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All reason had flown out of Jinyoung's brain. All he knew was this boy in front of him, calling his name, pulling him closer. He kissed and explored Mark's body with fervor passion he never knew he had. 

When he pulled back, Mark slumped against his chest, eyes hazy, lips swollen and his sweater loosely clinging to his sweet body, a sense of possessiveness and pride ran through Jinyoung knowing he was responsible for the state Mark was in.

He growled and pulled Mark and said, "Don't let anyone touch you again. You are mine." 

After giving him a chaste kiss, he pulled him along dragging him back to their camp. 

Half dazed, Mark saw they were not far at all, and had just been going on in circles the whole time. 

Once they reached the cabin, Mark shut himself in the bathroom, his back slumped against the door, trying to calm his wild beating heart. 

The fuck was that? Since when do I lose all control of myself? And Jinyoung? 

A shiver ran through his spine just by reminiscing what had happened back there. The dark look Jinyoung gave, how his eyes pierced his soul and had left him all vulnerable. 

He turned on the shower and let all his thoughts turn soggy under the hot water. 

Is this what I want? Is this what it means to fall for someone so much that you forget your own self?

This foreign thought scared the hell out of Mark. He had never bared his soul to anyone. It stripped him of all his defenses. He wondered if it did too for Jinyoung. 

When he stepped out in the room, he noticed Jinyoung was sitting in the dark on his bed, he shuffled slowly and sat and leaned against him. 

Jinyoung took his hands into his and drew butterflies on his pale wrist. Mark shuddered lightly. 

They sat in a comfortable silence until Jinyoung spoke up.

"This is dangerous, you really don't know what I am."

"I know, and I guess I had a notion already." Mark smiled and he lightly touched that spot of his neck where Jinyoung had bitten him at the party. A fading mark.

JInyoung's eyes widened as he followed that path and joined the dots. 

"Is it really possible? In this era?" Mark joked, "So do you sleep in coffins huh?"

Jinyoung turned his solemn eyes to Mark, pinning him with his eyes, caging him right there on that spot. 

"It's not a joke. I could hurt you. We could-" Jinoyung started.

"Shh-" Mark pushed his finger to JIinyoung's sweet lips. "Let's just go along where the river takes us."

They lay facing each other as Jinyoung told how he had always felt alone, and kept to himself. Mark told him the same, except his way of coping was to go around wanting the heat of someone next to him. Waking up to stranger every morning. 

Jinyoung lay his hand lightly on Mark's face, and Mark closed eyes and felt him embrace his whole entirety. 

When he opened his eyes, Jinyoung saw love and something that burned Jinyoung. Once again his passion reignited. With a surrendering groan, he lowered to kiss Mark, encapturing his lips, making it his. 

Mark slipped his arms around his neck and pulled him closer till there was no space between, the bodies molding together. Jinyoung flipped and straddled him, he slid Mark's clothes off and traced a trail of hot kisses to his neck and downwards.  

He sucked on his sweet spot driving Mark crazy. He thrashed and moaned uncontrollably. Mark leaned forward and ripped Jinyoung's shirt. He licked his lips when he met with the hard planes of his chest. The room went silent all except for their breathing. They discarded the remaining clothes. And desperately explored each other. Breathing ragged. Tracing their mark on the other. 

Jinyoung then took control and prepared Mark, Mark arched his back and called out his name. When he was ready, he positioned himself in front of Mark and looked down. His eyes searching for Mark's. 

Mark opened his eyes, passion reflecting back. He saw that Jinyoung's eyes had a hint of red. He shivered, not in fear but in pleasure. He felt belonged. 

Jinyoung slowly entered him, Mark gasped hard and arched his back trying to take it in all. They paused for a minute. Jinyoung gulping hard trying his damnedest hard to hold in his control. 

Mark had lost all his, he reached out to Jinyoung calling for him, begging him for release. Jinyoung snapped and obliged, giving Mark what he wanted and more. Jinyoung found that spot that drove Mark on the edge. 

Jinyoung still fighting Mark's scent brushed his nose against his neck. He was going wild. Mark stilled and then said something that Jinyoung wouldn't never have imagined.

"It's okay."

Jinyoung looked into Mark's eyes and melted with what he saw. 

He licked his lips and bit his fangs into Mark's soft skin, savoring the sweet taste that came through. Mark gasped at the tantalizing sensation and arched his back off the bed. 

All of a sudden, his pupils dilated and memories came rushing through. 

Jinyoung had experienced the same. It shook them to the core and they went to the edge of paradise. Scalding hot white light engulfing both of them. 

They slumped back down, both trying to regain their composure. Jinyoung looked at Mark who had tears flowing down his face. 

He gathered Mark and whispered.

"Finally I found you again."

Mark smiled softly and said.

"You kept your promise. Kept you so long."

I see you, I see you and you're dazzling
You see me, look at me, my heart's fluttering

I see you, I see you and you're dazzling
You see me, look at me, everything stops

You reflect in my eyes (Baby you're so beautiful)
I fill my heart with you (Baby let me know)

You and me, just us two, everything stops in this moment

I wanna make it so no one else can see you
I wanna hide you in the moonlight so only I can see you

I'll gather all the memories of you and engrave it in the
moonlight – I want to color the night sky with you and me




I must be high, or am I? I even dreamt about Jinyoung. He finally confessed his love to me. Ah my sweet. Hhahahah. (❁'◡'❁)

I forgot how to write steamy scenes anymore. Hope this was adequate. Do tell me how u guys felt.

Anyways enjoy this story, the end is near. Hope you comment and show love! 



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