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^^ Shield Bracers ^^

'Classes' at the college weren't a regular thing, I learned. The library was the 'classroom', and the back courtyard was where the Fencing Instructor went to give tips and spar with people, but for the most part it was self-study, and a few Master Mages were around if you wanted to ask questions.

As I was pretty sure I'd managed to piss off five very powerful Elementals, I decided some protection might be nice, so I spent the next week before the other students got there memorizing every single shield spell in the first-year library. They weren't very powerful, but as most of them were automatic and required no conscious thought to keep up, and only drained mana when they were used, they were actually pretty handy to have around.

Casting them in front of a Proctor proved enough to have 'mastered' them, so I was again left to my own devices, until I was interrupted with a very loud voice in my ear.


I leaned away from the communication stone uselessly, as it was dangling from my ear. "Oh, hello mother. Good morning to you to." I smiled, and turned a page in the book I was reading, about the effects of barriers on solid objects. It was rife with small mistakes in the science, but the theory was sound, so far.

"Come. Home."

"I will not. I have already located the Princess, and have confirmed that the Elementals here are, for the most part, unaware of any plans involving our home. They knew of Gristle, as a 'Highly Respected and Decorated Scout', and they recognized the material of my armor as Elemental Hide. They were suitably shocked and offended by it, as I intended. It set them onto their back feet, giving me the advantage in the inevitable confrontation; I have also discovered that the enchantment I stumbled upon made me a Pureblooded Elemental, and they fear me for it, another advantage I used to avoid a lethal duel. One of them is something called an Arch-Elemental, and is able to shift his body's anatomy to two different elements, Fire and Ice. I'm under the impression that Fire is the Physically Superior of the two, and Ice is the Magically Superior. Soon I will have more information." I replied calmly, making sure Mother Luna and Medea were included in the conversation.

She was silent for a moment, and then spoke again. "Impressive, but that doesn't change anything."

"It does, in fact. I was also attacked by two assassins; one an Air Elemental that I have captured in a jar of honey, and the other who was convinced to work for me. She gave up her employer rather quickly; someone in the Queen's Clan, the Noble Fire Clan, was a bit pissed that I killed Gristle. She was paired with the Air Elemental, who was her contact with her employer. The air Elemental has the true form of a small pixie made of crystal, which she spreads out into a thin dust, controlling a full-sized body made of Air, much like a monster controls a body made of slime. A shot from Medea's Force Spell condensed her into crystal again, but didn't harm her. She is unable to re-expand inside the honey, but seems to not need air to breath; with no visible organs, I believe she is entirely inorganic in nature." I continued, turning another page.

"Really? Huh... I'd like to examine-" Medea began, and Mama interrupted.

"Don't encourage her?!? How did she even get into the college? Didn't you scan all the participants?!?"

"She did. I was better than she expected, and I shapeshifted my face and changed the color and shape of my hair, as well as she hadn't seen me since my increase in height and muscle mass. I gave her a false name and story about my being a member of the White Cliffs Clan, and seeing as I look like an Ice Elemental, she believed me." I smirked, giving Medea an Out.

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