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All right, so after only about 24 hours, I've nearly finished this story! Time to get to work posting it between relaxing in various ways and taking care of household chores! I hope y'all enjoy reading as much as I've enjoyed writing it!


"Ya must be outta your ever-loving mind!"

Forty-three-Year-old Bobby Dall looked down at the handset of his house phone, which lay on the counter in front of him, in utter shock. The voice on the other End, an executive producer with the popular TV channel VH1, had just managed to completely blow his mind with what it'd told him. He'd been through and thought a lotta different things over the course of his Life, but he never woulda imagined something like what he'd just heard–which honestly had him wanting to go check his drawers for skid marks.

"Nah, not outta my mind, Bobby," the guy–whose name he now couldn't remember–laughed. "Just passing on what my boss came up with outta nowhere."

"But why pick me?" he asked, now starting to come back to his senses. "I mean, it's not like I front my band–in fact, I prefer staying outta the spotlight outside said band."

"I guess 'cuz of that very reason," came the response. "You're so Mysterious to the majority of folks, and being the only brunette in Poison only addsta that effect. No doubt the public wantsta know more aboutcha, even though what they could learn from such a show might very well be lies."

"I'm too honest for that kinda shit," Bobby snorted as he rolled his eyes. "What they see's what they'll get."

"So you're agreeing to do it, then?" he was asked.

"Fuck, I might as well," the bassist answered on a sigh. "I'm just gonna make it clear right now that we're not doing this anywhere near my home, and my kids aren't to be involved in the slightest beyond me disclosing that I'ma dad on camera."

"Fair enough, especially if they're minors and you're their custodial parent."

He was told in no uncertain terms that the producer needed to go talk to his boss to hammer out more of a game-plan before he could really hammer out things with him. He'd be getting a call back at some point to talk about doing this show, the premise behind it, what it'd be called, etc. in the near Future. For now, there wasn't really much he could do, and therefore not much they needed from him.

Ending the call that'd shocked him utterly shitless when he answered it, Bobby heaved another sigh as he set the handset back on its charger base. He wasn't quite sure what the hell he'd just gotten himself into, or if it was the best thing for any aspect of his Life, especially his kids. He definitely didn't know that the one band mate he'd a helluva blow-out with just a couple weeks ago had been offered an identical shot to do such a show. But then again, when he sat and thought about it, maybe this was about to be the best thing he'd ever had–maybe this was his chance at finding the kinda Love that could cross Time and Space.

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