week after that. Alright now enjoy the story! :)


"Wow.." He whispered, "you look great." "Thanks loser you too."

Peter couldn't stop staring at her, she looked like everything he could have ever imagined, plus some. He felt his heart beating faster and somehow he was more nervous than before. He was awkwardly staring at her and didn't stop until she said something. "So... um are we gonna go?" She asked him shifting slightly under his gaze. "Oh yeah right, sorry." Peter said as he finally stopped staring.

They walked in a comfortable silence for most of the way, their hands grazing past each other until they pulled them away. About half way Peter finally said something, "So, are you excited?", "Oh yeah, I haven't been to this museum before." MJ responded as their hands grazed again. Peter finally had enough courage to take her hand in his and MJ didn't pull away, so that was a good sign right? 

The walked together, holding hands, the rest of the way and both had smirks on their faces. When they got to the museum Peter took out the money Mr. Stark had given him, even though he refused to take it Tony made him, said it was "payment for work". Peter knew he just didn't want Peter paying for the date with the little money he had. He gave the money to the clerk and got MJ and his tickets and they headed inside. 

While at the museum they both saw things they loved and some of the things they were both really interested in, that's where they spent most of their time. If they both saw something and thought it was cool they would actually take the time to stop and read about it. After about an hour an a half at the museum Peter sent a text to Happy telling him that they were ready to be picked up and taken to the tour.

While they were waiting for Happy to show up they sat on a bench and talked about the things they saw and what they liked about the museum and what they didn't like. While waiting Peter and MJ slowly moved closer to each other and eventually Peter and MJ were holding hands once again. Basically if you looked up innocent couple in the dictionary you would see them holding hands on the bench.

Just a few minutes later Happy pulled up with Tony in the passenger seat. Oh great is the only thing that could go through Peter's head. Peter opened the door and MJ slid in then he slid in next to her. "Hi Mr. Stark," Peter said once he got in. "this is MJ, MJ Mr. Stark." he finished introducing the two to each other. "Hey kid, hi MJ, I've heard a lot about you, Pete here can't stop talking about you." Tony said knowing exactly what he was doing. 

Peter turned as red as a tomato and shot Tony a look that said "You're going to pay for that.". MJ just laughed at Peter's look and took out her sketch book to draw what he looked like right at this moment. Peter than glared at her for drawing him in this state and she just shrugged at him. "Thank you for that information." MJ said with a smirk at Peter.

After the horrendously long car ride they finally made it back to the tower. "Now you two behave when you go up to Pete's room. Remember I have cameras every where." Tony said with a pointed look. Peter just turned red again while MJ just blushed slightly. "Mr. Stark can you not?" Peter asked with a pleading look. "I'm just teasing, go have fun now." Tony said and pointed toward the elevator.

They headed up to Peter's room and when they got in there MJ was shocked at how big it was and how much stuff Peter had in there. Peter took notice of her look and said, "It's now as much as it seems, Mr. Stark is just extra." Peter said with a laugh. "Yeah, I'll say." MJ said back. "Hey Karen can you pull up the screen and go to Buzzfeed Unsolved on Youtube." Peter said and they screen came up with every post on the site. 

They sat down on the couch that Peter had in his room and were on the left side, with Peter next to the side and MJ next to him. Then they had to decided on what video they wanted to watch because MJ had to be home in an hour. They ended up deciding to watch the one called, "The Shocking Florida Machete Murder". Once they had gotten settled they began watching the video. (I didn't watch this video because its too late at night to be doing that shiz, sorry). 

About half way through the video after mentally battling himself Peter decided to try and put his arm around MJ, but not in the yawn method because Peter isn't that cheesy. Peter put his arm around MJ and MJ melted into his touch. She scooted herself slightly closer to Peter and leaned into his chest. She had her head basically on his shoulder, but was afraid to go any farther so she didn't.

When the video ended they sat their in each others arms for a little longer and Peter started playing with her hair. They didn't even move when there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Peter said, "Hey kid I know you guys are having fun, but it's time for us to take MJ home." Tony said while opening the door, when he saw them he smiled to himself. "Alright give us five minutes." Peter responded. Tony closed the door and headed down to the car. On his way out he made sure to ask FRIDAY to take a picture of the two.

 After a few more minutes Peter and MJ got up and Peter grabbed her jacket and walked with her down to the car. They got in the back and on the ride to her house MJ let herself put her head on his shoulder. 

When they got to her house they both got out and Peter walked her to the door. "I had a really good time tonight, thank you MJ." Peter said and MJ just smiled. "We need to do it again." Was her response. She kissed Peter on the cheek, gave him a smile, and walked into her house. Peter was smiling from ear to ear on his way back to the car (Tony also got a picture of this interaction).

"Hey FRI send Peter both pictures you have taken." Tony said before Peter got back to the car, "As you wish sir." is all FRIDAY said back. Tony wasn't surprised to find the next morning that the picture of MJ and him on his couch was his new lock screen wallpaper. Tony was happy his kid had found a girl like MJ.


Well I hoped you liked that, I'm sorry if you didn't. I liked how this ended, but let me know, and request anything you have. :)

Word Count: 1212

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