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Jinyoung ran as fast as he could. The trees whipped past him, branches scratching him. But he didn't care. He had to escape. He had to go back. He had to save him. When he reached the village. Horror filled him as he watched it burn. The screams of the people. Utter chaos. People trying to flee from them.

Who them?

He ran into a house but as he reached the front door. The whole house became engulfed in a fiery embrace. The flames pushed him back, towering bigger than ever, he screamed.

" No!!"

Hollowness filled him. Unable to take it, he sank to the ground, then he was captured. They came from behind and dragged him across the ground, by his hair.

" Let me go!" He kicked and screamed.

He saw the house one last time as it crumbled to the ground. Then he closed his eyes and let the agony take over. He waited for death to warm him.

Jinyoung awoke. His throat hurt so bad and his body was drenched in sweat.
This was the first time he had ever dreamt in such a long time.

At least it could've been a nicer dream.

Jinyoung frowned. But it seemed so real. The bell rang and he got up to open the door to JB and Youngjae.

" Get ready, we're going out sucker."

JB said as he strolled in, Youngjae smiled softly to Jinyoung as he passed him.

"Morning to you too." Jinyoung grumbled. He smiled back at Youngjae.

JB whistled, "Looks like someone as a rough night."
He noted at the scattered bed.

"Yeah", Jinyoung admitted scratching his head, " Can you believe I had a dream?"

"Really? A dream or a memory?" JB raised his eyebrows.

" A memory huh?" Jinyoung pondered.

"What was it about?"

"I don't remember so much. It was too hazy."


Hey, I just checked this chapter to be the shortest, likeeee shorttttt. Sorry guys, the next ones would be better. 

Jinyoung had a dream.... or was it? hehhehe. Tell me your thoughts on how this is going to go. Make it as crazy as possible.

Toodles, until next time. 

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