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"Sign these slips and register yourselves before the end of the day", the teacher called out in a bored voice as the students stood up and shuffled out of the room.

The All Department Training Workshop aka ADTW was held every year, but the location always varied. It was a training camp for all the students of every department.

Each year two departments were teamed up for the workshop and it was supposed to strengthen the unity between the college. Not that it worked or anyone was interested. It was simply a poor excuse for the kids to get drunk and make out. 

Jinyoung usually stepped out of this, but due to his last year, it was compulsory to at least attend once. And to this utmost pleasure more like pain, he had to tag along. 

He turned to the cafeteria and met up with JB and Youngjae. They all were in the same department but had been sectioned off. 

"Did you hear which department we are paired up with? Guess? It's the Psychology department. What a pair political science and psychology, Huh?", Youngjae happily chatted oblivious to Jinyoung's diminishing mood.

"Psychology huh? I have a friend over there. Hmm, let's see. Oh there he is." JB waved off a distance to some short midget that Jinyoung did not pay attention to. 

After a week, each department were seated in their own bus as they headed towards their destination. Jinyoung sat next to the window, plugged his headphones, and drowned in his thoughts that passed as the scenery flitted away before his eyes in a green blur. 

The sun filtered through the white chiffon curtains as the breeze danced it's way in. A distant humming could be heard in the kitchen as Jinyoung waddled his way towards it. A white silhouette stood in front of sink, the sound of dishes clinking  with each other.

Jinyoung smiled and came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, earning a small gasp from him. He smiled and turned up to look at Jinyoung and kissed him lightly on the lips, his name a gentle whisper across them. 

The bus jolted on a speed breaker and roused Jinyoung from his unknowing nap. He touched his lips and his eyes widened when he found out he was smiling but there were tears in his eyes.

The fuck was happening here? What kind of sappy guy am I turning into? Is it the influence of those two idiot lovebirds I'm always around. Must be it.

Jinyoung angrily swore under his breath and looked out to see that they were slowing down into their location. The bus stopped and the kids lazily stumbled out, yawning and stretching their tired limbs. Several other buses halted beside them and the same happened. This year was a mountain area, Jinyoung was glad it was gonna be a cool climate, the only thing he minded were gonna be the bugs.

The head-in- charge then gave a long whatever that was as Jinyoung did not hear. Something about rapport building with the other departments and blah blah. And the kids shuffled to their respective cabins. Two in a cabin each. 

Jinyoung found his very easily and opened the door to a cosy cabin with each bed to opposite side. A small window overlooking the mountain hill behind and two study desks divided by a single lamp in between them.

 He dropped his bag next to the small cot and settled in. It was quite a nostalgic place like it almost felt home. He sighed peacefully breathing in the mint and crisp air of the mountains.

If only there wasn't anyone to share it with. Then he'd have the whole place to himself and would be able to relish this place, how he wanted to.

Damn this workshop and it's buddy rule.

He just hoped to survive this 3 day training without any hitch and problem. No menaces or hinderances. Just him blending into the shadows away from anyone's attention.  

He looked at the time and decided to unpack in time for supper. As he was unpacking his last item, the door flung open and his roomie walked in. 

Jinyoung's body stilled at the very sound of the boots hitting the wooden floors. His body knew but his mind could  even register. His eyes widened equally reflecting his roommate's surprise. But his roomie quickly recovered as a playful smirk formed his lips.

"Well well, ain't this a surprise." Mark drawled out, his chewing gum popped and his eyes narrowed at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung just watched tongue-tied as Mark walked in with his ruffled hair and duffel bag slung across his back and plopped down to the opposite cot.

"What's wrong, cat got your tongue eh?", Mark clearly enjoying Jinyoung's dumbfoundedness.

Jinyoung cleared his throat and finally found his voice. "Nothing, just saying a silent prayer to my peace and quiet."

Mark chuckled and held up his hands in a surrendering gesture, "Hey, don't worry you can keep your space, I won't be creeping into your bed at night.... Unless you want to?"

Mark's smirk irked Jinyoung and he suddenly had an urge to punch that guy.

Why am I allowing him to toy with me so much. Chill dude

Jinyoung shook his head. He harrumphed.

"Don't hold your breath on that, you stay on your side and I on mine. Let's be civilized eh?"

Jinyoung held up his hand in a gesture of truce.

Let's just get over this and be done with these three hellish days.

Jinyoung thought. Mark on the other hand seemed to have other ideas. He smiled and shook Jinyoung's hand.

"Sure mate."

A shiver ran through Jinyoung as his hand enclosed Mark's. He closed his eyes and stilled his thoughts.

Just three days...

Jinyoung opened his eyes determined to making it through peacefully. 

But Mark swore under his breath to make this guy miserable and he was gonna have fun while he was at it.

Three days long....

Mark thought.


Three consecutive chapters. Wow. I could never- . Hahhaha. Enjoy these three. Who knows when the others might come out. Hehuehueh.😉😉

Yo yo, Grab onto your seats and wait for the ride. Hehehe. Cuz you don't know what's gonna happen next. Heck I don't even know either! Hhahaha. Jk.

Loves and kisses.💜💜

 Be sure to comment about your thoughts just cuz I love reading them. 

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