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Warning: If you are sensitive then I advise you grab a box of tissues. This chapter will make you cry.


"Mama!" Chanwoo ran into the kitchen where his parents were talking and discussing adult stuff. "What is it Chanwoo? Mama and papa are busy."

Chanwoo pouted and lowered his head. He held up a piece of paper that was in his hand and gave it to his papa. "This is beautiful, Wooie. It'll go on the fridge!"

Chanwoos smile started to appear once again, bigger this time. "Mama, do you like my drawing?" Taehyung wasn't paying attention, he was stressed out with work and the problems the company was facing.

"Mama?" Taehyung was starting to get annoyed by his son calling his name. "Mama!" Taehyung growled, causing Chanwoo to back away a little, his bottom lip quivering and his eyes watering.

"Taehyung?" Taehyung let out a sigh and turned around, glaring at Jungkook. "What?!" Jungkook stared in disbelief at Taehyung while Chanwoo ran off crying.

"Just because you're angry about the company crisis doesn't mean you have to take it out on Chanwoo." Jungkook got up to find Chanwoo while Taehyung sat there, taking deep breaths.

He got up and walked after Jungkook, apologizing for what he had done but Jungkook said he should be apologizing to Chanwoo instead.

The couple knocked on Chanwoos bedroom door but didn't receive an answer. "Mom!" Taehyung headed towards Eun Ae's room, wondering what she needed.

"Chanwoo is under my bed and he won't get out." Jungkook chuckled and got on his knee, bringing Chanwoo out from under the bed.

"Mama wants to apologize, Wooie. Can you talk to mama?" Chanwoo nodded and looked at Taehyung. Taehyung opened his arms and Chanwoo immediately ran into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry, Chanwoo. I've been stressed is all. Can you forgive me?" Chanwoo nodded and kissed Taes cheek. "Of course I forgive you! You're my mom after all. You make my food and clean my room."

Taehyung pouted and attacked Chanwoo with tickles. "Hey! I want tickles too!" Eun Ae ran towards Taehyung and Chanwoo, attacking them with kisses and tickles.

The sound of glass shattering rung through their ears, causing the two worried parents to head towards the noise which seemed to come from Ji-ahs room.

"NO! THATS MINE HYE-REE." Jungkook opened the door with angry eyes glaring at the two girls in the room. "What the heck is going on here?"

"Hye-ree is trying to take my clothes again. Tell her to stop!" Taehyung let out a sigh. He grabbed his husband and went downstairs wanting to discuss something.

"I suggest we take them on a family trip to another country before school starts so they can bond," Taehyung suggested. Jungkook wasn't up for the idea much though.

"Please Kookie? It'll be super fun!" Jungkook let out a sigh of defeat. "You 5 will have to go without me though, Taehyung." Taehyungs eyes widened and confusion spread around.

"Why?" Taehyung wondered. "I need to stay here and deal with the company." Just then Taehyungs phone started to ring. "Hold on, moms calling."

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