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''Promise me, wherever I will be, you will always find me again.''


He drew in and kissed him softly in the lips, a single tear escaping.

Mark opened his eyes and looked at the unfamiliar ceiling. He touched his cheeks that were wet.

His head throbbing as he made his way downstairs. Wasted drunk bodies lay everywhere on the floor and the couch. He opened the fridge to see unimaginable things stuffed into that poor machine, a teddy bear, a slice of pizza, someone's shoe.

He wrinkled his nose and found a bottle of water. He hesitated but then shrugged and opened it up and chugged its content. He felt dehydrated and drained. So weak.

Was it the alcohol?

His memory groggy and his head pounding hard.

The fuck did I do last night? You always lose control when you party all night. Well serves you right Mark.

Mark scoffed. Blurry images and slurred conversations came to mind. He remembered Jinyoung entering the party, and him dancing with him, things getting kind of hot and heavy. Him pulling Jinyoung to a room. Clothes, kisses, fumblings,words spoken. Then a sharp but sweet pain.

What was that?

Mark blanked out after that.

It was a weekend so Mark headed home to clean up. He was in need of a good hot shower. As he entered his house, he stripped his clothes one by one and stood underneath the shower. Letting the warm water run it's course.

Unconsciously he touched his neck, and it throbbed slightly. He shrugged and got out of the shower. Donned a comfy sweater and plopped on the sofa. He switched on the TV and let the noise fill his empty apartment. Soon he was dozing off.

''No! I won't leave you!'

''You have to. Please, for my sake'. Hurry, Now go! They're coming!!"

Mark sobbed and the other person lightly kissed his forehead, then a shining light engulfed both of them.

''No matter what, no matter how long it takes, I will find you. Wait for me. My love''

Then the other person shoved Mark lightly and Mark turned and opened a hatch in the floorboard and escaped.

As he was running away, he heard the door burst open and shuffling and the other person was taken away.

Mark put a hand to his mouth and choked as tears streamed down hard.

Mark woke up gasping for air, drenched in sweat and tears again. He seemed to be having these dreams very frequently and they all started after he came back to Korea.

Maybe it's just the stress of the new environment or fitting in.

But he never knew who the other person in his dream was. It was always a vague shadowy blur but his voice was tender and full of love. He would've gladly given his heart to him. His instincts trusted him and he would even die for him. He scoffed.

Die for him, scoff. What a cliche. No one does that nowadays . And I? I would die for HIM. Scoff.

He shook his head and got up. He then decided to go for a walk, the weather was nice and pleasant and he felt a little fresh air would do him good.

After buying an ice-cream from the convenience store, he headed to the nearest park. It was a nice autumn day, orange and yellow everywhere. The sun warmly shining through the hollow trees and the breeze cool in comparison.

He sat on a bench and absent-mindedly ate his ice cream. The birds chirped their sweet songs calling to their loved ones.

He looked around and saw a mop of brown hair resting behind a huge oak tree. He squinted and thought of who it might be.

Instinctively he knew who it was. He got up and walked towards him. Jinyoung was stretched against the base of the tree, immersed in a book. He didn't even noticed until Mark leaned over the bark and smirked.

''Hey sexy, why are you alone on a nice day like this?''

Jinyoung broke away from his reverie and looked up. His frowning features immediately smoothed out and he looked surprised. Then it quickly darkened.

"What are you doing here?" Jinyoung snarled.

"Idk, what DO people do when they come to a park, Jinyoung?" Mark replied sarcastically, as he leaned against the tree.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes, " I mean talking to me. I warned you to stay away."

" Hey, don't blame me, I've never even listened to my own parents. So the jokes on you." Mark smirked. " Besides, my memory's a bit groggy but I'm pretty sure we had a thing going on last night."

"Nope, it was just your imagination going haywire." Jinyoung said as he rose up. " Well, if you'll excuse me I have some other place I'd rather be."

"Hey, don't be a bummer, Stay and talk to me eh?" Mark pouted. He grabbed Jinyoung's hand and tugged it.

Jinyoung immediately pulled out of his grasp. He swung forward and pushed Mark to the tree, his eyes dangerously raking over his face.

" Listen you better stay away. I don't want to play your sissy games okay. Just leave me alone. I'm warning you."

With that he turned and stormed off in the opposite direction. Leaving Mark at loss for words, he did not expect such hostility.

I mean I don't mean any harm. So what gives?

Mark shook his head and made his way home too. This Jinyoung guy was too up tight but all the more reason to break him down. Mark vowed to bring him to his knees if it was the last thing he had to do.

Let's see how long he can hide behind  his wall.

Mark smirked. Things had gotten a little interesting here in Korea.

Looks like I won't be bored so soon.

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