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Alright new story for once in my life. Stressful week, but hopefully I'm getting back on top of things. There is some fighting in this sooooo beware? :)

Requested by lamming19


Flash back~

Tony had been noticing that Peter came to the tower with more and more bruises or had bruises in the same place after a few days. His advanced healing shouldn't have allowed for that, but somehow they were still there. 

Every time he asked Peter about them he just said that they were from patrol and when asked why they weren't healing he said that they were, but then he got hit in the same place over and over again.

 Of course Tony didn't believe him so he went through and watched all the footage from Karen. Peter rarely got hit so it still didn't make sense why he was getting them literally everywhere. 

Tony guessed it had to do with something out of the Spider-man suit so he made the entire team a specialized pair of  dog tags, but only to make Peter not suspicious of the action. The dog tags would monitor anything and everything about each team member and alert the entire team if they were in danger. Tony would get to the bottom of this.


It was Tuesday morning and Peter had just gotten to school. He met up with Ned and they started walking to class when Peter spotted Flash coming towards them looking enraged. Peter's spidey sense was starting to go haywire, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it.

At first he thought it was only flash, but he soon saw that he was accompanied by his goons. "Go on I'll see you later." Peter said to Ned and pushed him forward. If he was going to face Flash's wrath he wasn't going to let Ned watch or get hurt in the process.

After Ned was gone he sensed a punch coming and had to resist the urge to immediately move away from it. He pretended to be surprised and taken back by the punch to satisfy Flash, but it didn't. Flash grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into the bathroom. He threatened that anyone left in the bathroom after he asked for them to leave would be facing the same punishment as Peter.

As soon as everyone left the room Flash's goons went and slammed his head into the sink. Peter felt his vision starting to blur, but was able to resist it. As much as he couldn't fight back he also couldn't black out because then he would have no way of defending himself. 

He let himself get beaten, but refused to give into the darkness that was coming from the outside of his eyes. Flash's goons had done most of the damage at this point, but now Flash wanted his turn.

Peter braced for impact.


The team was sitting in a debriefing from their last mission when all of their dog tags started beeping. Fury just looked at them with confusion in his eyes and they all immediately looked around the room. The only thought going through their heads was that everyone with dog tags was in the room with them except for Peter.

"FRIDAY, bring up Peter's location and vitals immediately." Tony said while calling his suit to him.

"It seems that Peter is unconscious with a concussion and a few cuts and bruises." FRIDAY said back to the room. "He also seems to be at Midtown School of Science and Technology sir." She added before being asked again.

"Fury we have to go we will be back in 10." Natasha said and gave him her look that said, "Don't test me." Fury just rolled his eyes and let them leave.


When they got to the school they split up and went to different halls. Steve was in charge of going to the office and getting Ned and MJ out of class because those two would be the ones to know where Peter is, Nat and Clint went into the cafeteria and gym, Tony was checking guy bathrooms while Wanda was checking girl bathrooms, and Bruce was waiting in the car for the signal to come and check Peter's injuries.

Tony was the one that found him, he was unconscious on the bathroom floor with Ned next to him trying to talk to him. Tony immediately called Bruce in and told him where he was while he asked Wanda to make sure no one came in here unless it was the principal. He asked Ned to go get the principal and come back with him or else he would be suing the school, not that he wasn't already thinking about it.

After he was able to get everyone out of the bathroom he went to Peter and looked at him. His hair was covered in blood and he had bruises all over he chest and stomach. His right arm had a huge cut on it that was dripping blood onto the ground. He was horrified, who could hurt sweet Peter Parker like that. Tony took off this dog tags and told FRIDAY to analyze everything that seemed harmful on it and to pull it up in his lab for when he got back.

Bruce walked in and looked and Peter with pity in his eyes, the kid looked awful. Bruce called Steve in to pick up Peter and take him to the car so they could get him to the med bay while Tony stayed and talked to the principal. Steve looked very upset when he got into the bathroom Peter was in, he was glad Bruce asked him to go with him because we all know how Cap feels about bullies. Nat stayed with Tony while everyone else went with Bruce and Peter.

Ned brought the principal to the bathroom after much convincing and he came face to face with Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark. "You see this blood on the floor? That is what one of your students did to my kid!" Tony practically yelled at the man. "Excuse me, your kid, no one here has the last name of Stark." The principal said back to Tony. "PETER PARKER! He's my kid, I'm on his papers or did you guys take me off again because you don't believe him?" Tony said anger in every word. The principal was silent. "After we asses his injuries and I review the footage I have you will be hearing from my lawyer." And with that Nat and Tony were gone to look after Peter.

While Tony was waiting for Peter to wake up he went down to the lab and watched the footage from the dog tags. He saw Peter getting called names everyday, he saw him get punched and kicked, he saw him get talked down to and be told his family didn't love him. Tony was furious, he immediately sent everything to Pepper including the medical report and told her to do what she does best.

Peter didn't wake up for a few hours, but when he did he was still the bubbly kid he always was. He just had a few restriction on him because he got very dizzy when he stood up and couldn't sit up because of the broken ribs.

When Tony came in and asked him why he never fought back he explained the whole story about how he didn't want to hurt anyone and didn't want anyone else to get hurt by this kid so he just took it. After Peter told him he was shocked and thought that the world really didn't deserve Peter, but then Tony lectured him about not telling people and that he should have told him because it is something very serious. He also informed Peter that the situation would be taken care of and he didn't need to worry anymore.

Sure enough when Peter went to school the next week Flash, his goons, and the principal were gone.


Alright so I actually really enjoyed writing that, let me know what you thought or any feedback. :)

Word Count: 1315

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