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It seemed like Time suddenly screeched to a halt the second that question left Bobby's lips, his mouth and throat suddenly dry as a Desert. Those beautiful baby-blues watched him for a few moments, and he felt like his heart was about to fly outta his chest as he awaited her response. Nothing on this Planet'd ever made him as nervous as a simple yes or no answer, not even his first show on a stage bigger than what was normally found in a bar or club.

The grin that split her face after toying with him for a few moments was downright devious, but Blaze still finally made her way over to him. He still literally and figuratively held his breath, knowing she could very well be letting him think she was about to say yes before she actually broke his heart. Not just broke his heart, given that he was pretty sure he'd fallen madly in Love with her, but publicly humiliated him too much to ever recover from.

Feeling her grab the lapel of the jacket he wore over his simple dress shirt was a bit of a surprise, as denoted by the way his eyes widened at first. But when he felt her tugging him down slightly, his brain quickly forced itself into gear and he went with whatever she was about to do. The sensation of her lips gently pressing to his was an even bigger shock, and in more ways than one, but in all the best ways. Now he understood why she'd refused so much as a gentle, chaste peck over the course of the last couple months as it felt like fireworks started exploding in his heart and Soul.

"Is breá liom tú–dóthain chun déan na dealga de chuid do Rós níos mó ná fiú é," the ginger said after breaking the kiss and moving up next to his ear so only he'd hear her.

"What? I'm afraid I don't speak Swahili," Bobby said, barely biting back a laugh as he teased her.

"I'll translate it later," she promised. "Not something I want caught on camera, no matter how much I mean it."

"Ooh, must be something dirty," the bassist chuckled, earning him a gentle smack to the chest. "Jeez, not even in the hotel room yet, and you're already beating me!"

"If ya think it's bad now, just wait till we're up in that hotel room!" Blaze shot back, her grin belying any Anger that seemed to lace her words.

"Oh, boy–da fuq have I gotten myself into now?" he asked, mocking Fear at the Thought of what she was gonna do to him.

A solid smack landed across his rump, and he couldn't help gasping before letting out a low growl that warned her she was starting to push it. He hadn't forgotten that afternoon when he'd posed the phone sex challenge at the Beginning of this Madness, and what it'd resulted in for him. Even as he ripped at the mic and Sound pack he'd been wired up with, he wasn't about to let her think he'd forgotten in all this Time.

Once they were unwired and the crew was off to pack up their gear, Bobby swept up the woman he was ecstatic to call his Goddess of Rock. Cradling her to his chest, he leaned down to kiss her again before heading into the building, where he was glad that most other patrons'd already gone to their rooms. He didn't exactly wanna be disturbed on their way upstairs, and certainly not by fans eager for something that was far from his mind at the moment. This was one of those Times that he considered the Time his, and unless he was getting paid a significant amount of money, he wasn't losing a single moment of it.

In his–thankfully–soundproofed suite, the bassist set the woman in his arms back on her feet, if only so he could close the main door. He hadn't gotten laid in months–easily since before that infamous Down-Home Showdown back in August just Days before his last tour Ended. Now that, as far as anyone who eventually watched this insane show was concerned, he'd won the heart of this young woman–well, he Intended to at least try to take things further in a physical sense.

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