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I'm back from my break. I'm sure no one cares so ima shut up. Enjoy:)

•||Taehyung POV||•

Jungkook and I rushed over to where the kids were waiting. There was an ambulance. I ran faster then Jungkook, just in time to catch the paramedics.

"W-What happened?!" I asked. I was about to have an anxiety attack. "Chemo affects, sir. May I ask where the girls mother might be?" The paramedic asked.

"I am the girls mother and that's her father." The paramedic nodded and gave me a piece of paper. "We will be taking her to this hospital."

I let out a shakey breath and nodded. "We'll drive there in our car," Jungkook muttered. We thanked our neighbor for calling the emergency number.

She offered to watch the kids but we didn't want to busy her. We told her we would drop the kids off at my brothers.

We headed towards the car and immediately began to drive away. After we dropped the kids off at Eunwoos, we drove to the location.


As soon as we stepped foot in the building, I ran towards a nurse and asked her where my Hye-Ree was. She pointed me towards the ER hallway and said it was room 402.

We got permission from Minho to go and see her. We entered the room and I immediately broke into tears when I saw her hooked up to a bunch of things.

"Oh my God," Jungkook breathed out. "O-Our baby is okay, right Kookie?" Jungkook nodded shakily. "Dr. Choi said she should be okay."

I wiped away my tears and looked at Hye-Ree. Something doesn't seem right at all to me. I walked up to Hye-Ree and placed my hand on her head. "Jungkook, she's burning. Jungkook, our baby is burning. Get Minho!"

Jungkook rushed out of the room and returned with Minho and a couple nurses. "Please leave the room, Taehyung. Jungkook, take him." I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay in the room with my baby girl incase something happened.

Jungkook dragged me out of the room and I had a full on panic attack. Nurses rushed over to me and tried to calm me. A few visitors and patients looked at me with pity and others with annoyed expressions.

"Listen sir," one of the nurses began, "your daughter is in good hands. We'll try our best to make sure she battles this hell that like has put her through."

I take deep breaths but still can't control my sobbing. Jungkook rubbed my back and whispered sweet and reassuring words in my ear. "Listen, everything will be alright. Nothing will happen. Calm down, okay? This isn't good for our baby."

I nodded, remembering that I was pregnant. I held onto Jungkook and buried my face into his chest. I kept quietly praying and hoping that our Hye-Ree is okay.

Minutes later, Minhoe came out of the room with a relieved smile. "She is okay. She will have to stay here from now on though." We nodded, my heart feeling at ease now.

"Can we upgrade her to a VIP room?" Jungkook asked. Minhoe nodded and told the nurses. "She will safely be relocated to the childrens cancer ward, VIP room 1261."

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