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•||Taehyung POV||•

"W-What? What happened to Hye-Ree?!" My heart was racing and Minhos grip on my shoulder grew tighter to calm me down. "I'm sorry Taehyung.. Hye-Ree most likely won't make it.." My eyes widened and next thing I knew, I pushed Minho aside and ran into the room, shouting for Hye-Ree.

"Baby! Please be strong! C'mon sunshine, don't make papa cry!" But I broke out into tears anyways. The chances of losing my own babygirl made me want to kill myself but she isn't gone yet.

I kissed her forehead and grabbed onto her tighter. "Ree-Ree... my babygirl! Please listen to Papa for once and don't leave.."

I didn't feel the hand that was now placed on my own. I opened my eyes and her eyes were open but she looked so pale and exhausted. "Papa, I won't leave.." she smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I'm a fighter..!" I chuckled and nodded, hugging her tightly. "I know, baby.. You always have been." I couldn't stand seeing her like this.

I ordered a nurse to bring Minho into the room and she did. As soon as Minho entered the room, I asked him if there was anything that can help. Minho shook his head and left the room.

My angel might die and I can't do anything about it... Just then, a knock on the room door grabbed my attention. It was Jungkook and he had a very displeased look on his face.

"W-What?" I asked. He shook his head and said I had to see something. I left the room and immediately anger came over me. I almost jumped the woman in front of me but Jungkook held me back.

"I see that I was right about you not being able to raise her.. I should have just forcefully taken her back last year." My eyes widened and I began to push Jungkook away so I can jump the women. 

"Say that again you bitch!" I growled. All eyes were on us. The security guards came wondering what was going on. "Ma'am, is this man harassing you?" She nodded and crossed her arms. A nurse who had been watching spoke up.

"Officer, he wasn't. She's trying to take away their child just because they let her get cancer," the nurse said. The guard looked over at the women and rolled his eyes. "Ma'am, you can not barge in here and demand to take someone else's child away."

"She is my daughter! You can take a blood test if you'd like." Jungkook rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Listen, we've been through this before, officer. She should be arrested for child abandonment." The officer let out a sigh and decided to set a court date.

"We'll see you in court then." The lady nodded and walked off. This bitch really thought that she would take my daughter? She can think twice. I pushed Jungkook away and went back into her hospital room. The kids were there talking with their sister and I smiled.

Hye-Ree saw me and began to cry immediately. "Is she really going to take me back?" I shook my head and brought her into a hug. "No angel. I will never let anyone take you away from me." Hye-Ree nodded and hugged me back.

"Get some sleep.. You need a lot of rest." She nodded and we all said goodnight to her. We left the hospital and went home. As soon as we got home, we sent the kids to their rooms. I looked at Jungkook and began to cry.

"S-She's going to take my baby!" Jungkook rubbed my back and shook his head. "No, I'll hire the best lawyer money can buy!" Jungkook said. I nodded and kissed him, him kissing back. 

"Jungkook, what do we do if we lose the case?" Jungkook shook his head. "We won't.. Let's get some sleep, court is tomorrow and I'd rather not have my husband fall asleep." I giggled and nodded.

We both went upstairs and changed into comfortable clothing. We got into bed and fell asleep quickly.

                                                                  ~Next day~

"Jungkook! Wake up so we can get to court." Jungkook let out a cute yawn and got up. I watched him go to the bathroom to wash up. I fixed the sleeves on my suit and also fixed my hair. Jungkook walked out and wore his suit. I was nervous. 

Yes we had all of Hye-Rees papers, including her birth certificate but I feel like she has something planned. There is no way that she would give up so easily. I knew Hye-Ree would be there too which only makes things easier on us. She would tell the truth and cover up that womans lies.

Jungkook got dressed. I woke up the kids and told them to dress in their best outfits.  I hurried downstairs and prepared breakfast. The kids came walking downstairs, all 3 looking gloomy.

"Why the sad faces?" I asked. "Papa, will they take Hye-Ree away from us?" I shook my head. Jungkook and I prepared ourselves for anything that the bitch has planned. We aren't going to fall for his fucking tricks.

"Alright, eat up. We have a court meeting to get to!"

                                                                                  ~3 hours later~

"Mr. Jeon Jungkook, we would like to hear your side of the story before we hear from Ms. Lee." Jungkook nodded and stood up. "10 years ago, I woke up at 4 AM to a child crying. I assumed that it was our daughter, Ji-ah, but it wasn't. I followed the crying to our front door. When I opened the door, I found Hye-Ree tucked into a little basket. I have her birth certificate, her adoption papers, and the same letter that was left for us." 

The judge motioned for one of the cops to bring the papers. The cop came and took the papers from Jungkooks hands. Jungkook sat back down and smiled at me. The judge cleared his throat and told that evil woman to speak.

"Everything Mr. Jeon has said is false. I would never leave my child at a door at 4 AM on a December night! They kidnapped my babygirl." The judge looked over at her and knew she was lying but he wanted to make sure.

"These evil fags are lying! I want my babygirl back!" She began to fake cry, hoping to win over the judge. The judge rolled his eyes and took another look at the papers. "Ms. Lee, you said you had her birth certificate with you. May I see it?" She nodded and handed a cop the "certificate."

The judge looked it over and cleared his throat. "Ms. Jeon Hye-Ree... Please share your thoughts," the judge said. Hye-Ree nodded and smiled at us. "The Jeons are my real family. It's true, I was left at the door by her 10 years ago. They treated me as if I was their own. If you ever asked me, I'd say I was lucky to have been dropped off at their door. I love my brother and sister too. I couldn't imagine my life if I was not a Jeon."

The judge nodded and took a look at the birth certificates. His eyebrows furrowed and he told the cops to arrest Ms. Lee. "What gives?!" she yelled. "The birth certificate you gave me says that Hye-Ree was born a year ago. That's fraud. You are also under arrest for child abandonment."

I jumped out of my seat and with tears of happiness rolling down my face. "We did it, Kookie!" Jungkook stood up and brought me into a hug. "I told you that we would never lose her..."


Hey! It's been a while, huh? Well, here's your update!

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