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Over the course of the next Day, Blaze and Raven were left to their own devices while the bassist was thinking over everything he'd been through the past couple months and making his final decision. The brunette sister was a bit surprised to find out that the ginger'd admitted to being a mother, even if it was a bit overdue. She talked about the twins as seldomly as their potential suitor seemed to talk about his own kids, maybe even more so, considering the aspect of Danger that lurked over their heads.

Blaze hadn't been kidding when she'd said that her babies' father was incarcerated for Life without parole, and she'd every reason to be wary. She hadn't known quite how dangerous he really was when she first hooked up with him, just that he'd his shady moments from Time to Time. Only when he was arrested for first-degree murder did she find out just what he was capable of, and it'd sickened her to her core.

The man who'd fathered Corona and Corvus'd committed the brutal murder of a young, pregnant woman just a few miles away from where they were living together. That poor young woman'd proven to be an ex-girlfriend of his, and the child was one he was determined to snuff out before it'd a true chance at Life. He didn't know for sure that it was his, 'cuz he swore his ex'd cheated on him plenty of Times before they ultimately split. Even if he was the father, though, he was the type that didn't want kids–and unlike Raven, it wasn't just 'cuz he wanted to advance in Life more before having any.

"I mean, what can I say?" the ginger chuckled. "Bobby admitted to being a daddy without me having to ask him, so why shouldn't I admit to being a mommy without being asked?"

"I guess that's fair enough," Raven agreed with a nod. "I'm still just surprised, after Kyle and all that bullshit."

"Something tells me I'll never have to worry about that kinda shit outta Bobby," she told her. "I mean, he's two kids of his own–why would he wanna hurt mine?"

"Fair point," the brunette admitted.

"Besides, let's face it–he's more reason to worry about me killing him for his money than I've to worry about him hurting the twins," Blaze pointed out.

"Now, we both know you're not like that," her baby sister gently admonished her.

"We both know that, but how's he supposed to without truly getting to know me?"

Unable to really come up with a response since once again, she knew her big sister was right, Raven simply chose to shut up while she was still ahead. They were trying to relax as much as they could before that Night's elimination, even though they were both already pretty certain of who was gonna be deemed the winner. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the bassist was more likely to pick, but they were still nervous about it.

As they physically prepared themselves later that Eve, Blaze couldn't help a few jitters as she decided to go all-out with her appearance. Even if she was the one who wound up getting eliminated, tonight was too special for her to not dress up far more than she'd done for any other elimination thus far. In fact, even the brunette woman was dressing and dolling up more than she'd done any other Time during the past couple months 'cuz it was such a special and momentous occasion. And just as they finished up their preparations, a knock sounded at their suite door that denoted the moment of Truth'd finally arrived.

Down on the Beach that pretty much served as a back yard to China for their hotel, Bobby waited under the cabaña for the pair of women he'd to choose between. There was less Wind to blow his hair in his face, considering he'd long ago given up wearing bandanas unless he really needed to. Wrapping a piece of cloth around his forehead to hold his hair back was Bret's thing, not his, and it'd be that way till the Days both their coffins were put in the ground.

His wait after sending Big John up to get them wasn't long, and he was beyond stunned once he clapped eyes on the pair of sisters. Both'd apparently decided to go all-out tonight, but their style choices suited both of them perfectly, flattering their gorgeous physiques rather than making them look horrible. Granted, Blaze was obviously more attractive to him, even in a corset and leather mini skirt that took him back to Times and places he hadn't been for twenty Years. Still, a smile crept across his face as the bassist took in Raven's cocktail dress that clung to her like a second skin and accented her mile-long legs as well as a pair of stilettos. They were both ravishing in their own ways, and he wasn't about to make them feel like anything less as he let his eyes rake up them.

"Ladies," he said by way of greeting.

"Good Eve," they responded in unison, their hands folded behind their backs.

"Well, to steal an Aerosmith lyric for a minute, the moment of Truth has arrived," Bobby chuckled, causing them to giggle. "Let's get this show on the road–or more aptly, wrapped up–shall we?"

"We shall," they agreed, a grin splitting Raven's face.

"Raven, I'm pretty sure we'd make some damn good lovers–in another Lifetime," the bassist started. "Sure, we've a chemistry I just didn't have with any other contestant the last couple months, but there're some things that're just deal-breakers for me."

"Like my not wanting kids," Raven said bluntly, purposely making it sound like they'd merely talked about the possibility of starting a family, not that he already had one.

"Yeah, that's one of my deal-breakers," the bassist admitted. "Despite having always been more attracted to the Dark-toned, Mysterious types like myself, I just can't manage to get past that one."

She merely nodded her understanding, still being careful not to give away the fact that he was a daddy.

"That being said, I think of ya as a friend, but I don't think it can go any further than that," Bobby concluded with a slightly sad smile. "Maybe if we were in another Time and place, but not where we're currently at in our Lives."

"Hey, I get it," the brunette woman chuckled. "Besides, I think it's pretty obvious who ya really want, even if the reasons why're anything but."

A bit surprised that she'd seen through him so easily, it took him a moment to Return the hug she gave him before she turned to her big sister.

"Téigh fháil dó, Tigress, agus a dhéanamh bródúil as dom," Raven said just loud enough for her mic to pick up before she released her grip and headed back into the hotel.

"Do I even wanna know what she just said?" the bassist asked on a nervous chuckle as she turned to him.

"I doubt it–not as much as I wanna hear what you've to say about me," she giggled.

"Well, in that case," Bobby laughed. "Blaze, I gotta say–ya came into my Life when I least expected it and certainly set damn near everything about it on Fire."

The ginger couldn't help letting out a harder, louder laugh of her own at that choice phrase.

"There's just something aboutcha that I've never quite been able to name," he continued. "If I'm honest with both of us, I haven't felt like this since I was an idiot twenty-three-Year-old still wet behind the ears not long after I met my ex-wife."

"Oh, wow–that bodes soooo well for our Future," Blaze drawled, her smirk belying the sarcasm her tone was dripping with.

"Hey, cut me some slack–it's been twenty Years since then!" the bassist laughed a mite defensively.

"Yeah, that's right–you're older and not quite as dumb now, am I right?" she asked, clearly baiting him for some playful banter.

"Oh, I'm older, all right–but I'm still every bit as dumb when I wanna be," Bobby answered with a grin. "But I think that's one of the many reasons we work so well together. Ya gimme shit over being an idiot sometimes, but it's always in a playful way like this that makes it fun–and sometimes makes me think–while still covering my six almost as much as Big John does."

"I just cover it in different ways than him," the ginger chuckled.

"Different ways that're all the best ones," he agreed. "Those things considered, I've one last question for ya..."

Blaze didn't even bother holding her breath, already knowing what that question was gonna be before he even asked it.

"Blaze, will ya get your gorgeous ass over here and continue rocking my World as my Goddess of Rock?"

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